Neighborhood watch captain kills black teen - doesn't get arrested

The30YardSlant;4479913 said:
Not true, his sworn testimony would only be enough to prevent any sort of murder charge. His negligence prior to the actual incident, which can be shown based on 911 calls and his own account, is a very real aspect of this case.

Essentially Zimmerman's own testimony, in conjecture with the 911 calls, proves neglect. And if his statement is not entered into evidence, he may not be able to escape a more serious charge. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Don't think for a second though that showing he didnt start the fight entirely exonerates him.

what negligence? following a suspect is not a criminal activity.
Eric_Boyer;4479875 said:
there still isn't sufficient cause for arrest.

you do know Zimmerman was handcuffed, detained, and transported to the police station I hope.

i did not know this. i thought he was questioned at the scene and let go there.
Romo_To_Dez;4479916 said:
So could the Girlfriends claims that Zimmerman confronted and followed Trayvon and may have heard Zimmerman push Trayvon and start some kind of physical contact.

her testimony is that Martin confronted Zimmerman. she then claims that Martins ear piece must of fallen out, and speculates that because of that Zimmerman started the fight. that is extremely weak testimony, it would be laughed out of a court room.
iceberg;4479918 said:
i did not know this. i thought he was questioned at the scene and let go there.

that is what the media wants us to believe. he spent hours at the police station, in an interrogation room
Eric_Boyer;4479911 said:
there is zero evidence to warrant an arrest, let alone a conviction.

How do you know that there is Zero evidence? You're not waiting for the investigation to be over and are assuming Zimmerman's innocence it seems as much as others are assuming his guilt.

If there is no evidence than it's because as you said the the SPD was unprofessional.
Eric_Boyer;4479922 said:
her testimony is that Martin confronted Zimmerman. she then claims that Martins ear piece must of fallen out, and speculates that because of that Zimmerman started the fight. that is extremely weak testimony, it would be laughed out of a court room.

If ZImmerman has the right to ask "What are you doing here." Then does Trayvon not have the right to ask someone who is following him why are they doing so?
Eric_Boyer;4479911 said:
there is zero evidence to warrant an arrest, let alone a conviction.

In 2010 a man in Florida was convicted of manslaughter for hitting a jaywalker. Even though the guy he hit was in violation of the law, the driver's neglect was still partially responsible for the death.

Neglect which produces casualities is cause for arrest. In essence any fight that occurred, regardless of who threw the first punch, can be linked to Zimmerman's negligence.
Romo_To_Dez;4479924 said:
How do you know that there is Zero evidence? You're not waiting for the investigation to be over and are assuming Zimmerman's innocence it seems as much as others are assuming his guilt.

If there is no evidence than it's because as you said the the SPD was unprofessional.

I am talking about the known evidence.

if you want to deal in conspiracy, you can pretend the police are sitting on evidence that would hurt Zimmerman, but I won't follow you down that rabbit hole.
The30YardSlant;4479931 said:
If your logic were actually used in our legal system, speeding which results in casualities would never result in manslaughter convictions. In 2010 a man in Florida was convicted of manslaughter for hitting a jaywalker. Even though the guy he hit was in violation of the law, the driver's neglect was still partially responsible for the death.

breaking the law by speeding can't be compared to not breaking the law by keeping a suspect under observation.
Romo_To_Dez;4479928 said:
If ZImmerman has the right to ask "What are you doing here." Then does Trayvon not have the right to ask someone who is following him why are they doing so?

sure, but he can't attack Zimmerman, which is the testimony the police are going by unless anybody can produce other evidence to the contrary
Eric_Boyer;4479917 said:
what negligence?

He (a civilian) disregarded police warnings, followed Trayvon, exited his car and confronted him. We don't know who "started" the fight, but because Zimmerman is the one who shot him as long as it can be shown that Trayvon would still be alive had Zimmerman not carried out those actions prior to his death he's guilty of manslaughter.
Alright on CNN they say that Trayvon did get suspended for ten days, because they found a bag with what may have been weed.

But it will only impact the case if he was under the influence that night. However weed is not something a person should die over.

Also Zimmerman was let go with his gun and clothes, just because Zimmerman claimed Self Defense does not mean that the SPD couldn't have tested his clothes and gun.
The30YardSlant;4479943 said:
He (a civilian) disregarded police warnings, followed Trayvon, exited his car and confronted him. We don't know who "started" the fight, but as long as it can be shown that Trayvon would still be alive had Zimmerman not carried out those actions prior to his death he's guilty of manslaughter.

nope. he followed them exactly.

prove otherwise.

"let me know if he does anything"

"he is running"

"are you following"


"you don't have to "

Eric_Boyer;4479936 said:
sure, but he can't attack Zimmerman, which is the testimony the police are going by unless anybody can produce other evidence to the contrary

Zimmerman's side admitted that he was allowed to go home in clothes. Easy for evidence not to be collected if the SPD doesn't care about doing so.

So if anything Zimmerman could go free because the SPD failed to collect proper evidence or do anything could contradict Zimmerman's' story.

Even we agree that they acted unprofessional and them being unprofessional may have lost evidence. Are there even pictures of Zimmerman's broken nose or we are suppose to trust the word of an unprofessional Police Department with a history of bad work?
Eric_Boyer;4479950 said:
nope. he followed them exactly.

prove otherwise.

"let me know if he does anything"

"he is running"

"are you following"


"you don't have to "


GF's statement says other wise, either he confronted him or he did not
Eric_Boyer;4479935 said:
breaking the law by speeding can't be compared to not breaking the law by keeping a suspect under observation.

Which is why there is a legal differentiation between "negligence" and "criminal negligence". One is in and of itself illegal and worthy of punishment (such as speeding), one is not inherently illegal but can be used against someone in a court of law.
Romo_To_Dez;4479959 said:
GF's statement says other wise, either he confronted him or he did not

the girlfriend says that Martin confronted Zimmerman. get it right just once.
The30YardSlant;4479960 said:
Which is why there is a legal differentiation between "negligence" and "criminal negligence". One is in and of itself illegal and worthy of punishment (such as speeding), one is not inherently illegal but can be used against someone in a court of law.

a month after the event, any arrest that comes forward would be more motivated by politics then legalese
Eric_Boyer;4479964 said:
the girlfriend says that Martin confronted Zimmerman. get it right just once.

It's not about getting it right. It's about not losing. :p:
The30YardSlant;4479660 said:
Perhaps, but legally it doesnt matter either way. Why he approached him is irrelevant, only whether or not Trayvon's actions justified the shooting matter and it does not appear at this point that they did.

Just because a gun makes you "feel" brave doesnt mean it changes the legality of your actions. He appears guilty regardless of how brave he felt.

I think you and I may have different definitions of bravery.

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