NFLPA Files Temporary Restraining Order! **merged**

Huh? I'm confused my man why did you correct what I put?

lol, you should be, I just partially quoted you as an excuse to post that hilarious gif which was a "Betrayal of the highest order". Look at it again and you'll see what I mean
Wow the NFL and their investigators, with all their billions of dollars, can't even find someone to transcribe an interview? Thats truly pathetic.
Thats even more shady. Off the record interviews? This is going to court this is the definition of conspiracy. The sports media like espn and nfl network can spin all they want. This is worse than deflategate. They keep thinking if Goddell can suspend Brady then he can do whatever he wants thats not the case here. This is beyond sports and playing on the field. The judge will grant the TRO. See you in court Goddell get ready to testify under oath.
I agree she has little to no credibility, but the documents and testimony imply Zeke didn't question the pregnancy and was quite involved in the abortion decision and event itself. Her family was also involved. Zeke clearly thinks she was pregnant, her family was all aware, and an abortion took place in Chicago (she made a special trip for that). My conclusion was that Zeke was smart enough to make sure she was really pregnant, which is the logical conclusion I believe you would reach if all the testimony is reviewed and some analysis is applied.

Now Zeke's point that she could have gotten pregnant on purpose by not taking birth control is certainly more plausible.

she's duped Zeke and several other people on multiple occasions I refuse to believe that she was pregnant or anything that she says unless there is substantial evidence that backs her up.

Fool me once shame on you fool me twice...

If you don't like Zeke's personal life, that's a systemic cultural issue all across the country, particularly for athletes. Hard partying, women and a fast life.. That's a totally separate issue and is totally irrelevant to the case...

The NFL is leaking this information that is totally irrelevant to the CBA agreement, otherwise this type of behavior is par for the course for college athletes..

They're victim shaming...oh, the irony.
lol, you should be, I just partially quoted you as an excuse to post that hilarious gif which was a "Betrayal of the highest order". Look at it again and you'll see what I mean
Oh ok. I thought you was doing some that was the wrong phrase stuff that's why I was confused. I'm like I've used "of the highest order" for tons of words forever and nobody had a problem with it lol. I thought I was using it wrong for all this time when you corrected it which would've been kinda sad none of my friends/family/teachers would've told me otherwise.

Edit: clicked the video see whats going on smh at me but it looked too graphic so I didn't click at first.
Oh ok. I thought you was doing some that was the wrong phrase stuff that's why I was confused. I'm like I've used of the highest order for tons of words forever and nobody had a problem with it lol. I thought I was using it wrong for all this time when you corrected it which would've been kinda sad none of my friends/family/teachers would've told me otherwise.

Nah, I was just goofing around. I think that gif is hilarious
I didn't take her word. I am assuming Zeke, his best friend and her family were smart enough to confirm she was pregnant. Zeke clearly believes she was pregnant (read his testimony). His best friend believes she was pregnant (he made a special trip with her to Chicago). Her Aunt believes she was pregnant (she talked to Tiffany and didn't want her to do it).

In fact, Zeke's says she may have gotten pregnant on purpose, but he doesn't question the fact she was pregnant. And Zeke certainly didn't want her to be pregnant, and I suspect he would ask for medical verification or to speak with her doctor to confirm.

So, the most logical conclusion one would make, by pretty simple reasoning and looking at all the facts, is that she was probably pregnant. Not because of what Tiffany is saying, but because of the whole set of testimony and quotes from all parties concerned. And the fact that Zeke believed she was pregnant.

It isn't about being naive, it's about applying logic and percentages to determine the most likely outcome based upon all the information.

You have never met any of them. What makes you think that they would do anything one way or another other than it is mighty convenient for the conclusion that you want to draw?

The bottom line is she could very easily supply evidence that she was pregnant over the course of the past year. Nothing has been produced at all whatsoever. All that you have demonstrated is that her aunt and Zeke believed her. Nothing more.

And what percentages? The ones you pull out of your butt?
she's duped Zeke and several other people on multiple occasions I refuse to believe that she was pregnant or anything that she says unless there is substantial evidence that backs her up.

Fool me once shame on you fool me twice...

I have a hard time believing someone this unstable would abort EE's baby

That would be the one thing that would keep him tied to her for at least 18 years Kanye says
she's duped Zeke and several other people on multiple occasions I refuse to believe that she was pregnant or anything that she says unless there is substantial evidence that backs her up.

Fool me once shame on you fool me twice...


