NFL upholds Brady's 4 game suspension


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That's bad.
Could have honestly read...
Brady and actress/model girlfriend Moynahan spilt (before they know she's pregnant) for super model Gisele.

By all accounts she was only a week or two preg when they split and he began dating Gisle 2-3 weeks later,,,and Moynahan announced her pregnancy 2 months later. And according to all three, that was the first Brady knew of it.

Still a funny tweet
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Depends on what they do off the field some things are a lot worse than cheating especially assaulting a person.

In terms of society? Sure. In terms of the entire sport? Not even close. If a business claiming to be a sport is found guilty of a blatant competitive imbalance or in this case cheating, the entire business would become worthless.

If Brady destroyed his cell phone can't understand why he even bothered appealing his 4 game suspension. He had no chance of winning an appeal if he destroyed something that contained evidence against him.

Who knows? I don't think he's handled a single part of this entire process the right way and it continues to blow up in his face.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Nobody knows the trouble that I've seen!
Nobody knows my, my sorrow!

Ya did it to yourself, Tommy boy.


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He was stupid to destroy the phone simply because of how that looks from a PR perspective. Since he had no plans to give it over, destroying it is nothing but bad PR.

If he sues in federal court, it will be on procedural grounds. The judge is not going to decide on deflategate and he still isn't going to have to give up his phone records.


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If he would have just admitted it, he would have been fine, I agree. The fans understand the deflating of the footballs. I mean, they may not like it or agree with it but we all know that players and teams have been doing stuff like this for years. We all know and understand the concept of, If you aint cheating, you aint trying hard enough, so to speak. Anybody who has ever played has had a coach tell them this at some point. He's Tom Brady, the fans would have payed attention for about 5 minutes and then moved on with life. He did this to himself because he was stupid in how he handled this. He should have just owned it and moved on.

I agree. Since this first began there has been a comparison of deflating footballs being equivalent to an average person getting a speeding ticket. The way Brady has handled this is more comparable to an average person getting pulled over for speeding and then getting out of their car and taking a swing at the officer. He escalated a minor traffic violation into a big deal.


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Why do you think the NFL would loss this in court? I actually see no way they could but that's just my opinion.
Because the precedent for tampering with footballs is a letter of warning and the precedent for refusing to turn over your phone is a $50 k fine.


Regular Joe....
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Because the precedent for tampering with footballs is a letter of warning and the precedent for refusing to turn over your phone is a $50 k fine.

Based on what? Is this another poll thing?


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Because the precedent for tampering with footballs is a letter of warning and the precedent for refusing to turn over your phone is a $50 k fine.

There is no precedent for tampering with footballs because nobody was caught blatantly cheating before.

Save the excuses and take a seat!


You Have an Axe to Grind
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In terms of society? Sure. In terms of the entire sport? Not even close. If a business claiming to be a sport is found guilty of a blatant competitive imbalance or in this case cheating, the entire business would become worthless.

Who knows? I don't think he's handled a single part of this entire process the right way and it continues to blow up in his face.

Anything bad a player does on or off the field gives the league a black eye. The Ray Rice situation was one of the ugliest we've seen because it was handled wrong from the start and Goodell had to do an about face which could have cost him his job. Can't blame the league for what the Pats have been caught doing. All the NFL can do is crack down on this crap which they've done and take measures to where it doesn't happen again which is what they've also done. It was pretty heads up to catch the deflating of the footballs because who knows how long this has been going on. If Brady destroyed his cell phone he's an idiot and wasted a lot of time appealing his suspension. His legacy will carry a permanent scar from this.


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Because the precedent for tampering with footballs is a letter of warning and the precedent for refusing to turn over your phone is a $50 k fine.

Precedence never means it must be applied in all cases. This punishment was at the utter discretion of the commish in this case. The commish wanted to make a statement with this ruling. The messages is.... DON'T CHEAT!


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Anything bad a player does on or off the field gives the league a black eye.

No doubt, but only one directly affects the outcome of the games we watch. Domestic violence can't help someone win a football game.

The Ray Rice situation was one of the ugliest we've seen because it was handled wrong from the start and Goodell had to do an about face which could have cost him his job.


Can't blame the league for what the Pats have been caught doing. All the NFL can do is crack down on this crap which they've done and take measures to where it doesn't happen again which is what they've also done. It was pretty heads up to catch the deflating of the footballs because who knows how long this has been going on. If Brady destroyed his cell phone he wasted a lot of time appealing his suspension and his legacy will carry a permanent scar from this.

I don't blame the league here. Quite the opposite in fact. If anything, I think Brady is getting off easy. And unlike some other fans, I won't forget. I haven't forgotten about SpyGate, and I haven't forgotten about the 49'ers blatantly cheating the salary cap when they won their last Super Bowl either.


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