Neighborhood watch captain kills black teen - doesn't get arrested

The30YardSlant;4484324 said:
The more relevant question is would this be a story at all if the shooter was black and the dead kid white? Or perhaps why is the shooter being called "white" at all?

if the shooter wasn't charged, then yes it would be a story, that I'm confident in.
Doomsday101;4484326 said:
Why? Myself I'm not looking at this as a black vs white case. So many of the so called black leaders have from a congressman wearing a hoodie during session? Come on Sharpton holding rally then reporting on it on MSNBC? And a number of others.

I want justice done based on fact not color of the gunman or the color of the victim.

See above.
Manwiththeplan;4484354 said:
if the shooter wasn't charged, then yes it would be a story, that I'm confident in.

Naivety at it's finest. It might be a back page story, but it damn sure wouldn't be a circus like this one is.

Keep drinking the kool-aid.
casmith07;4484353 said:
Straight answer? There would be outrage.

The point I was trying to make with my statement is that for a lot of people, acknowledging that something might be racially charged makes a lot of people uncomfortable, so they'd rather avoid it than have a discussion about it.

can't argue that. racism just seems so 1 sided it's hard to openly talk about w/o being tagged a racist.
iceberg;4484367 said:
can't argue that. racism just seems so 1 sided it's hard to openly talk about w/o being tagged a racist.

You are supposed to feel that way, because it's not suppoed to be an even keeled debate.

You have an issue w/ me speaking out about race and you aren't even black? :eek:

RACIST!!! :rolleyes: It's been like this since the 80's, unfortunately. As far as I can remember anyways.
Dallas;4484364 said:
Naivety at it's finest. It might be a back page story, but it damn sure wouldn't be a circus like this one is.

Keep drinking the kool-aid.

funny how it bothers you when 1 group assumes the worst based on race, then you do the same thing? what does that say about you?

whatever you think, I definately believe that issue here is there was no one charged despite Zimmerman admitting he shot him. Yes because he's black Al Sharpton and Jesee Jackson got involved, but it's something the national media would pick up on and it would stay in the news until there is some form of justice.
Manwiththeplan;4484354 said:
if the shooter wasn't charged, then yes it would be a story, that I'm confident in.

Of course it would be a story, that's not what I meant. Anytime someone is murdered it's a story somewhere. My question was would it be "A STORY" and based on past precedent I do not believe there would be national headlines and protests if the roles were reversed.

Statistically, a black male murders a white person once every six hours in the United States. That's four people everyday and almost 1,500 every year. Black males account for almost 60% of all convicted murderers every year.

In comparison, a white male murders a black person once every three days, or just over 120 every year. White males account for 15% of all convicted murderers every year.

Now let me ask you: Which type of murder gets more national attention? I can't remember the last time a black man murdered someone and it was this provoking and long-lasting (unless we want to Count OJ, and that was because he was famous).

Granted these are just reported and "solved" murders but I believe it speaks volumes about the state of our society and the double standard the media goes by. I'm also not saying this case was a murder, only that if the roles were reversed this would not be a national story and to pretend it would be is just, well, wrong.
Dallas;4484370 said:
You are supposed to feel that way, because it's not suppoed to be an even keeled debate.

You have an issue w/ me speaking out about race and you aren't even black? :eek:

RACIST!!! :rolleyes: It's been like this since the 80's, unfortunately. As far as I can remember anyways.

Never bothered me ..... but I am neither white nor black and do not suffer from guilt or a cultural crutch.
casmith07;4484356 said:
See above.

I saw that but I would say if this was a black on black crime or a white on white the media would not have made a big deal. I hate to say it but there are killings every day in the US senseless that never make the national news.

This sparks ratings and even the political people know this and have interjected their own views, they have held hearings on Hate crime over this yet this is a case under investigation. That is jumping the gun and why because it was brought to light as a white on black crime
iceberg;4484320 said:
if 2 white kids poured gas on a black kid and lit him on fire because he was black, would there be media outrage then?

you won't get a straight answer because it's speculation and opinion.

There would definatley be outrage, as I'm sure there is with this other case. Now a better question would be would the national media pick up on it, and I'm pretty sure they would, despite them not picking up on this case. There is a double standard for white on black crime, as opposed to black on white crime, I wish there wasn't but I would be foolish to believe it didn't exist.

However, I think one would be equally foolish to believe that if Zimmerman shot a white kid or any other "less suspicious" looking kid, things would've played out the same.

And it seems to me that a lot of people here are okay with that and are using all these other cases to justify that thinking.
The30YardSlant;4484380 said:
Of course it would be a story, that's not what I meant. Anytime someone is murdered it's a story somewhere. My question was would it be "A STORY" and based on past precedent I do not believe there would be national headlines and protests if the roles were reversed.

Statistically, a black male murders a white person once every six hours in the United States. That's four people everyday and almost 1,500 every year. Black males account for almost 60% of all convicted murderers every year.

