NFLPA Files Temporary Restraining Order! **merged**

I didn't read all of the interview at first.

But the fact is that she is still lying about the 21st. She is STILL claiming that EE assaulted her by yanking her out of the car. Despite her friend Ayrin Mason and 5 other eyewitnesses saying none of that happened. They just 'weren't in position to see it' according to Thompson.

So the NFL which led us to believe that Thompson did a mea culpa on lying about the incident on the 21st distorted the truth and she still claims she was assaulted by EE on the 21st despite 6 witnesses claiming it didn't happen.

Again, this is brazen lying. And it's ramblings of a psycho.

If she sounded the way it appears in text, with all the ums, it's no wonder Kia thought she was lying. It appears she comes off even worse in the interview.
I live and work just outside of Boston and I can assure you that's not an exaggeration.
I live in Philly I think I got the location of where Texas esp Cowboys haters may be at covered better than you lol. It is an exaggeration overall. Maybe in your circle but overall heck no
I'll him a step further. DMN and Star-Telegram have reporters tryna paint Zeke in a bad light. I question the timing of it. Where were these reports before his legal team and the NFLPA took action against the league?

I called two of them out over them Tweeting out that info now - just as Zeke is tryna clear his name from these false DV allegations.

I wonder if Kessler can subpoena the NFL's financials to see who they've been paying off? I suspect there are many, given that they make money over fist every year and can afford to pay Goodell in excess of $40M annually, no matter how much he's screwing up.
I want to know how much Lisa Friel has made off this "investigation", I'm sure she has submitted a healthy support and expense report
I live in Philly I think I got the location of where Texas esp Cowboys haters may be at covered better than you lol. It is an exaggeration overall. Maybe in your circle but overall heck no

Not Cowboy haters at all. I've converted just about everyone in my circles to understand Jerry has largely made Kraft. It's mostly about Texas, outside of Austin of course.

Philly is another world in terms of Cowboy hating!
If she sounded the way it appears in text, with all the ums, it's no wonder Kia thought she was lying. It appears she comes off even worse in the interview.

Transcribed interviews can sound worse because 'ums' make it read like she was trying to come up with a story. However, ums are often used and in a real life interview there are for more accurate ways to determine if a person is lying by instinctive body language that can't be seen from a transcript.

From reading the transcript, Roberts starts to not believe her when she claims that she was assaulted by EE on the 21st. Roberts has 6 sworn affidavits, one of which was from Thompson's friend Ayrin Mason, that state that EE never even touched Thompson.

Roberts then asks Thompson to explain this and Thompson claims that Mason 'wasn't in position' to see what happened to her. However, Roberts knows from affidavits that 5 other people were likely in position to see this. Roberts ask Thompson how Mason couldn't see it when she was right there and Thompson gives a vague answer.

Roberts the replies with 'mmh.'

That's when Roberts saw that Thompson's story was garbage.

Then Thompson further confirms her story being garbage by trying to change the subject to Mason dating one of EE's friends which has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

So I wouldn't even worry about the 'ums' from Thompson. The fact that her story is so unbelievable that it does more than enough to bury her credibility.

She lied. She asked her friend to lie for her. And she continues to lie about this even though she was caught red handed and 6 witnesses, including one of her friends, has sworn affidavits that she lied. My guess is that Thompson probably got a hold of some legal counsel and they told her to take the stance that since she didn't *specifically* tell Mason to lie for her...then she could claim that she didn't tell Mason to lie. That's her only chance of creating some doubt here from the rubes and SJW's.

Roberts then asks Thompson to explain this and Thompson claims that Mason 'wasn't in position' to see what happened to her. However, Roberts knows from affidavits that 5 other people were likely in position to see this. Roberts ask Thompson how Mason couldn't see it when she was right there and Thompson gives a vague answer.

Exactly. And if they have video of that exchange Zeke's lawyers will use it to destroy the NFL in the lawsuit.

"I texted her because she couldn't see anything. Where was she? Five feet from the car. You don't understand? I um...., well....I have to check my mentions on Twitter".
How can anyone believeanything TT says at this point? The saddest part for me is that by picking this hill to fight, the NFL has seriously damaged true DV victims ability to be taken seriously.

The sad part is I think we are not even halfway thru with this stuff. I think there's going to a whole bunch more stuff of Thompson caught badly lying.

I really wonder if she was pregnant. She may have told people she was pregnant, but may have never been.

I wonder about the pics of bruises with the meta-data.

And I will wonder what other information the NFL had.

The sad part is I think we are not even halfway thru with this stuff. I think there's going to a whole bunch more stuff of Thompson caught badly lying.

I really wonder if she was pregnant. She may have told people she was pregnant, but may have never been.

I wonder about the pics of bruises with the meta-data.

And I will wonder what other information the NFL had.


Don't wreck your credibility by being even more unbalanced and dramatic. You don't think Zeke made sure she was pregnant given their status? Wouldn't Zeke have questioned the pregnancy in all the testimony instead of confirming it? You don't think there are confirmed doctors visits? And the documents state that Zeke's best friend attended the DNC/abortion with Tiffany.
Don't wreck your credibility by being even more unbalanced and dramatic. You don't think Zeke made sure she was pregnant given their status? Wouldn't Zeke have questioned the pregnancy in all the testimony instead of confirming it? You don't think there are confirmed doctors visits? And the documents state that Zeke's best friend attended the DNC/abortion with Tiffany.

I have no idea what Zeke would do and begging the question is a **** way to try and make a point. You are not in a position to tell anyone what their credibility is either.

What I do know is that she claimed that she had twins, miscarried one, and then was forced into abortion by Zeke for the other one. As far fetched as that sounds she produced no hospital or doctors records to corroborate any of it.
I have no idea what Zeke would do and begging the question is a **** way to try and make a point. You are not in a position to tell anyone what their credibility is either.

What I do know is that she claimed that she had twins, miscarried one, and then was forced into abortion by Zeke for the other one. As far fetched as that sounds she produced no hospital or doctors records to corroborate any of it.

Read the documents/testimony and get back to me. Or you can keep twisting everything to slant to your side.
I have no idea what Zeke would do and begging the question is a **** way to try and make a point. You are not in a position to tell anyone what their credibility is either.

What I do know is that she claimed that she had twins, miscarried one, and then was forced into abortion by Zeke for the other one. As far fetched as that sounds she produced no hospital or doctors records to corroborate any of it.
Not an expert but the timeline didn't look right either - how far along, knowing twins & miscarriage.

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