NFLPA Files Temporary Restraining Order! **merged**

" +2 points awarded for reversal by ' Team Elliott " also +1 point for 'Team Elliott' for escape!,,, +3 points awarded to 'Team Elliott' for near fall even B-4 the match begins,,, ' team Goodell''s * stuff* is shoulder pinned to THE MAT within the first 3 seconds of competitiono_O

This is the only outcome to be accepted!:starspin:

And then Goodell gives him six more games for bruising her with the pin.
Reading these transcripts has given me a new fear of women.


Hadn't ya heard?

There's no way a woman would lie about a man assaulting her.

And just because she's been caught in 417 lies which include lying to police, witness tampering, extortion, pregnancies, being drugged in Miami by a random person, not being in a fistfight when police officers said she was in a fistfight...that doesn't mean she isn't telling the truth about something.

But hey, EE took down the top of a woman he was dating. And that's all we need to know.

I have a saying I lie my chicks #50shadesofcrazy but Zeke my friend you like em about #150shadesofcrazy yikes man! Runnnnnnnnn
Where's that Giants law dog to tell us how there's nothing Zeke can do?

You could also bring in Christine Brennan for sticking up for this nutjob.

Or that other moron who stated that she knew EE was an abuser because when she talked to him he was polite and intelligent.

They got some 'splainin' to do.

Dude, she was like that guy in the Terminator. She just kept coming after him.

LMAO,,, or like that Mr. Silly Putty Pants casing-liner guy dude!,,, that's for all his obvious non assimilation into the U.S.of A. is still a pretty cool dude IMOo_O

Note at the time Thompson had already accused Zeke of DV. That's why he runs away when she approaches. Can you imagine what would've happened if Zeke had tried to keep Thompson from assaulting that other girl? If he'd tried to fight with her?
Done on purpose to show that it was the same photograph.

You supposedly alter both, no problem.

All for the low, low price of $0.99.

Can anybody here tell me with a straight face that the NFL checked out the meta-data thoroughly for manipulation?

Sad thing is even if you don't want to spend the $1 all you have to do is turn auto date and time update off, change date and time in the phone and take pictures. Turn auto date time update back on after "photoshoot" tada you do not need 1.21 gigawatts and a delorean "to go back in Time."
You could also bring in Christine Brennan for sticking up for this nutjob.

Or that other moron who stated that she knew EE was an abuser because when she talked to him he was polite and intelligent.

They got some 'splainin' to do.


I was talking about our own personal troll. I told you as soon as I heard Pete Harvey say she was the eyewitness and there were no punches thrown in that fight that this thing stunk to high heaven.

As to your point for those agenda pushers the ends justify the means. What's one innocent man compared to all the victims of DV? The problem with that thinking is using this case as your example only harms future victims. Who wants to go through all of this?
She's got pictures from long after Zeke was out of the picture with bruises as well.
Plus pictures don't prove squat ........ her best friend could be there grabbing her wrists..... she could have fallen...... but I better be careful .......if I don't how they happened it means I did it

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