In comparison, a white male murders a black person once every three days, or just over 120 every year. White males account for 15% of all convicted murderers every year.

Now let me ask you: Which type of murder gets more national attention? I can't remember the last time a black man murdered someone and it was this provoking and long-lasting (unless we want to Count OJ, and that was because he was famous).

Granted these are just reported and "solved" murders but I believe it speaks volumes about the state of our society and the double standard the media goes by. I'm also not saying this case was a murder, only that if the roles were reversed this would not be a national story and to pretend it would be is just, well, wrong.

I guess we'll have to disagree, I think this case is as big as it is because he wasn't charged. I think if he was and got a typical manslughter/murder 3 charge, no one would've noticed.
iceberg;4484367 said:
can't argue that. racism just seems so 1 sided it's hard to openly talk about w/o being tagged a racist.

The problem is that sociologists (one of the most useless professions ever invented) decided years ago that the term "racism" can ONLY be used to described prejudice towards a minority group by the group "in power". Most of these esteemed "professionals" will tell you that minorities CAN'T be racist because they are minorities.

The result of this is the idea that only white people are racist in this country. Call it whatever you want, but the most concentrated and hateful "racists" I've ever come into contact with are black people in high density urban areas. There is a large contingent of black America that genuinely hates whites and, even moreso, hispanics. It's a culture, and an alarmingly acceptable one due to the misconceptions about what modern racism really is. Essentially, we have deemed that it is "ok" for African-Americans to be racist.
Manwiththeplan;4484379 said:
funny how it bothers you when 1 group assumes the worst based on race, then you do the same thing? what does that say about you?

whatever you think, I definately believe that issue here is there was no one charged despite Zimmerman admitting he shot him. Yes because he's black Al Sharpton and Jesee Jackson got involved, but it's something the national media would pick up on and it would stay in the news until there is some form of justice.

It means I am a racist, bro. Duh!
Manwiththeplan;4484399 said:
I guess we'll have to disagree, I think this case is as big as it is because he wasn't charged. I think if he was and got a typical manslughter/murder 3 charge, no one would've noticed.

Of course that's what started it, but the case is no longer about him not getting arrested to most people. It has become almost entirely about race, and race is what is fueling it. Without the race issue there is not much fuel left.

Keep in midn that I AGREE he should be arrested and investigated based on current evidence, but I hate the reasons behind this story getting as big as it has.
zrinkill;4484384 said:
Never bothered me ..... but I am neither white nor black and do not suffer from guilt or a cultural crutch.

I am a Native American. Both Cherokee and Choctaw and it still offends me.

I guess I am tired of it being used as a crutch and politcized, moreso than everything else.

Seeing the folks who do the worst of it talk coming together out of the other sides of their faces is OLD as well.
Dallas;4484415 said:
I am a Native American. Both Cherokee and Choctaw and it still offends me.

I guess I am tired of it being used as a crutch and politcized, moreso than everything else.

Seeing the folks who do the worst of it talk coming together out of the other sides of their faces is OLD as well.

I meant it never bothered me to speak out about it.
zrinkill;4484419 said:
I meant it never bothered me to speak out about it.

Roger that! On that note...

It doesn't bother me to speak out about it either, but I am w/ Ice. You can tell that white society has been almost indocrinated into believing that they can't discuss it openly without labels being applied. The media has driven that home moreso than anything.

How dare you speak about racial divide. You are not supposed to because you just cannot relate. If you complain...well they you must be a card carrying KKK member, right?

uhhhh.... what?

It's all a bunch of bology.
I'm thinking that even if Zimmerman is cleared that in one way or the other he'll never be truly free.

Even if it was Self Defense he will have to deal with the fact that someone died at his hands for the rest of his life. The fact that a family is grieving over a loved one lost to them forever. This is if his friend is telling the truth about Zimmerman feeling remorse.

And some who will not be happy that he was cleared Zimmerman will worry about someone trying to kill him for revenge.
The30YardSlant;4484407 said:
The problem is that sociologists (one of the most useless professions ever invented) decided years ago that the term "racism" can ONLY be used to described prejudice towards a minority group by the group "in power". Most of these esteemed "professionals" will tell you that minorities CAN'T be racist because they are minorities.

The result of this is the idea that only white people are racist in this country. Call it whatever you want, but the most concentrated and hateful "racists" I've ever come into contact with are black people in high density urban areas. There is a large contingent of black American that genuinely hates whites and, even moreso, hispanics. It's a culture, and an alarmingly acceptable one due to the misconceptions about what modern racism really is.

I agree. Just as I have never understood the term "reverse descrimnation"

If you look at the difinition of word Discrimination it means distinguishing differences between things or treating someone as inferior based on their race, sex, national origin, age or other characteristics

So then what the hell is reverse descrimnation?

Yet society uses the term reverse discrimination as a white person who has been discriminated against

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