Neighborhood watch captain kills black teen - doesn't get arrested

Dallas;4481500 said:
I cannot stand the KKK, but they don't get near the media attention that these divisionist get. They are rarely heard or ever reported about.

Why? Because its ignorance and the media does the right thing where the KKK is concerned. They don't however do the same thing where Sharpton and Jackson and the Panthers are concerned. Why is that? Hrmmmmm

Makes you wonder, or it should.

The Media should not interview the Black Panthers at all. They are not helping the issue by placing a bounty on Zimmerman's head and are inciting for people to play cop and that is not needed at this point.

Let Zimmerman have the chance to have his case go to court.
TheCount;4481506 said:
Of course I have, which is why I have been asking for an arrest and proper investigation. Not the immediate execution of Zimmerman.

Because I've been in those shoes before. When I was younger, I was walking home from a concert at my school, wearing polished dress shoes, black slacks, a tucked in white button up and a black tie, carrying a violin case at 8pm.

The town I grew up in had just 8,000 residents, the majority were white but by no means was it a racist town, I never felt like an outsider... until that night, of course.

I was stopped by a cop, questioned as to what I was doing (Where are you coming from? Where are you going? etc.), asked to recite my address and other information while the cop examined my ID. Apparently, I looked suspicious walking around in slacks and a tie, carrying a violin case.

I am not saying he did racially profile him, I am saying it is likely he did. He doesn't have to be racist to have done so, and it doesn't make it a hate crime. We all profile, ALL of us.

You are attempting to remove profiling from the equation based on what we don't know. How does that make sense?

Maybe he had just saw Desperado and thought the violin case was full of guns?? I'm pretty sure Antonio Bandera's also wore black pants and a white shirt in that movie. I don't blame that officer one bit! :D

numnuts23;4481513 said:
Maybe he had just saw Desperado and thought the violin case was full of gun?? I'm pretty sure Antonio Bandera's also wore black pants and a white shirt in that movie. I don't blame that officer one bit! :D

I hadn't thought of that. :laugh2:

I love that movie btw
Doomsday101;4481501 said:
In fairness if Zimmerman did return to his vehicle after being told not to follow him and then is confronted does that change anything in your view?
I'll be honest, it would really depend on the entire set of facts. Two many questions are unanswered in my mind.

I get reporting a suspicious person, regardless of the reason, but..

Why not report the guy and stay out of harm's way?

Why would Zimmerman get out of his car? That's not smart to me.

Why chase after a guy you think is trouble? That's not smart to me.

Would it change my view of him being arrested? Yes, from a criminal standpoint. Honestly, I don't believe that he will get arrested, anyway.
But I still hold him accountable for what I consider mistakes. Zimmerman's actions cost a young man his life.
WoodysGirl;4481520 said:
I'll be honest, it would really depend on the entire set of facts. Two many questions are unanswered in my mind.

I get reporting a suspicious person, regardless of the reason, but..

Why not report the guy and stay out of harm's way?

Why would Zimmerman get out of his car? That's not smart to me.

Why chase after a guy you think is trouble? That's not smart to me.

Would it change my view of him being arrested? Yes, from a criminal standpoint. Honestly, I don't believe that he will get arrested, anyway.
But I still hold him accountable for what I consider mistakes. Zimmerman's actions cost a young man his life.

That is the bottom line. No matter how anything is sugar coated, explained or broken the end his actions cost a young man his life, justified or not.
TheCount;4481506 said:
Of course I have, which is why I have been asking for an arrest and proper investigation. Not the immediate execution of Zimmerman.

Because I've been in those shoes before. When I was younger, I was walking home from a concert at my school, wearing polished dress shoes, black slacks, white button up and a tie, carrying a violin case at 8pm.

I was stopped by a cop, questioned, asked to recite my address and other information while the cop examined my ID. Apparently, I looked suspicious walking around in slacks and a tie, carrying a violin case.

I am not saying he did racially profile him, I am saying it is likely he did. He doesn't have to be racist to have done so, and it doesn't make it a hate crime. We all profile, ALL of us.

You are attempting to remove profiling from the equation based on what we don't know. How does that make sense?

You have been in your shoes this is what I'm talking about people taking their own past experience and adding it to a situation where they don't know all the facts. This happened to me thus it must be the case now.

As for profiling ok sure if a serial killer is on the loose they tend to look at White Males age 35 to 50 why? Because the vast majority of serial killers fit that profile so sure you are right profiling does take place based on statistical evidence. Right or wrong? Make up your own mind.

As for this case if Zimmerman called 911 because in his view this kid looked suspicious or was acting suspiouse I can't say maybe he was just overly paranoid seeing a teenager who did not live there walking down the street but I don't see any crime by Zimmerman in reporting an unknown teenage going through the gated community. As a person who is a member of a neighborhood watch I would expect that he would call 911.

