NFLPA Files Temporary Restraining Order! **merged**

The NFL basically has two choices here. They can double down on the absolute power trip that they've been on (which I actually think is the most likely scenario) and drag this thing out for months or even years. Or they could admit there were flaws - which they could do without publicly throwing any individual under the bus - say they will revisit their investigative procedures, apologize to Zeke and vacate the suspension. That would be the smart play and would make everything go away. These guys have the biggest egos in the land, I'm not sure that's happening, even if it should.
While it wouldn't surprise me if the NFL doubled-down, I have to believe that Zeke and the NFLPA are winning the court of public opinion.

In an environment where many corporate execs (including the NFL) have just enough backbone to keep them upright in a slight breeze, I can't help but believe the NFL is looking for a convenient way out of this nightmare.

I can envision Jerry Jones swooping in with some face-saving proposal that placatess both sides. Don't be surprised if, at some point in the future, it is announced that Jones will host both the NFL Draft and a Superbowl. :)
Civil rights investigations rarely happen unless there is considerable public pressure to do so. The civil rights angle is getting very little play publicly at the moment.

I agree but it's all I could come up with for how Friel could be facing criminal charges. I don't think it will happen.
True I am only assuming the TRO would come after the league's ruling but yes, the restraining order could come sooner.
It sounds like the TRO is designed to take effect only if needed. So if the league vacates the suspension, no TRO is needed. If they don't, the TRO would take effect. That's assuming the TRO is granted. If it's granted then Zeke will be on the field Week 1 regardless.
A lead investigator in the NFL’s domestic-violence probe of Dallas Cowboys star Ezekiel Elliott produced an internal memo in which she laid out inconsistent statements and credibility concerns regarding Elliott’s accuser Tiffany Thompson, a league source told Yahoo Sports.

That memo, produced by league director of investigations Kia Wright Roberts following her interviews with Thompson, became a significant battleground in Elliott’s appeal of a six-game suspension this week in New York. Testimony from Roberts and NFL senior vice president of investigations Lisa Friel produced key material that will ultimately be weighed by arbitrator Harold Henderson, the source said. Among that material, according to the league source:

• Roberts testified that she was the only NFL investigator to conduct a handful of interviews with Thompson and subsequently raised concerns about those interviews in a memo titled “Tiffany Thompson Inconsistency Transcripts.” Following the production of that internal memo, she recommended no suspension for Elliott...

• Roberts further testified that she wasn’t asked to attend a meeting with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, when Friel met with Goodell and NFL executives to discuss the findings against Elliott. It was at this meeting – with Roberts not in attendance – that Friel recommended a six-game suspension of Elliott. This piece of Roberts’ testimony was also reported by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram Thursday night.

• Friel testified that she had indeed been made aware of Roberts’ concerns regarding Thompson, including the memo Roberts produced outlining inconsistencies in interviews. She also testified that Roberts was not asked to attend the meeting with Goodell in which Friel recommended the suspension.

Asked if the testimony of Roberts weakened the NFL’s case against Elliott, the league source said: “It speaks for itself.”...
Cowboys Family right now lol

So basically everyone that ever talked to TT, namely Roberts and the police, decided she was full of crap. However, people who never talked to her and had an agenda had all the power and simply did what they wanted to do from the start. Get a high profile example to make up for Ray Rice and Josh Brown.
I believe Zeke definitely has cause defamation of character civil suit.
Under normal circumstances I'd agree. The only problem is they have to prove that the actions harmed his reputation. That would bring every thing he's done in his life to light and may ultimately be a difficult sell.
The man in the mirror is a sonofagun. So with your big brain and skeptical nature, why did you choose to be skeptical of zeke and not the NFL?
Logically it makes no sense for the league to attack its best players without sufficient evidence of wrongdoing. And Zeke - while certainly not proven to be at the level of an abuser - hasn't exactly been a model of human behavior.
That sounds like someone from Zeke's camp alluding to witnesses who have testified they didn't see anything including bruises on TT when she and Zeke were together.
Zeke and his legal team are in fullbore, relentless attack mode. Interesting timing - going on the offensive immediately before the Labor Day weekend and immediately before next Tuesday's ruling. Beautiful!

Not to be Debbie Downer, let's hope that in the release of all this seemingly new info, there isn't any new about Zeke's involvement.
So basically everyone that ever talked to TT, namely Roberts and the police, decided she was full of crap. However, people who never talked to her and had an agenda had all the power and simply did what they wanted to do from the start. Get a high profile example to make up for Ray Rice and Josh Brown.

I'll take *** for $1000 Wink
While it wouldn't surprise me if the NFL doubled-down, I have to believe that Zeke and the NFLPA are winning the court of public opinion.

In an environment where many corporate execs (including the NFL) have just enough backbone to keep them upright in a slight breeze, I can't help but believe the NFL is looking for a convenient way out of this nightmare.

I can envision Jerry Jones swooping in with some face-saving proposal that placatess both sides. Don't be surprised if, at some point in the future, it is announced that Jones will host both the NFL Draft and a Superbowl. :)

There is only one acceptable response from Goodell and Friel.........

Under normal circumstances I'd agree. The only problem is they have to prove that the actions harmed his reputation. That would bring every thing he's done in his life to light and may ultimately be a difficult sell.

If everything he has done in the past is not what she conspired to defame him of (DV), it has no bearing.

He could be guilty of robbing 30 banks, that doesn't make him a woman beater.
If everything he has done in the past is not what she conspired to defame him of (DV), it has no bearing.
Defamation of character must establish that there was first character to be defamed. You have to be able to prove that there was an agenda against you personally. The league could say "look at this pattern of behavior, it's not exactly a stretch of logic" and it absolutely would have bearing.