Neighborhood watch captain kills black teen - doesn't get arrested

Doomsday101;4481438 said:
I flipped pages. My 1st reaction was the same as most as more info has come out I have gotten to the point of wait and see. I'm a big believer in innocent until proven guilty and upset with myself for jumping the gun. Maybe Zimmerman is guilty, maybe he is not. Maybe the truth is some where in between.

Don't be upset at yourself Dooms. You are supposed to jump the gun. That's what they want from everyone right now.

Pretty soon this guy Zimmerman won't even be allowed a trial, the way its going. The Black Panthers gonna get somebody. It doesn't even have to be Zimmerman, just someone that is white.

Zimmerman is white right? Raised white and is a snake carrying preacher, correct?
Doomsday101;4481429 said:
So all he was doing was walking? What else did you see?

Again Zimmerman saw something he felt warranted a call to the non emergency 911 dispatcher. Was he just being over paranoid maybe but then in a gated community people that are part of the watch groups tend to know who is living within the community and give recent break in's they had experienced and the fact an unknown teenager was walking through here caused concern.

I will try again to explain myself. I don't know what happened nor do you, we know what is being reported from 1 side. As more info comes out maybe it will paint a clearer picture. I do think the police botched this

I don't need you to explain yourself, I get what you're saying just fine. You should try seeing it from the other side sometime, it's not as difficult as it seems.

We know that Zimmerman didn't report Trayvon doing anything other than looking like he's on drugs. He doesn't report him actually doing anything worthy of suspicion other than "looking messed up". He doesn't say, "There's a stranger walking around that I've never seen around here. There have been a lot of break ins, and I thought I'd call to have you guys check him out."

He calls, says Trayvon looks high and messed up and that "these guys always get away", calls him an ***** punk(or whatever he said), etc. This is before they've even said two words to each other.

Zimmerman hasn't said much, but his friends and lawyer have said a little bit. At no point has anyone on Zimmerman's side, or Zimmerman's own statements, explained what Trayvon was doing that made him so suspicious.

I'm just going off what's been reported, you are trying to remove racial profiling off the table based on what HASN'T been said. It could come out that Zimmerman did in fact see Trayvon going through peoples mail boxes or hitting a crack pipe, but it hasn't yet. How are you so sure he wasn't profiled based on what HAS NOT come out?
Dallas;4481453 said:
Don't be upset at yourself Dooms. You are supposed to jump the gun. That's what they want from everyone right now.
They who?

Pretty soon this guy Zimmerman won't even be allowed a trial, the way its going. The Black Panthers gonna get somebody. It doesn't even have to be Zimmerman, just someone that is white.

Zimmerman is white right? Raised white and is a snake carrying preacher, correct?
And please spare us this nonsense from the thread. It's pretty inflammatory and just not really needed.

The "New Black Panthers" do not represent anyone but a handful of ambulance chasing activists looking for cause so they can get in front of the camera. They just irk my soul.
TheCount;4481457 said:
I don't need you to explain yourself, I get what you're saying just fine. You should try seeing it from the other side sometime, it's not as difficult as it seems.

We know that Zimmerman didn't report Trayvon doing anything other than looking like he's on drugs. He doesn't report him actually doing anything worthy of suspicion other than "looking messed up". He doesn't say, "There's a stranger walking around that I've never seen around here. There have been a lot of break ins, and I thought I'd call to have you guys check him out."

He calls, says Trayvon looks high and messed up and that "these guys always get away", calls him an ***** punk(or whatever he said), etc. This is before they've even said two words to each other.

Zimmerman hasn't said much, but his friends and lawyer have said a little bit. At no point has anyone on Zimmerman's side, or Zimmerman's own statements, explained what Trayvon was doing that made him so suspicious.

I'm just going off what's been reported, you are trying to remove racial profiling off the table based on what HASN'T been said. It could come out that Zimmerman did in fact see Trayvon going through peoples mail boxes or hitting a crack pipe, but it hasn't yet. How are you so sure he wasn't profiled based on what HAS NOT come out?

Your mayor is cracking down on hoodies btw. You shouldn't vote for that guy next time. But I hear since the cops are allowed to stop/frisk suspicious looking dudes, crime has actually gone down and shooting related crime/murder especially. Like record lows, ever.

How can that be? It's not fair.
The cop who made the "Act like a Thug, die like one" Comment was very insensitive and shows how some think that Trayvon deserved to Die which is sad.

No matter what his problems in school are or if he attacked Zimmerman (We will never know Trayvon's mindset and if he feared for his well being) Trayvon did not ask to be accused of doing something wrong and have the cops called on him or to be put in a situation which got him killed
WoodysGirl;4481466 said:
They who?

And please spare us this nonsense from the thread. It's pretty inflammatory and just not really needed.

The "New Black Panthers" do not represent anyone but a handful of ambulance chasing activists looking for cause so they can get in front of the camera. They just irk my soul.