If he did what 911 told him to do which was to stop following him that they would send a patrol unit out there and Zimmerman says ok then returns to his vechile to then be confronted by Martin then the story starts changing from what the intial reports have been and could easily change the facts in what took place.
Dallas;4481500 said:
I cannot stand the KKK, but they don't get near the media attention that these divisionist get. They are rarely heard or ever reported about.

Why? Because its ignorance and the media does the right thing where the KKK is concerned. They don't however do the same thing where Sharpton and Jackson and the Panthers are concerned. Why is that? Hrmmmmm

Makes you wonder, or it should.

If the media stops paying attention to them they can and will pull the race card. Our hypersensitive society has determined that everybody except white christian males are completely immune from public ridicule.

Anybody remember the black panthers threatening voters at polls in 2008? Yeah, that got about four seconds worth of media attention. Had the KKK stood out in front of southern polls we'd STILL be hearing about it.

It's the double standard that our society has created based on the need to overcompensate for mistakes made by men in the past who have long since died.
WoodysGirl;4481520 said:
I'll be honest, it would really depend on the entire set of facts. Two many questions are unanswered in my mind.

I get reporting a suspicious person, regardless of the reason, but..

Why not report the guy and stay out of harm's way?

Why would Zimmerman get out of his car? That's not smart to me.

Why chase after a guy you think is trouble? That's not smart to me.

Would it change my view of him being arrested? Yes, from a criminal standpoint. Honestly, I don't believe that he will get arrested, anyway.
But I still hold him accountable for what I consider mistakes. Zimmerman's actions cost a young man his life.

As you said it depends on the entire set of facts there are too many question unanswered. We are both in full agreement on his. My 1st view of was guilty as sin. Only thing that has put doubt in my mind is the fact that if Zimmerman did as he was told and it was Martin who came back to confront Zimmerman now things are no so clear cut.

I know people are likely thinking I'm defending Zimmerman but I'm not I'm defending his right as innocent until proven guilty.
Doomsday101;4481524 said:
You have been in your shoes this is what I'm talking about people taking their own past experience and adding it to a situation where they don't know all the facts. This happened to me thus it must be the case now.

I give up, you're not even listening. It's fine, you have your opinion and I have mine on this particular issue. We don't have to agree. I just find it interesting that Zimmerman's defenders are giving him the benefit of the doubt on just about every issue (regardless of what we know or don't know) and Trayvon gets nothing.
Dallas;4481499 said:
My issue is that the Sharptons and the Jacksons and the Panthers and the Farakhans are allowed and given voice by the media and they are FAR louder than our regular every day black americans. That is a tragedy. The regular brothers and sisters are getting hosed, but it just doesn't seem they have a voice to put themselves out and over these divisionists.

That is a huge concern I have and why I loathe the media and the assistance its giving them during this and other similar situations only to enchance and flame racial divides and to keep us all seperated and divded. Are you happy?

This is all you see on your TV. That's all you read about.

Where are the millions and millions of great black americans? Where is that voice in this craziness?

To me it appears muted and never gets a chance to get to "11" like these fools voices.

There are plenty out there that could speak for the black community, but the media won't give them a voice as they aren't divisive enough...

Journalists are supposed to report news... now they shape it...
Doomsday101;4481524 said:
You have been in your shoes this is what I'm talking about people taking their own past experience and adding it to a situation where they don't know all the facts. This happened to me thus it must be the case now.

As for profiling ok sure if a serial killer is on the loose they tend to look at White Males age 35 to 50 why? Because the vast majority of serial killers fit that profile so sure you are right profiling does take place based on statistical evidence. Right or wrong? Make up your own mind.

As for this case if Zimmerman called 911 because in his view this kid looked suspicious or was acting suspiouse I can't say maybe he was just overly paranoid seeing a teenager who did not live there walking down the street but I don't see any crime by Zimmerman in reporting an unknown teenage going through the gated community. As a person who is a member of a neighborhood watch I would expect that he would call 911.

If he did what 911 told him to do which was to stop following him that they would send a patrol unit out there and Zimmerman says ok then returns to his vechile to then be confronted by Martin then the story starts changing from what the intial reports have been and could easily change the facts in what took place.

In regards to calling 911 - this appeared to be a common practice for Zimmerman. I think it was something like 50 times in the past, since he took the community watch lead.

Not sure how the record keeping work on 911 end, but I wonder if they could go back and see the details of those calls and if there was any profiling involved or was it just something he did any time someone looked suspicious to him.
trickblue;4481542 said:
There are plenty out there that could speak for the black community, but the media won't give them a voice as they aren't divisive enough...

Journalists are supposed to report news... now they shape it...

Nailed it...
TheCount;4481536 said:
I give up, you're not even listening. It's fine, you have your opinion and I have mine on this particular issue. We don't have to agree. I just find it interesting that Zimmerman's defenders are giving him the benefit of the doubt on just about every issue (regardless of what we know or don't know) and Trayvon gets nothing.

What a crock. Who is saying Trayvon got what he deserved w/o having all of the facts? I am not talking about drive by posters. I am talking about legit people involved in the threads discussion.

