Off the Terence Newman Bandwagon

Mansta54;2545227 said:
You know, folks are probably starting to understand you more also with your blab, whinning, crying, and name calling. I guess it all goes hand and hand.. Just a thought...:rolleyes:

QFT. There not much more to say about it.I saw this a long time ago.
Newman's lastest quote is reminiscent of this board after a loss lol

knee-jerk and not that well-thought out
More explanation because I know some were wondering about the Newman comments I was referring to...


This team is barking from all angles. Terence Newman does his barking on the Glass Cactus Show with Babe...

Newman on Wade coming back

Let me first make a statement here with an explanation.

I am off the Terence Newman bandwagon. Why? Why would you be off his bandwagon DC when he is one of the best players on the team?

I love his talent and I think he's a very good player. But he's falling into that 'Wade mentality' of thinking he has to be defensive all the time about accomplishments that ring hollow to the fans.

In that clip he brings up the 13 wins in 2007 as if it was something to brag about. The reality of that season was the that the team was the first #1 NFC seed to not even come away with one playoff win. And then he says that Wade doesn't have to change his approach because of this bad 9-7 season because of that 13 win season in 2007.

To me that's a loser mentality. How about we strive for more than resting the laurels of winning a bunch of regular season games. The NFL isn't giving out pats on the back for winning 13 games and then flopping in the playoffs and neither should the fans.

Is it tough love? Yeah, and maybe tough love is what this team needs because they seem to be a soft bunch right now who can't 'man up' when crunch time rolls around. Instead they fold like a lawn chair and talk about that 2007 season as if it's some great accomplishment.

Newman talks accountability

Disturbing. It's disturbing to me that he wants his teammates and coaches to 'read' about his comments so they will hear it and then things will change. Think about that.

He's in the locker room and at Valley Ranch everyday with these people, but the way to really get through to them is to air it out on ESPN?

What sense does that make? That's more of the reason I am off his bandwagon. He's fallen into the trap of the media being a part of this team.

He didn't go directly to his team and tell them this stuff. He went on ESPN's First Take and made these comments about some of the team not being accountable. That's just more evidence that the communication level on this team is in the crapper.

Newman talks lack of discipline

Again, Newman has no problem talking about this on the radio show, but he didn't have the guts to say something at some point during the season.

Instead it would seem he went right along with it.

So a team of 'professionals' who wants to be treated like men by their soft head coach can't even make it to meetings on time, but we are expecting them to know their assignments every Sunday?

If you are a parent this is familiar behavior. Ever go into your kids room and it's a complete mess. Then when they notice you notice it's a complete mess they all of sudden start straightening up things.

So now these players are going to 'straighten up' because it's been recognized that they walked all over Wade for two years now.

And we think this is going to change overnight? Ask some parents you know if that's a realistic expectation. Fines? Please, these measly fines don't mean a damn thing to these players.

And what happened to keeping it 'in house' Newman? You just aired out the team about being lazy and walking all over the soft head coach.

I used to love Terence Newman, but the more I hear him talk in public the more I see him going over the the dark side.

That's from my blog.

Again, I don't hate him or want him off the team or anything nutty.

I am just seeing him differently these days.
LOL! Oh my. Some people on these forums take the Cowboys winning and losing WAY to seriously.

I can only hope my entire life, and happiness, and ability to have a good life is never tied up entirely around what the Cowboys do and don't do.

People jumping on and off bandwagons, people hating on one another for daring to like a certain player, or not liking another one, people being pieces of crap and losers cause they realise in the end it's just a game of football and in the grand scheme of things it doesn't make one bit of difference.

These forums are sometimes the most fun, and wonderful place to be and other times it's almost sad.
BraveHeartFan;2547280 said:
I can only hope my entire life, and happiness, and ability to have a good life is never tied up entirely around what the Cowboys do and don't do.
Something we all need to remember from time to time.
ddh33;2545287 said:
Truthfully, I'm willing to write a bunch of this off as frustration since I think Newman is one of the guys on the team who really cares about winning. But it doesn't make everything he has said and done right.

So what makes him any different from Terrell Owens?

Reputation? Popularity? His lack of a past?

To me, both have done the same thing.

Calling out issues with the coaching staff? Check.

Expressing frustration because they want to win? Check.

The only difference is that Randy Galloway and others haven't hung an insipid nickname on Newman.

To me, they are all the same. I am very very tired of these players talking into every microphone that's shoved in their faces and giving their views of what is wrong. Just fix it and shut up.
Bandwagon still looks pretty full to me.

dcfanatic;2545217 said:
I used to love this guy.

I can't say i loved this guy but i started to like him as a CB last year when he started to show he eventually could be the type of CB we drafted him and paid him for.

This year he had alot of injuries Ok but in the end it's always the same with him as a player: he seems to pan out as a great one but he just doesn't get it done.

To me he is more like the Tony Romo of the Defense. We have high hopes in him and it's seems everybody is in love with him so to critc him is plain and simple forbidden. But when it comes to show some skills in important game Romo goes braindead and TNEW gives up bigplays.

