NFLPA Files Temporary Restraining Order! **merged**

Tiffany Thompson tells Kia Roberts that she didn't ask Ayrin Mason to lie because there is no reason to lie:


Yes. She lied about the incident. Asked her friend to lie. And then lied about the lie.

Yet, we still give this girl the benefit of the doubt.

Makes sense.


Even the story about the week of the 16th makes little sense.

She was telling how she was practically held hostage...but then allowed to leave numerous times.

She is then at a club at the 21st, when supposedly held hostage, then drives over to his rental for his birthday after party.

It wasn't until she saw the other woman driving EE to his rental that she flipped out and then filed a police report saying she was abused and held captive all week long.

She was obviously free to go to police anytime during that week. And despite claims of being held captive, she had the opportunity to get away from him and still drove over to his rental for the after party. And despite the abuse and captivity that week, she didn't go to police until she thought EE was cheating on her with another woman.

This is what i have been thinking all along. Now if its me getting abused and was "held hostage" in the first chance i got i'd be running to the police. Then i would certainly not go to a party where the abuser was at especially where theres alcohol involved. This doesn't mean EE did or didn't do it, its just my knowing what i would do.
She comes off as extremely um-uh credible. ;)

I didn't read all of the interview at first.

But the fact is that she is still lying about the 21st. She is STILL claiming that EE assaulted her by yanking her out of the car. Despite her friend Ayrin Mason and 5 other eyewitnesses saying none of that happened. They just 'weren't in position to see it' according to Thompson.

So the NFL which led us to believe that Thompson did a mea culpa on lying about the incident on the 21st distorted the truth and she still claims she was assaulted by EE on the 21st despite 6 witnesses claiming it didn't happen.

Again, this is brazen lying. And it's ramblings of a psycho.

I'm really thinking this Lisa chick has let her love for the Giants get in the way of this. There's no way you suspend him over this

Lisa Friel has a long track record of being crooked.

My experience with people like this is that when they get away with it, the become emboldened to do so again. And the more times they get away with it, it just emboldens them even more.

Her, Goodell, Peter Harvey and others really need to pay for what they've done.

Apparently the NFL likes to engage in the poisoning the well logical fallacy.
Tiffany Thompson tells Kia Roberts that she didn't ask Ayrin Mason to lie because there is no reason to lie:


Yes. She lied about the incident. Asked her friend to lie. And then lied about the lie.

Yet, we still give this girl the benefit of the doubt.

Makes sense.

It's unbelievable that we still have apparent Cowboys fans sitting on this site who after all of this are still saying "well, I'm not sure what Zeke did or didn't do."

My statement doesn't make sense but you answered exactly how I wrote it. Ok then and if you're not bright enough to understand that its a done deal I don't know what to tell you. If they were going to still bring it up everybody and their mother wouldn't be saying they should have just used that instead of DV. Again keep up

I still cant figure out what you are saying. If you were speaking it would sound like mumbling. Just because the NFL didn't suspend Elliott for the act of pulling a woman's top off, it didn't mean they were saying no one would discuss the act. People talk about all sorts of things. It didn't close the book on discussion. It just wasn't part of the suspension and won't be. If they didn't give him any suspension it would be a guarantee that people would still be talking about Elliott.
It's unbelievable that we still have apparent Cowboys fans sitting on this site who after all of this are still saying "well, I'm not sure what Zeke did or didn't do."


You have a portion of the population that has an affinity for saying 'see, I told you so.' They bought into this line of bull from the NFL...hook, line and sinker and now it's more about protecting their prediction than actually admitting they were misled by the NFL.

There's a portion of the population that is part of the SJW, White Knight crowd that cannot comprehend that a woman would ever lie about abuse. Admittedly, I don't quite understand it either, but I can always understand any human...regardless of gender, race, religious beliefs, occupation, wealth, etc. lying to get their way. I know I have lied to get my way and I have never met a person that didn't lie in their life to get their way. These people also don't understand how prevalent false accusations of rape are, much less false accusations of abuse are in our society.