Everyone knows that they represent black people around the world, just like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are the chosen representatives of every African-American in the country. Duh.
WoodysGirl;4481466 said:
They who?

And please spare us this nonsense from the thread. It's pretty inflammatory and just not really needed.

The "New Black Panthers" do not represent anyone but a handful of ambulance chasing activists looking for cause so they can get in front of the camera. They just irk my soul.

The media. Go to the beginning of this story and see how it started out. At the end, like today, you might actually see what we are saying. :cool:
TheCount;4481471 said:
Everyone knows that they represent black people around the world, just like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are the chosen representatives of every African-American in the country. Duh.

Thank you conclusion jumper. :lmao2: You had no clue who I meant. But thanks for speaking for me bruh.
03EBZ06;4481445 said:
Like what? Or did he see what he wanted to see?

I'm with you about letting this all play out and see what happens, but I'm really interested in Why Zimmerman was suspicious of TM, aside from just not knowing him, I just don't buy this notion of not knowing some one in a gated community warrants suspicion. I'm also interested in how the confrontation got initiated.

I'm also on board with innocent until proven guilty statement, but did Zimmerman gave that same consideration to TM?

Did he see something or what he wanted to see? I don't know is the public hearing and believe what they want to believe?

I don't know we were not there to claim how Martin was acting. Calling 911 I don't see as an issue even if Zimmerman was being overly paranoid. Problem I had was the perception that when told not to follow him it was reported as if Zimmerman just ignored the 911 operator and continued to follow. Now I hear that Zimmerman may have been returning to his car doing as the 911 operator told him and was confronted by Martin. Is that the facts? I don't know this is what I need to know
TheCount;4481471 said:
Everyone knows that they represent black people around the world, just like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are the chosen representatives of every African-American in the country. Duh.

Blame us because that's what the media portrays? Really? Huh, one would think you would be upset at THEM and not me.

The Black Panther Party is front and center in this nonsense. I should be able to comment on them because of the rediculousness they are calling for.
Doomsday101;4481393 said:
But for all you know those other calls Zimmerman made could have been white teenagers who were going through this gated community that raised concerns. All too often we take our own personal bias based on events that took place in our own lives and add that to a case we see on TV.

Heck I always see people around here take their own live experience and add that to what is going on. Problem is we don't know what actually took place. Already Zimmerman is profiled as a racist, do you know for a fact he is? I don't if he is or isn't.

We will see what happens to see if Zimmerman profiled Trayvon because he was Black. The tape that some say he said a racist slur on is being broken down by the FBI I believe to see if that was what is really said.
TheCount;4481457 said:
I don't need you to explain yourself, I get what you're saying just fine. You should try seeing it from the other side sometime, it's not as difficult as it seems.

We know that Zimmerman didn't report Trayvon doing anything other than looking like he's on drugs. He doesn't report him actually doing anything worthy of suspicion other than "looking messed up". He doesn't say, "There's a stranger walking around that I've never seen around here. There have been a lot of break ins, and I thought I'd call to have you guys check him out."

He calls, says Trayvon looks high and messed up and that "these guys always get away", calls him an ***** punk(or whatever he said), etc. This is before they've even said two words to each other.

Zimmerman hasn't said much, but his friends and lawyer have said a little bit. At no point has anyone on Zimmerman's side, or Zimmerman's own statements, explained what Trayvon was doing that made him so suspicious.

I'm just going off what's been reported, you are trying to remove racial profiling off the table based on what HASN'T been said. It could come out that Zimmerman did in fact see Trayvon going through peoples mail boxes or hitting a crack pipe, but it hasn't yet. How are you so sure he wasn't profiled based on what HAS NOT come out?

I have looked at it from both sides have you? You say Martin was just walking how do you know that were you there? NO you were not to say Zimmerman just profiled a black kid do you know this? No you can't read minds. You make claims based on the intial reports you have made up your mind. As for the racial aspect yes when I see a close friend of Zimmerman stand up and put himself in the line of fine who happens to be a black man then yes I have reason to doubt that Zimmerman was the racist that he has been portayed by a media who love to stoke the fire of racial hatred in this country. That same media is not reporting black on black crimes why it does not sell but these stories do. In my vew the Media has jumped the gun on this as much as the police have botched the case.
TheCount;4481471 said:
Everyone knows that they represent black people around the world, just like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are the chosen representatives of every African-American in the country. Duh.
And them two... The thirst for national relevancy is strong with them.

I think for every good thing they may have done over the years, they've tarnished it by standing front and center in front of too many BS causes.

Dallas;4481473 said:
The media. Go to the beginning of this story and see how it started out. At the end, like today, you might actually see what we are saying. :cool:
There's that evil media if I have no control over what I think or believe.