It's so strange how we can read the same thing and get complete opposite opinions from it. Eeek!
TheCount;4481536 said:
I give up, you're not even listening. It's fine, you have your opinion and I have mine on this particular issue. We don't have to agree. I just find it interesting that Zimmerman's defenders are giving him the benefit of the doubt on just about every issue (regardless of what we know or don't know) and Trayvon gets nothing.

I give people the benefit of innocent until proven guilty or at least try to do that in all cases. I have never said he was innocent but according to the national media to civil right leaders he is guilty case closed.

I have not seen any outcry by the national media of hey want if Zimmerman is actually innocent.

I don't see any Rally's taking place for Zimmerman do you?
National polling shows over whelming that people think Zimmerman is guilty, Yet you make it out as if everyone is supporting Zimmerman that is far from reality.

Now if evidence shows Zimmerman is guilty then I hope they throw the book at him and give him the max.
Did Trayvon have a right to defend his ground with any his fists? Trayvon didn't just go looking for Zimmerman to beat him up because he felt like beating him up.

Zimmerman got out of his car and if the GF is correct in her statements than Trayvon felt like he was being followed in the dark and may have lashed out in fear because a lot of people would be afraid of someone following them in the dark.

One or two things done differently by Zimmerman and Trayvon would still be alive.

Trayvon didn't say "I going to go and find someone to beat senseless tonight". He was walking home and Zimmerman set off a chain of events that lead to the Death of a Young man whether intended or not
numnuts23;4481543 said:
In regards to calling 911 - this appeared to be a common practice for Zimmerman. I think it was something like 50 times in the past, since he took the community watch lead.

Not sure how the record keeping work on 911 end, but I wonder if they could go back and see the details of those calls and if there was any profiling involved or was it just something he did any time someone looked suspicious to him.

I would like to know that.
Romo_To_Dez;4481554 said:
Did Trayvon have a right to defend his ground with any his fists? Trayvon didn't just go looking for Zimmerman to beat him up because he felt like beating him up.

Zimmerman got out of his car and if the GF is correct in her statements than Trayvon felt like he was being followed in the dark and may have lashed out in fear because a lot of people would be afraid of someone following them in the dark.

One or two things done differently by Zimmerman and Trayvon would still be alive.

Trayvon didn't say "I going to go and find someone to beat senseless tonight". He was walking home and Zimmerman set off a chain of events that lead to the Death of a Young man whether intended or not

I'm sure Zimmerman did not set out thinking I'm going to kill someone tonight.
Doomsday101;4481535 said:
As you said it depends on the entire set of facts there are too many question unanswered. We are both in full agreement on his. My 1st view of was guilty as sin. Only thing that has put doubt in my mind is the fact that if Zimmerman did as he was told and it was Martin who came back to confront Zimmerman now things are no so clear cut.

I know people are likely thinking I'm defending Zimmerman but I'm not I'm defending his right as innocent until proven guilty.
Maybe it's me, but I don't hold any doubt towards Zimmerman. He killed a kid based on his own actions. Pretty simple to me.

People are looking for reasons why it happened to gain a better understanding of how things played out, but I don't need that.

So let's present this scenario that Trayvon became the aggressor as Zimmerman was returning to his car. From this perspective, Trayvon may not have known Zimmerman had a gun on his person and thought he was going for a gun in the car and decided to take him out before he reached it.

I mean, we can come up with all sorts of scenarios as to how the confrontation played out, but in my mind, this confrontation could've been prevented once the dispatch operator said not to follow him and Zimmerman complied.
WoodysGirl;4481559 said:
Maybe it's me, but I don't hold any doubt towards Zimmerman. He killed a kid based on his own actions. Pretty simple to me.

People are looking for reasons why it happened to gain a better understanding of how things played out, but I don't need that.

So let's present this scenario that Trayvon became the aggressor as Zimmerman was returning to his car. From this perspective, Trayvon may not have known Zimmerman had a gun on his person and thought he was going for a gun in the car and decided to take him out before he reached it.

I mean, we can come up with all sorts of scenarios as to how the confrontation played out, but in my mind, this confrontation could've been prevented once the dispatch operator said not to follow him and Zimmerman complied.

that is very easy to say and think safe in your home or office sitting behind a computer screen.

A little different situation then it was at the time
Doomsday101;4481552 said:
I give people the benefit of innocent until proven guilty or at least try to do that in all cases. I have never said he was innocent but according to the national media to civil right leaders he is guilty case closed.

I have not seen any outcry by the national media of hey want if Zimmerman is actually innocent.

I don't see any Rally's taking place for Zimmerman do you?
National polling shows over whelming that people think Zimmerman is guilty, Yet you make it out as if everyone is supporting Zimmerman that is far from reality.

Now if evidence shows Zimmerman is guilty then I hope they throw the book at him and give him the max.

None of that really has anything to do with my point. The idea that he racially profiled Trayvon in the first place, has zilch to do with rallies and polling. I'm talking about what happened, not the media's reaction to it.

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