NFLPA Files Temporary Restraining Order! **merged**

NFL seems to be agreeing with all of the above, but saying they have other evidence that DV is likely to have occurred which led them to impose the suspension. Their case will live or die on this other evidence - if it is credible - which isnt in the public domain.

They can claim what they want. Roberts recommendation nor the memo were in the report.
I always thought the league offices and judicial processes were based in New York.

Based on their behavior, we now know they are located in North Korea.

Most litigation has taken place in Minnesota over the years.
Am I reading this right? That Roberts helped create the Elliott report but that at some point, someone made the decision to not include her recommendation in the final report? Basically, they changed the report?
Correct. She headed up the investigation, expressed concerns with her inconsistent statements, and questioned her credibility. She was not only ignored by Lisa Friel, she was barred from bringing any of that info to Goodell. When the final 160-page report came out, a lot of her findings were omitted. To top it all off, she wasn't part of the meeting whereas the final decision was made to suspend Zeke.

This is unconscionable, but I believe it is bigger than Zeke. Here's why: I bet there have been dozens of suspensions and non-suspensions that have happened for years using these same shady tactics. The problem is, how can it be proven? Well, if Zeke can expose them that's a start.
They can claim what they want. Roberts recommendation nor the memo were in the report.
As far as I'd read, the NFL's claim was based on the photos & taking Thompson's word over Zeke's.

Her lack of credibility should have rendered the pictures worthless as "proof" of DV.

And if her word is not credible, seems there's little to back The NFL's whole rationale & justification for the suspension
"You broke my heart Roger, you broke my heart!"

I am waiting for @Diehardblues to comment, PROOF that the lead investigator who interviews TT and all the evidence said no suspension. You rolled around last weekend all high and mighty come and own it! "Thug"

As far as I'd read, the NFL's claim was based on the photos & taking Thompson's word over Zeke's.

Her lack of credibility should have rendered the pictures worthless as "proof" of DV.

And if her word is not credible, seems there's little to back The NFL's whole rationale & justification for the suspension

The NFL's case is that the metadata shows that pictures from bruises are from dates previous to the bar fight. The bruises are consistent with DV injuries. She ties the bruises to Zeke.

There are a ton of holes in it to say the least. The NFL covered up those holes.
Mazzant ruled in favor of the MLS Players Union in a class action case but also ruled in favor or big business in a case blocking Obama's expansion of overtime rules
Wow. I just don't understand why the NFL would go out of its way to railroad one of its young stars. They had a year to investigate and they still completely blew it.
I can completely understand why they would go after a star on Dallas. The Cowboys are the most hated team in America and any such punishment to that star player gets the nation's attention and support. I live in PA and everyone up here is applauding Goodell for the suspension just as they did the blown call on the Dez "catch" even though that was dirty also.
Molly has made up her mind on this already despite the lack of evidence because she claims to be a victim of domestic violence. That's horrible for her, but it definitely skews her opinion.
Joy Taylor is a victim of DV and she said she just wants the facts to come out, she won't even say Zeke is guilty or innocent.
They could suspend to 1-2 games and claim personal conduct, not DV (including the parade incident). This is likely what Jerry was expecting BTW. On Mike:Mike this morning, the legal guy (can't remember his name) said that Jerry had been in contact with lead investigator throughout and knew she didn't believe there was enough evidence of DV, and didn't think Tiffany was credible. That is why Jerry took stance several weeks ago that there was 'no DV'. And why he was so surprised when the decision came down.

At the same time, I believe Jerry expected a 1-2 game personal conduct suspension. But he didn't expect the NFL to accuse Zeke of the DV, based upon his conversations with the investigator. That is why he was so angry. Hence, I believe Zeke/Jerry may accept a 1-2 game personal conduct suspension. And it could be a way for both sides to walk away and save a little face.

I would think Zeke would want them to remove the DV language from the findings though. If he is 100% innocent, he probably would still be tempted to fight it in court. If he committed any act of violence AT ALL, he would likely take a 1-2 game suspension in my opinion. He can blame the parade incident for the suspension, and not admit to the DV. Gives him an opportunity to save some face.

Don't believe they can just "change" the term of why he was suspended just because. Also if that was the case I am sure they could use all of Gronks, Odell partying on the boat to prove Zeke did not break Personal Conduct policy if what they've done has not. I can't see that sticking AT ALL. That would mean they were just looking for a reason to suspend, and you'd have to ask the question why this player? or this team?
as I've said from the very beginning of all of this, Lisa Friel's involvement is a massive conflict of interest due to the public knowledge of her fan affiliation. It's mind boggling how she got appointed to any significant position in this investigation.

you can laugh and point and say "Tinfoil hat!!" all you want, but look at where we are today with Zeke's case and compare it with Josh Brown's

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