Could it be that I just hold Zimmerman responsible because in this case I find he acted irresponsibly? I'm totally open to whatever findings that come out, but ultimately a kid is dead because Zimmerman didn't use good sense and wait for the police to arrive. He's the adult in this scenario and I tend to hold adults to a higher standard. What if the situation was reversed and he died because Trayvon had a gun, too, and whipping GZ's butt, decided to shoot him?

Two families still would've been destroyed, because GZ didn't stand down.
Dallas;4481484 said:
Blame us because that's what the media portrays? Really? Huh, one would think you would be upset at THEM and not me.

The Black Panther Party is front and center in this nonsense. I should be able to comment on them because of the rediculousness they are calling for.

Many Black people are ashamed if the Black Panthers just like many white people are with the KKK.

I wish that the BP kept their mouths shut
Romo_To_Dez;4481489 said:
We will see what happens to see if Zimmerman profiled Trayvon because he was Black. The tape that some say he said a racist slur on is being broken down by the FBI I believe to see if that was what is really said.

I listened to the tape this morning on CNN you can't make out what was said clearly. As Zimmerman friend again a black man says "I guess people will hear what they want to hear" He and his family have listened to it over and over and they can't make out what was said. In the meantime they have come under fire because they are friends of Zimmerman.
My issue is that the Sharptons and the Jacksons and the Panthers and the Farakhans are allowed and given voice by the media and they are FAR louder than our regular every day black americans. That is a tragedy. The regular brothers and sisters are getting hosed, but it just doesn't seem they have a voice to put themselves out and over these divisionists.

That is a huge concern I have and why I loathe the media and the assistance its giving them during this and other similar situations only to enchance and flame racial divides and to keep us all seperated and divded. Are you happy?

This is all you see on your TV. That's all you read about.

Where are the millions and millions of great black americans? Where is that voice in this craziness?

To me it appears muted and never gets a chance to get to "11" like these fools voices.
Romo_To_Dez;4481496 said:
Many Black people are ashamed if the Black Panthers just like many white people are with the KKK.

I wish that the BP kept their mouths shut

I cannot stand the KKK, but they don't get near the media attention that these divisionist get. They are rarely heard or ever reported about.

Why? Because its ignorance and the media does the right thing where the KKK is concerned. They don't however do the same thing where Sharpton and Jackson and the Panthers are concerned. Why is that? Hrmmmmm

Makes you wonder, or it should.
WoodysGirl;4481495 said:
And them two... The thirst for national relevancy is strong with them.

I think for every good thing they may have done over the years, they've tarnished it by standing front and center in front of too many BS causes.

There's that evil media if I have no control over what I think or believe.

Could it be that I just hold Zimmerman responsible because in this case I find he acted irresponsibly? I'm totally open to whatever findings that come out, but ultimately a kid is dead because Zimmerman didn't use good sense and wait for the police to arrive. He's the adult in this scenario and I tend to hold adults to a higher standard. What if the situation was reversed and he died because Trayvon had a gun, too, and whipping GZ's butt, decided to shoot him?

Two families still would've been destroyed, because GZ didn't stand down.

In fairness if Zimmerman did return to his vehicle after being told not to follow him and then is confronted does that change anything in your view?
Doomsday101;4481491 said:
I have looked at it from both sides have you?

Of course I have, which is why I have been asking for an arrest and proper investigation. Not the immediate execution of Zimmerman.

Doomsday101;4481491 said:
You say Martin was just walking how do you know that were you there? NO you were not to say Zimmerman just profiled a black kid do you know this? No you can't read minds.

Because I've been in those shoes before. When I was younger, I was walking home from a concert at my school, wearing polished dress shoes, black slacks, a tucked in white button up and a black tie, carrying a violin case at 8pm.

The town I grew up in had just 8,000 residents, the majority were white but by no means was it a racist town, I never felt like an outsider... until that night, of course.

I was stopped by a cop, questioned as to what I was doing (Where are you coming from? Where are you going? etc.), asked to recite my address and other information while the cop examined my ID. Apparently, I looked suspicious walking around in slacks and a tie, carrying a violin case.

I am not saying he did racially profile him, I am saying it is likely he did. He doesn't have to be racist to have done so, and it doesn't make it a hate crime. We all profile, ALL of us.

You are attempting to remove profiling from the equation based on what we don't know. How does that make sense?
Doomsday101;4481498 said:
I listened to the tape this morning on CNN you can't make out what was said clearly. As Zimmerman friend again a black man says "I guess people will hear what they want to hear" He and his family have listened to it over and over and they can't make out what was said. In the meantime they have come under fire because they are friends of Zimmerman.

Both sides have family and friends in pain over this issue and neither wants to believe the worst of someone that they are close to. That's a natural way to feel.

It's sad all around. On top of Trayvon being dead his parents now have to deal with people trying to justify his killing and some seem to act like he deserves to be dead.

The cop in New Orleans who made the "Act like a thug, Die like one" comment comes to mind. A very harsh thing to say about a person to suggest that they deserved to die. Both sides have been rushing to Judgment.

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