NFLPA Files Temporary Restraining Order! **merged**

Read the documents/testimony and get back to me. Or you can keep twisting everything to slant to your side.

It helps if you are going to make that argument to support it by quoting the relevant portions as opposed to putting the onus on me to make your argument for you.

For example:

Thompson told Roberts she learned she was pregnant with twins, but lost one of the babies through a miscarriage. Thompson terminated the pregnancy at about 10 weeks, she told Roberts, by taking two pills.

RU-486 is not sold in the feminine hygiene aisle at CVS, chachi.

edit:changed the source to a site that is not banned here. Exact same quote.
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It helps if you are going to make that argument to support it by quoting the relevant portions as opposed to putting the onus on me to make your argument for you.

For example:

RU-486 is not sold in the feminine hygiene aisle at CVS, chachi.

edit:changed the source to a site that is not banned here. Exact same quote.
Looks like she tried every trick in the book to keep EE

Abuse, baby, cheat with friend, stalk, threaten suicide

Just another Fatal Attraction....... Never Date Full Crazy
At 22 man i thought i was the man. Non stop partying. Rockstar lifestyle. Now im 28 with a kid and wife. I stay out of clubs and i only drink once in a while. Hell i am a choir boy compared to what i used to do. It doesnt surprise me a college kid was a hard party boy.

Yep - I think this is a good post and centers the debate.

I was absolutely crazy in college with drinking and several sexual encounters (never drugs) and I'll even admit I matured much later after college. Heck, the decision-making process in your brain isn't even fully formed until around 24. Adults use rational thought through the pre-frontal cortex, younger people process information with the amygdala - the emotional part. This doesn't excuse bad behavior but can explain it.

Yes, some kids are just more self-aware, have more discipline and are better behaved but in my college experience, they were the exception and everybody I ever partied with in my circle of friends turned out to be great professionals and great parents.

I just don't think you can put a blanket on behavior at a young age and say this is what you should or shouldn't be like.
Don't wreck your credibility by being even more unbalanced and dramatic. You don't think Zeke made sure she was pregnant given their status? Wouldn't Zeke have questioned the pregnancy in all the testimony instead of confirming it? You don't think there are confirmed doctors visits? And the documents state that Zeke's best friend attended the DNC/abortion with Tiffany.

Don't wreck your credibility by being being naive about the subject.

Thompson has no credibility. She has lied about:

1. The incident on the 21st.

2. Her trying to get her friend to lie for her.

3. She continues to lie about the 21st.

4. She lied about her showing her bruises to her friend on FaceTime.

5. The extortion attempts.

The 'documents' are just quoting what *Thompson* is saying. I do not see any medical documents that support the fact that she was pregnant in March 2016. I do not see any medical documents that support her having an abortion. I only see Thompson's word that she was pregnant and had an abortion. Robin Givens claimed she was pregnant when she wasn't and it's not out of the realm of possibility.

Anybody who takes Thompson's word at face value at this point is a rube.

Show me medical documents or I cannot believe her at this point because she has no integrity.

Don't wreck your credibility by being being naive about the subject.

Thompson has no credibility. She has lied about:

1. The incident on the 21st.

2. Her trying to get her friend to lie for her.

3. She continues to lie about the 21st.

4. She lied about her showing her bruises to her friend on FaceTime.

5. The extortion attempts.

The 'documents' are just quoting what *Thompson* is saying. I do not see any medical documents that support the fact that she was pregnant in March 2016. I do not see any medical documents that support her having an abortion. I only see Thompson's word that she was pregnant and had an abortion. Robin Givens claimed she was pregnant when she wasn't and it's not out of the realm of possibility.

Anybody who takes Thompson's word at face value at this point is a rube.

Show me medical documents or I cannot believe her at this point because she has no integrity.


I agree she has little to no credibility, but the documents and testimony imply Zeke didn't question the pregnancy and was quite involved in the abortion decision and event itself. Her family was also involved. Zeke clearly thinks she was pregnant, her family was all aware, and an abortion took place in Chicago (she made a special trip for that). My conclusion was that Zeke was smart enough to make sure she was really pregnant, which is the logical conclusion I believe you would reach if all the testimony is reviewed and some analysis is applied.

