NFLPA Files Temporary Restraining Order! **merged**

I'm a little confused ... If it's their investigator ... How do they not know what she recommends


It's almost worse that he and his staff didn't know. I mean you're in charge of an 11 billion dollar business and you have no idea what is going on with an investigation of one of the highest profile players in the league?


Friel is going down and Roger will skate but the whole fiasco is disgraceful and could really affect how future DV cases are handles both from the player's side and the victim's side.

Everybody's going to have mistrust and deservedly so.
So they are pinning this on Friel and Goddell skates.

Like somebody said earlier his own words about ignorance isn't an excuse should come back to haunt him esp when you have the ability to ruin someone's reputation. Should've butted out of the situation anyway. IMO only people that want to be on the "right" side of situations with their moral grandstanding couldn't see this wasn't the case to be all cocky about. Now if Zeke was Josh Brown or Ray Rice I'd be like ok but this one I'm sorry you have be bias to think that there was a good chance Zeke did something with the info we know to this point.
Yep. And I think the NFLPA and/or the Cowboys have very, very cleverly built in that out for Goodell in their suit. Check it out:

[T]he NFLPA and Elliott do not seek in this Petition for the Court to make its own determinations about Elliott’s or Thompson’s credibility, or any other matter of fact-finding properly left to the arbitrator,” the petition states. “Rather, the controlling and paramount legal question presented here is whether an arbitration concerning the existence of ‘credible evidence’ for employee discipline based on ‘he-said/she-said’ claims of domestic violence can be fundamentally fair when senior NFL Executives have conspired to obscure (including from the Commissioner and his advisors) their own Director of Investigations’ conclusion that there was no credible evidence upon which to impose discipline, and the arbitrator has refused to require the NFL to make available for testimony and cross-examination: (i) the accuser whose credibility is at issue (or the investigative notes of her six interviews), and (ii) the Commissioner who was deprived of critical facts in making his disciplinary determination”

wow nice catch
There was a time I thought the conspiracy angle was far-fetched. Now it seems the most plausible explanation

This is no different than them hiding the Ray Rice video and the incident with Josh Brown's wife at the hotel when they gave them a pass. It's no different then them hiding the CTE information and then trying to suppress it involving law enforcement. This is no different than them manufacturing evidence in Bounty gate. This is no different than them sending out a memo for teams to abide by the cap or face punishment in 2010, an uncapped year.

That is 5 examples of their subterfuge in recent years. When you go back to when they were trying to suppress the union 30+ years ago and all the crap they pulled it becomes a long term trend.

The NFL hasn't ever deserved the benefit of the doubt.

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