NFL upholds Brady's 4 game suspension

I live in North Dallas. I have been a 10 year Cowboys STHer. If my greatest sin is thinking this whole thing is overblown and they simply obeyed the laws of physics, then so be it.

How long have you held Cowboys season tickets? Or are you just a wanna-be who latched on?
So YOU'RE the guy I keep spotting at AT&T stadium wearing Tom Brady's jersey! When will your avatar match your gear?
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Wow. I am totally living rent free in the heads of several people in here.


Tom Brady: 1st person in sports history to be punished for obeying the Laws of Physics.

You think(and I use those words loosely when it comes to you) that you are renting free space of people heads?

Only thing free is the comedy and idiocy that you posts/threads provide.

You lose I so many points but here are a few that are factual.

1. He admitted to liking deflated balls.
2. He destroyed evidence

No need for a 3rd fact. You just flat out lose.

You think(and I use those words loosely when it comes to you) that you are renting free space of people heads?

Only thing free is the comedy and idiocy that you posts/threads provide.

You lose I so many points but here are a few that are factual.

1. He admitted to liking deflated balls.
2. He destroyed evidence

No need for a 3rd fact. You just flat out lose.


But he believes what Tom Fraudy posted on Facebook:

Facebook: …
Tom Brady https://encrypted-tbn2.***NOT-ALLOWED***/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR5KCIi1fox1FBh61FhY1rV_JlL7jnosZ5GJKy2r7fWVowawNULp53yRA 10 mins-
Brady "no one working for Patriots did anything wrong". LOL even the Patriots don't believe that, they suspended the assistants who deflated balls for Brady. Also they accepted their team punishment from the NFL.

So nice of poor persecuted Tom to fight for the reputation and jobs of his lackeys. Oh wait he didn't.
Did you read that carefully scripted response?

Disappointed.... How many times did he use that word?




I read the part about Brady not doing anything wrong.

And I read the part about nobody n the Pats organization doing anything wrong.

And I even read Don Yee's statement.

You know what my initial reaction was? Rogah must have written those :lmao2:
Haven't seen this posted yet but here is the NFLPA response which is a road map to their strategy in Federal Court:

In response to Brady’s four-game suspension being upheld, the NFLPA released the following statement:

The Commissioner’s ruling today did nothing to address the legal deficiencies of due process. The NFL remains stuck with the following facts:

  • The NFL had no policy that applied to players;
  • The NFL provided no notice of any such policy or potential discipline to players;
  • The NFL resorted to a nebulous standard of “general awareness” to predicate a legally unjustified punishment;
  • The NFL had no procedures in place until two days ago to test air pressure in footballs; and
  • The NFL violated the plain meaning of the collective bargaining agreement.
Haven't seen this posted yet but here is the NFLPA response which is a road map to their strategy in Federal Court:

In response to Brady’s four-game suspension being upheld, the NFLPA released the following statement:

The Commissioner’s ruling today did nothing to address the legal deficiencies of due process. The NFL remains stuck with the following facts:

  • The NFL had no policy that applied to players;
  • The NFL provided no notice of any such policy or potential discipline to players;
  • The NFL resorted to a nebulous standard of “general awareness” to predicate a legally unjustified punishment;
  • The NFL had no procedures in place until two days ago to test air pressure in footballs; and
  • The NFL violated the plain meaning of the collective bargaining agreement.

Wow! Lawyer-speak! Lol
As an aside, not sure if anyone else heard Mr. Kraft address the media moments ago but it sounds like Goodell has lost an ally.

"I was wrong to put my faith in the league." Robert Kraft
As an aside, not sure if anyone else heard Mr. Kraft address the media moments ago but it sounds like Goodell has lost an ally.

"I was wrong to put my faith in the league." Robert Kraft

Well event Putin thought he was a cheater. Took his ring. Kept it!

Idiot! If you are the. "Patriots"... How do you let the "Russian" president "try it on "?


  • The NFL had no procedures in place until two days ago to test air pressure in footballs;

Uh, we keep hearing this as if it has any merit yet officials checked and certified ball psi before games. AND, there was a clear and deliberate attempt to circumvent the league rules and guidelines by the Pats. The new procedures came as a result of the rules already in place being broken.
Kraft apologizing to everyone except the two employees he suspended. You know the only two people who have lost their jobs for what Kraft said no one did wrong.

Why would that be?? Is anyone going to ask Kraft or Brady why they aren't defending the honor of two people who worked for them?

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