NFLPA Files Temporary Restraining Order! **merged**

We all due .. and we all have to look for the truth .. we should not be flag a man with this crime if he didn't do it just to look anti DV ..

If he did it he deserves life ban even, but if he didn't do it then she should be subject to some sort of punishment because (and women should be first to support) this is not a game .. if she is lying, she is subjecting every woman facing DV to be questioned ...
she is making a mockery of a very serious issue


Agree, 100%. I wasn't saying she was right, just saying she hates DV and not the Cowboys.
So basically you are mad about something he wrote defending Zeke so you are trying to claim he is pro violence against women .......

Funny thing is in the post he quoted I said I'm against violence in most cases. It's crazy the logic some will go down just because they disagree. I don't consign hitting women or anybody for that matter unless it's a war/life on line situation. Heck I want to hit a lot of people at times male/female I won't lie but to actually go through with it nah. That's why I wanted to know how others felt about if it was natural or not to be the way most are on DV. He made it some other stuff
Fisher is correct. jerry and zeke expected a small suspension (1-2 games) based upon a pattern of behavior and general trouble. Jerry was talking to NFL lead investigator along the way, and where she stood. That is why he get saying 'no DV'.
Goodell decided to try to stick the DV on Zeke, despite his lead investigator saying she wasn't credible. Surprised Jerry.
Dumb move on Goodell's part. He blew this to try to be a hero and to take a stance on DV. Now there isn't an easy way out...

Can't believe he isn't smarter about how to handle these situations. Even if he has power and it can hold up in court. Just dumb and unnecessary move.
As I said, you tried to set an equivalency where hitting a woman is basically the same as a larger man hitting a smaller man.

There is no equivalency and for you to suggest that calls into question what exactly your point is.
Yes there is equivalence. Bigger person picking on someone smaller is equal period. My point is my point and if you can't understand just say so instead of that stupid stuff you posted before grandstanding
Then maybe he should write a better post. Because he clearly just set an equivalency where hitting a woman is the same as hitting a smaller man.
what are you getting at? The sole reason you're not supposed to hit woman is because they have vaginas? I would think the reason is because they're, for the most part, physically weaker. I'll tell you if I'm getting pounded on by a woman, or many of them, that is clearly bigger and stronger than me, I'm hitting back to save myself - vaginas or not! lol

I understood the poster's parallel.
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what are you getting at? The sole reason you're not supposed to hit woman is because they have vaginas? I would think the reason is because they're, for the most part, physically weaker. I'll tell you if I'm getting pounded on by a woman, or many of them, that is clearly bigger and stronger than me, I'm hitting back to save myself - vaginas or not! I understood the poster's parallel.
LOL, big women are women too.
Trying to boil this down to the important point.

Is this lawsuit claiming that NFL didnt include the findings of its lead investigator re Thompsons reliability when making the decision?

If so, how does this help Zeke in circumstances where NFL says its decision was based on phyisical evidence and not on Thompson's testimony to the lead investigator?

In any investigation there may be many investigators looking at different evidence. One investigator, even one of the lesser ones, may uncover enough evidence to win the case meaning that the work of the other investigators is not needed and so isnt presented

IF they believe that the bruises happened on such and such date is one thing. Linking the bruises to Zeke requires her testimony. No one else says that is the case.
I don't know what you think would happen to Goodell. He decided to suspend him 6 games based upon all the evidence. He has the full power to do so. The case for Zeke in court is that the process was unfair, but doubt he wins that.

Conspiracy accusation is to create drama, clearly the lead investigator wasn't involved in many of the conversations to determine punishment. Which seems unfair, but don't think there is any language in the CBA that the process has to be 'fair' or some agreement on a third-party to assess the fairness of the process. This is a big gap in the CBA language.

The NFLPA needs to fight this in public perception, and hope the NFL wants to end it to not look bad. Could work.

You have no clue what you are talking about. This is uncharted territory from a legal standpoint so don't presume you know the outcome.

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