NFLPA Files Temporary Restraining Order! **merged**

Two things might happen:

1. Lisa Friel gets fired as the scapegoat, Roger thinks he saves his job (Get him Jerry)
2. Roger backs Lisa Friel, it goes to court and both are made to take the stand. Both lose their jobs with the NFL.

Conclusion: No games missed for Zeke.

And at least we know Zeke is not going to settle for a reduction(unless it is a reduction to zero)
No way, if Zeke is innocent then he needs to be exonerated and clear his name. Goodell and Friel need to be held responsible for attempting to damage his reputation and career.
Friel is a dirtbag for doing this to Zeke. She should be fired and then charged with some criminal offense, disbarred, and sent to a labor camp
as I've said from the very beginning of all of this, Lisa Friel's involvement is a massive conflict of interest due to the public knowledge of her fan affiliation. It's mind boggling how she got appointed to any significant position in this investigation.

you can laugh and point and say "Tinfoil hat!!" all you want, but look at where we are today with Zeke's case and compare it with Josh Brown's

Yeah, it certainly does appear that the secret mitigating circumstances that led to her giving Josh Brown 1 game was simply that he played for the Giants.
as I've said from the very beginning of all of this, Lisa Friel's involvement is a massive conflict of interest due to the public knowledge of her fan affiliation. It's mind boggling how she got appointed to any significant position in this investigation.

you can laugh and point and say "Tinfoil hat!!" all you want, but look at where we are today with Zeke's case and compare it with Josh Brown's

It would be hard to argue if it wasn't for the Josh Brown 1 gamer....I mean was it because he was just a punter? White? Sorry for what he had done? Did being a long time Giant have anything to do with it?
Yes it does. It sets an equivalency between a man hitting a woman being really no different than say a bigger man hitting a smaller man.

There is no equivalency. Throw in the fact the poster has largely defended Elliott's other actions and chastised people for calling Elliott a knucklehead, I believe he's trying to minimize what Elliott may have done here.

How do you square what you just said with the meme that women and men are equal and should be treated equally?
this has the looks of going to the competitive balance of the league no way iwould bet on a football game I am now not sure just if the games are really what the results say or are they changed according to what someone wants
I hope she apologizes profusely because she was wrong as heck and loud about it. Its one thing to be wrong but to get on the moral high horse and be wrong like it appears she is whats wrong with too many people trying to be on the "right" side of things facts be darned
I hate that chick
what are you getting at? The sole reason you're not supposed to hit woman is because they have vaginas? I would think the reason is because they're, for the most part, physically weaker. I'll tell you if I'm getting pounded on by a woman, or many of them, that is clearly bigger and stronger than me, I'm hitting back to save myself - vaginas or not! lol

I understood the poster's parallel.
I gave you like for the repeated use of ******...if you said something else, I didn't catch it...
How do you square what you just said with the meme that women and men are equal and should be treated equally?
That poster is full of emotions right now. This bad word said I'm trying to minimize something when I've said countless documented times if he did it he should get whatever punishment he gets. This isn't the case to be I'm mr/ms against DV for. If Zeke case looked like Browns case I wouldn't say nothing because the facts as I know them look like he did something but we have none of that in this case. I just like how I'm allegedly trying ton co sign Zeke committing DV when I've said I'm against DV and violence in general. Again the logic some people use when they get in their feelings is wild.

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