NFLPA Files Temporary Restraining Order! **merged**

I think there's a decent chance that the former NFL player that was on the 4 person investigative panel, Ken Houston, retracts his support. There's got to be tremendous pressure on him from the union and players to do so, otherwise he will be a pariah. He can now easily claim that he was not made aware of all of the key facts in the case.
Maybe, or the opposite where we might be treated in a more fair basis, just to prove there is no anti-Cowboy conspiracy going on?
Right up until it really matters, then it's Green Bay all over again....

The Zeke Case Has So Much Eerie Similarities To Former FBI Director James Comey who began drafting a statement months In Advance before finishing investigation exonerating the former HRC Secretary of State of any wrongdoing related to her mishandling of classified material.Now We Have The NFLPA and Elliott file suit alleging "League-orchestrated conspiracy by senior NFL executives to hide critical information..So Folks What We Got Here There Was Never an Investigation..Where Is The Rule Of Law..Comey Is Gone Now
Its Time For Goodell To Be Gone..Enough Is Enough..
From the lawsuit:

x Thompson lied to investigators and encouraged her friend to lie to the police as well (id. at 15-16, 22-23);

x Thompson destroyed relevant evidence from her cell phones (id. at 23-24);

x Thompson changed her account of critical events repeatedly and only mentioned significant information after she had been interviewed a number of times (see, e.g., id. at 11, 20, 27-29);

x Thompson’s allegations were inconsistent with other evidence (see e.g., id. at 8, 12, 32);

x Thompson’s credibility was undermined by her numerous threats to “ruin” Elliott’s life and career as revenge for his not wanting to continue his relationship with her in the manner she desired (see, e.g., id. at 9, 24-25); and

x Thompson considered extorting Elliott with alleged sex videos and took steps to effectuate such a plan (id. at 26-27).

LOL. Clown show.

So the person they hired to handle investigations says its important that the person(s) handling discipline should talk to the person who conducted the investigation and interviewed the main witness. The league decided that it's not that important. Then the league's exec in charge of DV admits that, yeah, we knew the lead investigator didn't find cause here but we decided to just ignore her.
From the lawsuit:

x Thompson lied to investigators and encouraged her friend to lie to the police as well (id. at 15-16, 22-23);

x Thompson destroyed relevant evidence from her cell phones (id. at 23-24);

x Thompson changed her account of critical events repeatedly and only mentioned significant information after she had been interviewed a number of times (see, e.g., id. at 11, 20, 27-29);

x Thompson’s allegations were inconsistent with other evidence (see e.g., id. at 8, 12, 32);

x Thompson’s credibility was undermined by her numerous threats to “ruin” Elliott’s life and career as revenge for his not wanting to continue his relationship with her in the manner she desired (see, e.g., id. at 9, 24-25); and

x Thompson considered extorting Elliott with alleged sex videos and took steps to effectuate such a plan (id. at 26-27).

Wait, she destroyed evidence?
We all due .. and we all have to look for the truth .. we should not be flag a man with this crime if he didn't do it just to look anti DV ..

If he did it he deserves life ban even, but if he didn't do it then she should be subject to some sort of punishment because (and women should be first to support) this is not a game .. if she is lying, she is subjecting every woman facing DV to be questioned ...
she is making a mockery of a very serious issue



IF they believe that the bruises happened on such and such date is one thing. Linking the bruises to Zeke requires her testimony. No one else says that is the case.

I dont think linking the bruises to Zeke requires her testimony. In the context of this being "balance of probabilities" not a criminal level of proof, it is realistically possible without testimony. Once DV injuries are confirmed, all they need to establish is that it is more likely Zeke than someone else. To be honest, in any case of DV taking place in a residential property owned or rented by a couple, the spouse is always statistically the most likely culprit (what other suspects have access?).

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