There's a portion of the population that just don't like the idea of EE and his lifestyle. And because they don't like his lifestyle, they cannot wrap their heads around the idea that just because he admittedly has done drugs, he's had sex with plenty of women, he enjoys the nightlife and he wanted Thompson to get an abortion that he must be abusive. The new gimmick now is to claim that EE 'pressured' Thompson into getting an abortion which is ridiculous. He has the right, not only legally, but under the unwritten rules of relationships to want an abortion. Thompson herself stated she wasn't ready to be a mother and in the end...Thompson has the final say if they will have an abortion or not. Tiffany Thompson got an abortion because Tiffany Thompson wanted an abortion.

And finally there's a portion of the population that is self loathing Cowboys fans. If the Cowboys don't fail, they have nothing to complain about. They are often diehard fans from the 90's who never forgave Jerry for letting Jimmy go (even though Jimmy wanted to leave which should be sacrilege in itself) and they would rather have something to complain about than to acknowledge that Jerry succeeded. 1995 must have been an awful year for these people.

Personally, this case is about whether Ezekiel Elliott physically abused Thompson or if Tiffany Thompson lied about being abused by Ezekiel Elliott. That's all that matters. Not the St. Paddy's Day incident, not if he took drugs in college, not if he wanted an abortion, etc. If he physically abused her then I find it reprehensible and as I've stated numerous times in the past, I think that would deserve a 1-year suspension...not a 6-game suspension. With extensive therapy and banishment from the league on the next offense.

But, if she lied about her being abused, that is just as bad as a man actually abusing a woman. Joy Taylor pointed it out perfectly that what the league has done and what these SJW's are doing is creating further skepticism towards future claims of abuse by other women against other star athletes. This will increase the burden of proof for women to the point where reasonable doubt becomes unreasonable. And that's the biggest crime of them all.

It's unbelievable that we still have apparent Cowboys fans sitting on this site who after all of this are still saying "well, I'm not sure what Zeke did or didn't do."

I'll him a step further. DMN and Star-Telegram have reporters tryna paint Zeke in a bad light. I question the timing of it. Where were these reports before his legal team and the NFLPA took action against the league?

I called two of them out over them Tweeting out that info now - just as Zeke is tryna clear his name from these false DV allegations.

I wonder if Kessler can subpoena the NFL's financials to see who they've been paying off? I suspect there are many, given that they make money over fist every year and can afford to pay Goodell in excess of $40M annually, no matter how much he's screwing up.
You have a portion of the population that has an affinity for saying 'see, I told you so.' They bought into this line of bull from the NFL...hook, line and sinker and now it's more about protecting their prediction than actually admitting they were misled by the NFL.

There's a portion of the population that is part of the SJW, White Knight crowd that cannot comprehend that a woman would ever lie about abuse. Admittedly, I don't quite understand it either, but I can always understand any human...regardless of gender, race, religious beliefs, occupation, wealth, etc. lying to get their way. I know I have lied to get my way and I have never met a person that didn't lie in their life to get their way. These people also don't understand how prevalent false accusations of rape are, much less false accusations of abuse are in our society.

There's a portion of the population that just don't like the idea of EE and his lifestyle. And because they don't like his lifestyle, they cannot wrap their heads around the idea that just because he admittedly has done drugs, he's had sex with plenty of women, he enjoys the nightlife and he wanted Thompson to get an abortion that he must be abusive. The new gimmick now is to claim that EE 'pressured' Thompson into getting an abortion which is ridiculous. He has the right, not only legally, but under the unwritten rules of relationships to want an abortion. Thompson herself stated she wasn't ready to be a mother and in the end...Thompson has the final say if they will have an abortion or not. Tiffany Thompson got an abortion because Tiffany Thompson wanted an abortion.

