NFLPA Files Temporary Restraining Order! **merged**

Actually, it's more like:
Take it to court and force Roger on the witness stand. He either commits perjury or tells the truth. This is what I want to happen. Zeke is already playing this year so this isn't about that anymore

I don't know what you think would happen to Goodell. He decided to suspend him 6 games based upon all the evidence. He has the full power to do so. The case for Zeke in court is that the process was unfair, but doubt he wins that.

Conspiracy accusation is to create drama, clearly the lead investigator wasn't involved in many of the conversations to determine punishment. Which seems unfair, but don't think there is any language in the CBA that the process has to be 'fair' or some agreement on a third-party to assess the fairness of the process. This is a big gap in the CBA language.

The NFLPA needs to fight this in public perception, and hope the NFL wants to end it to not look bad. Could work.
As far as someone having an agenda against you, I point your attention to Exhibit A and Giant's SuperFan and coincidentally NFL Senior VP of Investigations, Lisa Friel's life-sized wall hanging of Eli Manning hanging in her home. And yes, she really does have one.
I'm no lawyer but I will laugh (and weep) if that meets the burden of proof.
Just curious, why would the NFLPA think a Texas federal court would rule favorable for them? I may be ignorant, but don't republican areas tend to rule against unions in labor disputes?
I've wondered the same thing, but was worried I'd be accused of being the p-word.
Why wouldn't it be?

Because your post reads essentially that maybe DV isn't all that bad. Maybe that wasn't your intention but it sure reads like that.

Throw that in with your posting history where you pretty much have defended all the dumb stuff Elliott has done, it's not a good look.
Defamation of character must establish that there was first character to be defamed. You have to be able to prove that there was an agenda against you personally. The league could say "look at this pattern of behavior, it's not exactly a stretch of logic" and it absolutely would have bearing.

Sounds like you're reaching there a bit. He was accused and PUBLICLY convicted by the NFL of a specific charge, that if proven false by suppression of evidence and/or cover-up, which seems to be the case...I'd take that chance to civil court where you only need to prove it by a preponderance of the case, mainly a 51% verdict.
Frankly would not be shocked at all to see the entire 6 games suspension lifted. I think the overwhelming perception of Elliott being innocent of the allegations will end up forcing the hand of the league office. They may not want to look soft on Domestic Abuse but I also do not think they want the perception of suspending an innocent man.
Why do we hate DV? I always wondered if this is something we are programmed to do. It's just a catchy name for hitting someone or the opposite sex. I think why don't we have the same reaction if someone hit a weaker same sex person? Not that I'm for violence or that type in any form but I just always wondered if this is natural or just another learned behavior.
Yes. We are programmed to hate it. Crimes against kids too. We have to draw a line. You do it before kicking puppies becomes frowned upon.
No it does not.

Yes it does. It sets an equivalency between a man hitting a woman being really no different than say a bigger man hitting a smaller man.

There is no equivalency. Throw in the fact the poster has largely defended Elliott's other actions and chastised people for calling Elliott a knucklehead, I believe he's trying to minimize what Elliott may have done here.
I'm starting to wonder. I don't think Zeke will accept anything but zero games, and the NFL doesn't want any part of the PR nightmare they've bought themselves.

It might very well go to zero, and somebody's head rolls. Friel probably, maybe Goodell.

They could suspend to 1-2 games and claim personal conduct, not DV (including the parade incident). This is likely what Jerry was expecting BTW. On Mike:Mike this morning, the legal guy (can't remember his name) said that Jerry had been in contact with lead investigator throughout and knew she didn't believe there was enough evidence of DV, and didn't think Tiffany was credible. That is why Jerry took stance several weeks ago that there was 'no DV'. And why he was so surprised when the decision came down.

At the same time, I believe Jerry expected a 1-2 game personal conduct suspension. But he didn't expect the NFL to accuse Zeke of the DV, based upon his conversations with the investigator. That is why he was so angry. Hence, I believe Zeke/Jerry may accept a 1-2 game personal conduct suspension. And it could be a way for both sides to walk away and save a little face.

I would think Zeke would want them to remove the DV language from the findings though. If he is 100% innocent, he probably would still be tempted to fight it in court. If he committed any act of violence AT ALL, he would likely take a 1-2 game suspension in my opinion. He can blame the parade incident for the suspension, and not admit to the DV. Gives him an opportunity to save some face.
Yes it does. It sets an equivalency between a man hitting a woman being really no different than say a bigger man hitting a smaller man.

There is no equivalency. Throw in the fact the poster has largely defended Elliott's other actions and chastised people for calling Elliott a knucklehead, I believe he's trying to minimize what Elliott may have done here.

So basically you are mad about something he wrote defending Zeke so you are trying to claim he is pro violence against women .......

Send this to Qerim who keeps pushing the charge that Elliott never admitted his innocence.

I'm sure she would ignore it just like Goodwell has ignored all the evidence in this case. When you have an agenda, facts don't matter.
I can't recall but didn't the letter to Elliott basically say their experts said the injuries were consistent with DV here? No mention at all that their "experts" admitted that in reality those injuries could have come from a variety of instances?
Yup, you are correct Sir.

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