NFLPA Files Temporary Restraining Order! **merged**

It's on baby, I can't wait to see Molly Qerim throw a fit over this:lmao2:
I hope she apologizes profusely because she was wrong as heck and loud about it. Its one thing to be wrong but to get on the moral high horse and be wrong like it appears she is whats wrong with too many people trying to be on the "right" side of things facts be darned
What I really don't understand is the NFL were the ones who kept this in the light. It was a very minor headline that was barely even talked about other than when news leaked out about THEIR investigation. They backed themselves into this corner. Of all the cases to pull this stunt on, this is the one the NFL decided to fall on the sword for? It absolutely screams something foul is afoot. There's really no other explanation that is plausible.

This case was pretty much forgotten, or unknown to most fans. Yet the NFL kept it going, and blew it up.

It's really becoming clear that there is some sort of league conspiracy against the Cowboys.
The nfl already said he wasn't getting punished for St Pattys. If they did they would open up another can of worms. Gronk is on tape for motorboating a chick. And I'm sure plenty of other players have done the same. Zeke's girlfriend told them she was fine with it and it was at a Marti Gras type event.
Hey I'm all for boobs. But that was a bad look for the league and worthy of 1 game suspension imo under the personal conduct policy. If the NFL had any sense they would realize they're fighting a losing battle.
Hey I'm all for boobs. But that was a bad look for the league and worthy of 1 game suspension imo under the personal conduct policy. Which is what he was technically suspended for correct? Not domestic violence?
No, the NFL said that wasn't what they were suspending him for. They did refer to that event. But the suspension was for the alleged violence.
Hey I'm all for boobs. But that was a bad look for the league and worthy of 1 game suspension imo under the personal conduct policy. Which is what he was technically suspended for correct? Not domestic violence?
Not at all! The NFL straight up said this was about the DV claims and in no way related to anything else. Can't go back and change it now.
Goodell's only out here is to vacate the suspension, fire Lisa Friel, and claim he is shocked by her actions.
She's gonna be the patsy, Goodell will claim plausible deniability since he did not read Roberts conclusion in the report or hear them in the meeting. He will feign shock at Friel's actions and promise to investigate, since that worked so well in the first case.
What I really don't understand is the NFL were the ones who kept this in the light. It was a very minor headline that was barely even talked about other than when news leaked out about THEIR investigation. They backed themselves into this corner. Of all the cases to pull this stunt on, this is the one the NFL decided to fall on the sword for? It absolutely screams something foul is afoot. There's really no other explanation that is plausible.
...and not a peep about Joe Nixon. SMH
The NFL completely blew it. I haven't heard from anyone that actually thinks he did it or think the suspension was justified. They tried to play the PR game and they will come out looking like fools.
Hey I'm all for boobs. But that was a bad look for the league and worthy of 1 game suspension imo under the personal conduct policy. Which is what he was technically suspended for correct? Not domestic violence?
No, they claimed the DV occurred based on Thompson's word & photos.

The photos are easy to poke holes through bc there's no proof they came from Zeke...except for Thompson's word.

The one person that interviewed Thompson didnt feel the info she got justified a suspension. It matters greatly that what the league claims is their proof to justify the suspension was likely found not credible by the league's own investigator.

Seems either Goodell knew about her recommendation & ignored it OR the others involved deliberately excluded it in order to not hurt their own recommendation for suspension. So possible conspiracy. I think... lol

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