And finally there's a portion of the population that is self loathing Cowboys fans. If the Cowboys don't fail, they have nothing to complain about. They are often diehard fans from the 90's who never forgave Jerry for letting Jimmy go (even though Jimmy wanted to leave which should be sacrilege in itself) and they would rather have something to complain about than to acknowledge that Jerry succeeded. 1995 must have been an awful year for these people.

Personally, this case is about whether Ezekiel Elliott physically abused Thompson or if Tiffany Thompson lied about being abused by Ezekiel Elliott. That's all that matters. Not the St. Paddy's Day incident, not if he took drugs in college, not if he wanted an abortion, etc. If he physically abused her then I find it reprehensible and as I've stated numerous times in the past, I think that would deserve a 1-year suspension...not a 6-game suspension. With extensive therapy and banishment from the league on the next offense.

But, if she lied about her being abused, that is just as bad as a man actually abusing a woman. Joy Taylor pointed it out perfectly that what the league has done and what these SJW's are doing is creating further skepticism towards future claims of abuse by other women against other star athletes. This will increase the burden of proof for women to the point where reasonable doubt becomes unreasonable. And that's the biggest crime of them all.


Seemingly good deduction. But I have documented why I felt there is a reasonable likelihood he did something, and my rational is none of the above. I will say the past few days the likelihood that he did not commit violence has gone up in my eyes. So at this point I wouldn't be surprised if he is innocent of all violence. But I wouldn't be surprised if he did something either, which was implied by his attorneys comments in the Washington post article.
You have a portion of the population that has an affinity for saying 'see, I told you so.' They bought into this line of bull from the NFL...hook, line and sinker and now it's more about protecting their prediction than actually admitting they were misled by the NFL.

There's a portion of the population that is part of the SJW, White Knight crowd that cannot comprehend that a woman would ever lie about abuse. Admittedly, I don't quite understand it either, but I can always understand any human...regardless of gender, race, religious beliefs, occupation, wealth, etc. lying to get their way. I know I have lied to get my way and I have never met a person that didn't lie in their life to get their way. These people also don't understand how prevalent false accusations of rape are, much less false accusations of abuse are in our society.

There's a portion of the population that just don't like the idea of EE and his lifestyle. And because they don't like his lifestyle, they cannot wrap their heads around the idea that just because he admittedly has done drugs, he's had sex with plenty of women, he enjoys the nightlife and he wanted Thompson to get an abortion that he must be abusive. The new gimmick now is to claim that EE 'pressured' Thompson into getting an abortion which is ridiculous. He has the right, not only legally, but under the unwritten rules of relationships to want an abortion. Thompson herself stated she wasn't ready to be a mother and in the end...Thompson has the final say if they will have an abortion or not. Tiffany Thompson got an abortion because Tiffany Thompson wanted an abortion.

And finally there's a portion of the population that is self loathing Cowboys fans. If the Cowboys don't fail, they have nothing to complain about. They are often diehard fans from the 90's who never forgave Jerry for letting Jimmy go (even though Jimmy wanted to leave which should be sacrilege in itself) and they would rather have something to complain about than to acknowledge that Jerry succeeded. 1995 must have been an awful year for these people.

Personally, this case is about whether Ezekiel Elliott physically abused Thompson or if Tiffany Thompson lied about being abused by Ezekiel Elliott. That's all that matters. Not the St. Paddy's Day incident, not if he took drugs in college, not if he wanted an abortion, etc. If he physically abused her then I find it reprehensible and as I've stated numerous times in the past, I think that would deserve a 1-year suspension...not a 6-game suspension. With extensive therapy and banishment from the league on the next offense.

But, if she lied about her being abused, that is just as bad as a man actually abusing a woman. Joy Taylor pointed it out perfectly that what the league has done and what these SJW's are doing is creating further skepticism towards future claims of abuse by other women against other star athletes. This will increase the burden of proof for women to the point where reasonable doubt becomes unreasonable. And that's the biggest crime of them all.


Not enough likes for this post. Well done!!
After reading all the paperwork, I think Zeke has a reasonably good chance to have the suspension thrown out because of unfair process, which is what the attorneys are asking for.

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