NFLPA Files Temporary Restraining Order! **merged**

Lockhart is a guy who made his name working for a person and administration that wrote the book on victim shaming.

Irony, thy name is Joe Lockhart.

I get a kick out of Florio claiming that Lockhart is just 'putting a spin' on the situation. No, Lockhart is lying. At no time has Elliott's camp stated, implied or inferred that he assaulted Thompson for any reason whatsoever.

Just like it's a lie that Lockhart was claiming that the NFLPA leaked the texts of Thompson discussing extorting EE with sex tapes.

Who cares about reduction.

Read Lockharts inane comments:

The union has single-handedly turned back the clock and trampled on the rights of victims by saying it’s okay to commit violence against women as long as you’re provoked.

At *no* time did the union say, infer or imply that.

They claimed that Elliott never assaulted Thompson in any way, shape or form.

That they had NUMEROUS witnesses that backed Elliott, including a Florida police officer and friends of Thompson.

Thompson had numerous witnesses she claimed would back her and only *one* of them did...her aunt. And her aunt only claims she saw some bruises on her thru a FaceTime chat.

They pointed out the constant lies that Thompson told that were proven from law enforcement and witnesses.

They showed a video, in the appeal hearing, of Thompson trying to smash the window of her own car to blame it on Elliott.

They showed how Lisa Friel, who you hired, withheld evidence from Kia Roberts (who you hired) and Roberts was the only person to interview Thompson.

They brought forth an expert witness that stated that you simply cannot tell a date from the color of the bruises with today's medicine and technology.

They questions YOUR medical experts who AGREED and admitted they did it anyway.

They showed how one of YOUR medical experts who LIED to get out of being deposed by claiming she was in the hospital when she never went to the hospital and was at home the entire time.

There were numerous witnesses that claimed they saw Thompson freaking out on Elliott, Elliott trying to get away from Thompson and never even touching her and that her friends who didn't know Elliott stated that they don't trust a word that Thompson says anymore.

I hope this idiot understands that this was all transcribed. Of course, he claimed the NFL was going to sue the NY Times for a CTE article where they quoted the league.

Good lord is their an environment of incompetence in the NFL offices.

Excellent summary.

Doesn't mean he didn't hit her, but it damn sure means they need far more proof than this.
Excellent summary.

Doesn't mean he didn't hit her, but it damn sure means they need far more proof than this.
What in your mind would It mean, more likely than not, that he did not hit her?

Possibly the only real way to prove anyone didn't hit anyone is to have their life a 24 hour reality tv show.
Who cares about reduction.

Read Lockharts inane comments:

The union has single-handedly turned back the clock and trampled on the rights of victims by saying it’s okay to commit violence against women as long as you’re provoked.

At *no* time did the union say, infer or imply that.

They claimed that Elliott never assaulted Thompson in any way, shape or form.

That they had NUMEROUS witnesses that backed Elliott, including a Florida police officer and friends of Thompson.

Thompson had numerous witnesses she claimed would back her and only *one* of them did...her aunt. And her aunt only claims she saw some bruises on her thru a FaceTime chat.

They pointed out the constant lies that Thompson told that were proven from law enforcement and witnesses.

They showed a video, in the appeal hearing, of Thompson trying to smash the window of her own car to blame it on Elliott.

They showed how Lisa Friel, who you hired, withheld evidence from Kia Roberts (who you hired) and Roberts was the only person to interview Thompson.

They brought forth an expert witness that stated that you simply cannot tell a date from the color of the bruises with today's medicine and technology.

They questions YOUR medical experts who AGREED and admitted they did it anyway.

They showed how one of YOUR medical experts who LIED to get out of being deposed by claiming she was in the hospital when she never went to the hospital and was at home the entire time.

There were numerous witnesses that claimed they saw Thompson freaking out on Elliott, Elliott trying to get away from Thompson and never even touching her and that her friends who didn't know Elliott stated that they don't trust a word that Thompson says anymore.

I hope this idiot understands that this was all transcribed. Of course, he claimed the NFL was going to sue the NY Times for a CTE article where they quoted the league.

Good lord is their an environment of incompetence in the NFL offices.

To all our legal experts, I apologize in advance, but this is nothing more than classic legal defense tactics 101: delay, deflect and bridge the narrative to something else. The statement that it is ".. Ok to commit DV..." Is nothing more than a further attempt to paint Zeke in a very unfavorable light and garner PR points. Expect the NFLPA to strike back on this very quickly.

Sadly, this has turned into a 3 ring circus.
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Excellent summary.

Doesn't mean he didn't hit her, but it damn sure means they need far more proof than this.

At this point with the evidence and testimony we have, I find claiming that it doesn't mean that EE didn't assault Thompson is the equivalent of saying that with all of the evidence it doesn't mean that OJ killed Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman.

Yup, they didn't find the murder weapon and they have no eyewitnesses that actually saw OJ Simpson kill Brown and Goldman...but now the standard of doubt has become unreasonable.

Who cares about reduction.

Read Lockharts inane comments:

The union has single-handedly turned back the clock and trampled on the rights of victims by saying it’s okay to commit violence against women as long as you’re provoked.

At *no* time did the union say, infer or imply that.

They claimed that Elliott never assaulted Thompson in any way, shape or form.

That they had NUMEROUS witnesses that backed Elliott, including a Florida police officer and friends of Thompson.

Thompson had numerous witnesses she claimed would back her and only *one* of them did...her aunt. And her aunt only claims she saw some bruises on her thru a FaceTime chat.