We can't ignore that fact there is a Tiffany Tompson in every town and in every neighborhood of our world. She is nothing more than a money grabbing ***** and we all know that.

However, Tiffany Tompson would not have reached the spotlight if it weren't for the NFL wanting to use this as leverage against the Cowboys. Lets face it. They wanted to Zeke suspended so that those that hate the Cowboys has a play field advantage. The NFL doesn't care about DV. They don't care about Tiffany Tompson. They are just using her as a pawn in whatever sick and mindless game that they play.

I don't like here a bit also. I absolutely detest her. She would not be in the limelight if the NFL would not have used her against the Cowboys.
You have never met any of them. What makes you think that they would do anything one way or another other than it is mighty convenient for the conclusion that you want to draw?

The bottom line is she could very easily supply evidence that she was pregnant over the course of the past year. Nothing has been produced at all whatsoever. All that you have demonstrated is that her aunt and Zeke believed her. Nothing more.

And what percentages? The ones you pull out of your butt?

You have demonstrated nothing to support a fabricated pregnancy, beyond the fact that Tiffany isn't very credible. Surprised to see you struggle with this simple level of analytical thinking which would point toward a higher likelihood of a real pregnancy, than a faked one. Sure there is a possibility she faked the pregnancy, but the evidence would indicate she probably didn't. The facts are that Zeke, Zeke's best friend, her aunt and her family believed she was pregnant for some reason (maybe they took her word for it, maybe they went to the doctor with her, maybe they saw the records). Regardless, the evidence points toward a conclusion that she probably was pregnant because nobody is questioning that fact, and you have to assume they, especially Zeke, wanted proof given the circumstances.

And I am not the one drawing any conclusions. Only pointing out that many of the conclusions or scenarios suggested in these threads show extreme bias toward Zeke and therefore hurt the credibility of the poster. You, like others, are so focused on painting a picture that Zeke was the sole victim and completely innocent, that you are not able to logically analyze all the facts and see things in the middle.

BTW, it doesn't matter any more whether Zeke is guilty of any violence or what our opinions are on that matter. That isn't the discussion going forward. The case has been laid out by Zeke's team, and will come down to whether or not the investigation and decision process was handled fairly by the NFL, and whether or not there is any wiggle room in the CBA language in terms of 'unfair process' overturning RG's power. At this point, given all the facts, I suspect Zeke has a decent chance to get this overturned. Clearly there is significant doubt that Zeke committed DV, the NFL's investigator concluded he shouldn't be suspended, etc. It doesn't seem fair or right, but I don't know the legal side well enough to know if a judge will overturn RG. Will be extremely interesting.
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You have demonstrated nothing to support a fabricated pregnancy, beyond the fact that Tiffany isn't very credible. Surprised to see you struggle with this simple level of analytical thinking which would point toward a higher likelihood of a real pregnancy, than a faked one. Sure there is a possibility she faked the pregnancy, but the evidence would indicate she probably didn't. The facts are that Zeke, Zeke's best friend, her aunt and her family believed she was pregnant for some reason (maybe they took her word for it, maybe they went to the doctor with her, maybe they saw the records). Regardless, the evidence points toward a conclusion that she probably was pregnant because nobody is questioning that fact, and you have to assume they, especially Zeke, wanted proof given the circumstances.

And I am not the one drawing any conclusions. Only pointing out that many of the conclusions or scenarios suggested in these threads show extreme bias toward Zeke and therefore hurt the credibility of the poster. You, like others, are so focused on painting a picture that Zeke was the sole victim and completely innocent, that you are not able to logically analyze all the facts and see things in the middle.

BTW, it doesn't matter any more whether Zeke is guilty of any violence. That isn't the discussion going forward. The case has been laid out by Zeke's team, and will come down to whether or not the process was handled fairly. I suspect he could win this one.

It's called an assertion without proof is to be discarded. That is the root of scientific scepticism and how I personally determine truth.

This is even more important given that she has been demonstrated to have repeatedly attempted to deceive and form conspiracies.

There is no direct evidence that she was indeed pregnant and frankly the whole I miscarried one twin and was forced to abort the other just sounds ridiculous.
She was accused of withholding evidence as a prosecutor in Manhattan.

The judge ultimately decided that it did not affect that outcome of the case but she resigned immediately after the ruling. Looks like she was asked to resign.
Yep - and looks like she did it again. Too bad Kia Roberts caught her slipping. ;)

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