Now Zeke's point that she could have gotten pregnant on purpose by not taking birth control is certainly more plausible.
Theres a song I would post here, but it's not even close to appropriate, but it sure fits Tiffany.
I think most times the people who are the most I can't believe it moralist on this type of stuff are just people who were never able to have that type of fun. That's been my experience IRL. Like someone said earlier its like people went straight from the playpen to having families and stuff with no in between.

I've also seen the exact opposite.

I know a guy who partied his *** off, had multiple threesomes, etc, get involved with church and starts laying down the legalistic hammer on everyone trying to tell them how to live their lives completely oblivious to the hypocrisy of his actions in light of his past.

Or the preacher who rants about the evils of sex or the gay lifestyle and then turns out to be gay or is caught with a, people are a trip man
I agree she has little to no credibility, but the documents and testimony imply Zeke didn't question the pregnancy and was quite involved in the abortion decision and event itself. Her family was also involved. Zeke clearly thinks she was pregnant, her family was all aware, and an abortion took place in Chicago (she made a special trip for that). My conclusion was that Zeke was smart enough to make sure she was really pregnant, which is the logical conclusion I believe you would reach if all the testimony is reviewed and some analysis is applied.

Now Zeke's point that she could have gotten pregnant on purpose by not taking birth control is certainly more plausible.

So her boyfriend and family believed her. That sure proves she wasn't lying. . . . .

And if she made a special trip then it should be no issue at all to produce corroborating evidence. That is the rub there is none.

You admit she has no credibility yet you continually take her at her word without verification. That is what is incredibly naive.
It's been reported that she was barred by Friel - the Giants season-ticket holder.

The best thing that Henderson and the league can do would be to drop this suspension entirely.

They've got corruption, conspiracy, and incompetence on their hands. And the railroading of a star player for the purposes of perception of being tough on domestic violence.

Yes that would be the best thing that the NFL can do right now. If that happens and I was in Zeke's camp, I would still take them to court for damages. An apology letter would not do. Someone's head(s) should roll for all of this and that Zeke deserves more than just a sorry.
So her boyfriend and family believed her. That sure proves she wasn't lying. . . . .

And if she made a special trip then it should be no issue at all to produce corroborating evidence. That is the rub there is none.

You admit she has no credibility yet you continually take her at her word without verification. That is what is incredibly naive.

I didn't take her word. I am assuming Zeke, his best friend and her family were smart enough to confirm she was pregnant. Zeke clearly believes she was pregnant (read his testimony). His best friend believes she was pregnant (he made a special trip with her to Chicago). Her Aunt believes she was pregnant (she talked to Tiffany and didn't want her to do it).

In fact, Zeke's says she may have gotten pregnant on purpose, but he doesn't question the fact she was pregnant. And Zeke certainly didn't want her to be pregnant, and I suspect he would ask for medical verification or to speak with her doctor to confirm.

So, the most logical conclusion one would make, by pretty simple reasoning and looking at all the facts, is that she was probably pregnant. Not because of what Tiffany is saying, but because of the whole set of testimony and quotes from all parties concerned. And the fact that Zeke believed she was pregnant.

It isn't about being naive, it's about applying logic and percentages to determine the most likely outcome based upon all the information.
One serious question. Why is the "I'm white, you're black, who they gonna believe text" not getting any airtime? If the races were reversed and Zeke texted this, wouldn't that be getting 24/7 coverage?

is there a screen capture available of this text? (sorry if I missed it in this huge thread)
I've also seen the exact opposite.

I know a guy who partied his *** off, had multiple threesomes, etc, get involved with church and starts laying down the legalistic hammer on everyone trying to tell them how to live their lives completely oblivious to the hypocrisy of his actions in light of his past.

Or the preacher who rants about the evils of sex or the gay lifestyle and then turns out to be gay or is caught with a, people are a trip man
Ive saw the same thing just think the ones I posted are more plentiful at least in my experience. I'm pretty sure this varies person to person.
Ive saw the same thing just think the ones I posted are more plentiful at least in my experience. I'm pretty sure this varies person to person.

FYI-I wasn't trying to argue or dismiss your point, was just trying to add to it

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