They pointed out the constant lies that Thompson told that were proven from law enforcement and witnesses.

They showed a video, in the appeal hearing, of Thompson trying to smash the window of her own car to blame it on Elliott.

They showed how Lisa Friel, who you hired, withheld evidence from Kia Roberts (who you hired) and Roberts was the only person to interview Thompson.

They brought forth an expert witness that stated that you simply cannot tell a date from the color of the bruises with today's medicine and technology.

They questions YOUR medical experts who AGREED and admitted they did it anyway.

They showed how one of YOUR medical experts who LIED to get out of being deposed by claiming she was in the hospital when she never went to the hospital and was at home the entire time.

There were numerous witnesses that claimed they saw Thompson freaking out on Elliott, Elliott trying to get away from Thompson and never even touching her and that her friends who didn't know Elliott stated that they don't trust a word that Thompson says anymore.

I hope this idiot understands that this was all transcribed. Of course, he claimed the NFL was going to sue the NY Times for a CTE article where they quoted the league.

Good lord is their an environment of incompetence in the NFL offices.

Lockhart is a PR guy and knows there is a great deal of power in simply accusing someone of something as loathsome as DV in the court of public opinion. Unfortunately, many of the casual fans or general public will hear DV and assume he is guilty. Lockhart knows the stigma that label carries even without tangible proof. It's basically the Salem Witch trials.

Once being accused of being a witch, you're a witch. They do not have to prove you are a witch, you have to prove you are not and obtaining that proof is almost impossible. Once labelled as being a witch or woman beater you are guilty in the court of public opinion, the actual facts don't matter. Anyone else trying to defend the witch, the NFLPA, is then also labelled a witch, because who else would defend a witch. That is why you see/hear some of the mediots still saying Zeke is guilty, whether they read the transcripts or how the investigation was conducted or not. It's not about fairness or guilt or innocence, it's about being perceived as a witch/woman beater. It's easier for many of the mediots to err on the side of guilt so as to not offend the public or more importantly their advertisers $. After all who would defend a witch, but another witch?
I was way off on this, really appreciate you clearing this up. Wish I was able to just delete my post so no one is misinformed, can't remember where I read my info from. Well done speed!
Just to clarify. Did she call the cops then and say there was dv that took place? I'm still confused on this
TROs are pretty common in NFL....... the player can always be suspended later(but maybe not against the NYGs)
He's been able to make a ruling. It was just speculated it would be today or tomorrow as he's got a lot to review. (Per talkin cowboys or the break) can't recall which.
I wouldn't doubt if it drags on, Zeke plays, then in a couple of weeks they rule in his favor. It looks clear to most that he's not guilty. However, after such a stupidly long "investigation" they can't just overturn it without acting as if they turned over every stone or they'd look weaker on dv. Thanks to their repeated blunders involving dv.

Or not.
Schefter just tweeted the NFL said "No ruling would come today"

Week One is looking better and better
Who cares about reduction.

Read Lockharts inane comments:

The union has single-handedly turned back the clock and trampled on the rights of victims by saying it’s okay to commit violence against women as long as you’re provoked.

At *no* time did the union say, infer or imply that.

They claimed that Elliott never assaulted Thompson in any way, shape or form.

That they had NUMEROUS witnesses that backed Elliott, including a Florida police officer and friends of Thompson.

Thompson had numerous witnesses she claimed would back her and only *one* of them did...her aunt. And her aunt only claims she saw some bruises on her thru a FaceTime chat.

They pointed out the constant lies that Thompson told that were proven from law enforcement and witnesses.

They showed a video, in the appeal hearing, of Thompson trying to smash the window of her own car to blame it on Elliott.

They showed how Lisa Friel, who you hired, withheld evidence from Kia Roberts (who you hired) and Roberts was the only person to interview Thompson.

They brought forth an expert witness that stated that you simply cannot tell a date from the color of the bruises with today's medicine and technology.

They questions YOUR medical experts who AGREED and admitted they did it anyway.

They showed how one of YOUR medical experts who LIED to get out of being deposed by claiming she was in the hospital when she never went to the hospital and was at home the entire time.

There were numerous witnesses that claimed they saw Thompson freaking out on Elliott, Elliott trying to get away from Thompson and never even touching her and that her friends who didn't know Elliott stated that they don't trust a word that Thompson says anymore.

I hope this idiot understands that this was all transcribed. Of course, he claimed the NFL was going to sue the NY Times for a CTE article where they quoted the league.

Good lord is their an environment of incompetence in the NFL offices.


On their letterhead it should read N.I.L., National Incompetence League.
that is scandalous.......... I doubt the Judge would like that with arguments due at 5pm
They timed it perfectly. "Investigate" (stall) 13 months, then drop the hammer so that the 3 business days to file an appeal, 10 business days to begin the appeal hearing (they took all 10 days) and then the handing down of the final decision lines right up with the cut-off (COB Tuesday) to make the suspension stick week 1. It wasn't was planned.

A desired outcome was initiated long ago, it's just taken this long to build the case/timeline to support it.
They timed it perfectly. "Investigate" (stall) 13 months, then drop the hammer so that the 3 business days to file an appeal, 10 business days to begin the appeal hearing (they took all 10 days) and then the handing down of the final decision lines right up with the cut-off (COB Tuesday) to make the suspension stick week 1. It wasn't was planned.

A desired outcome was initiated long ago, it's just taken this long to build the case/timeline to support it.
Weasel Gooddell indeed. SMH

Gotta believe Kessler anticipated this and has a plan. He's smart.

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