So for me i used to have hopes for both but right now i am more like: start producing like the way we are expecting of you too or get off my team.
TwentyOne;2547526 said:
I can't say i loved this guy but i started to like him as a CB last year when he started to show he eventually could be the type of CB we drafted him and paid him for.

This year he had alot of injuries Ok but in the end it's always the same with him as a player: he seems to pan out as a great one but he just doesn't get it done.

To me he is more like the Tony Romo of the Defense. We have high hopes in him and it's seems everybody is in love with him so to critc him is plain and simple forbidden. But when it comes to show some skills in important game Romo goes braindead and TNEW gives up bigplays.

So for me i used to have hopes for both but right now i am more like: start producing like the way we are expecting of you too or get off my team.
dcfanatic;2545516 said:
Mrs. Newman, calm down. I don't want to harm your boy or anything.

And you must have missed the part about a month ago when I said I didn't want anyone on this coaching staff back and I never wavered on that til this day.

And I believe if you ask around people will tell you I am a full fledged member of the 'I can't stand T.O. anymore club'.

I ripped Romo on my last show for his stupid INT and in fact said it was the turning point in the game.

You don't have the facts wrong, but in fact don't have any facts at all.

And I never said Newman wasn't a good player either.

So call up Terence and tell him know you love him and wish him a happy new year for me.

I must have missed it, because I tuned you out a long time ago. You can't stand Wade Phillips, and that is your right. He hasn't been perfect. You bashed the defense for half the year, and hung your hat on the offense for most of the year. You didn't trust the defense, and they were the backbone of this team. You had no confidence in Phillips' defense this year when you could see plain as day that the offense and special teams were putting the defense in terrible positions before the bye week.

You could see, even without Newman, that the defense was playing good. The Rams game was the only exception, but the turnovers were there, too. The defense was put in horrible positions at New York, but I bet you didn't mind calling out Phillips and giving him heat after that game. They were hung out to dry in that game. I was giving Jason Garrett heat months ago on here. I did it before the Dallas media did it. You didn't direct your daggers at him back then. If you did, they got lost in the Wade Phillips bashing.

It's like one poster said, when the defense was playing lights out, everything is fine, but the first time something goes bad on that side of the ball, you go after Phillilps and get out your daggers.

When the defense played great after the bye, what changed? When did the defense make the real big leap? They made it when Terence Newman came back and was healthy and started covering the other team's best guy all over the field.

You say you don't want to "harm my boy", but you are trashing my favorite player. I take exception to it. He's done nothing to deserve it. He played his rear-end off, and if that wasn't good enough for you and others, fine.

But... Don't expect me to give you a pass for poor judgement.
dcfanatic;2545522 said:
It's ok. We know he's a good player.

He just went up against a future Hall of Famer in Desean Jackson last week that's all.
:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:

Stop talking like he's Deion in 1993 bro.

Don't cherry pick. Look at the whole season like I did. McNabb made a perfect throw.

I wanted Jackson drafted but was very happy with Bennett.

By the way, that wasn't you bashing Bennett on threads in here after watching Hard Knocks.

Well DCFANATIC I have lost respect for you as well.
TNew spoke out in frustration and anger and probably should not have. Well gee whiz.
Is there anything he said that we can show is really incorrect?
you might not like the truth from his point of view but before you whine and cry prove him wrong.
TNew does a great job when healthy. I think he can shut down one on one any WR in the NFL. He has shut down some very good ones for sure. Of course he is going to have bad games. Now they are talking about him needing ankle surgery. So clearly he was even more hurt then we thought.
dcfanatic;2545367 said:
Stop whining and complaining about Hamlin bro.

Bunch of women around here, lol.

Man up.

oh yea because i make a thread dedicated to you do...all i said was his play has made me mad...i am not calling for his head....

unlike crying like a little school girl
41gy#;2547706 said:
I must have missed it, because I tuned you out a long time ago. You can't stand Wade Phillips, and that is your right. He hasn't been perfect. You bashed the defense for half the year, and hung your hat on the offense for most of the year. You didn't trust the defense, and they were the backbone of this team. You had no confidence in Phillips' defense this year when you could see plain as day that the offense and special teams were putting the defense in terrible positions before the bye week.

You could see, even without Newman, that the defense was playing good. The Rams game was the only exception, but the turnovers were there, too. The defense was put in horrible positions at New York, but I bet you didn't mind calling out Phillips and giving him heat after that game. They were hung out to dry in that game. I was giving Jason Garrett heat months ago on here. I did it before the Dallas media did it. You didn't direct your daggers at him back then. If you did, they got lost in the Wade Phillips bashing.

It's like one poster said, when the defense was playing lights out, everything is fine, but the first time something goes bad on that side of the ball, you go after Phillilps and get out your daggers.

When the defense played great after the bye, what changed? When did the defense make the real big leap? They made it when Terence Newman came back and was healthy and started covering the other team's best guy all over the field.

You say you don't want to "harm my boy", but you are trashing my favorite player. I take exception to it. He's done nothing to deserve it. He played his rear-end off, and if that wasn't good enough for you and others, fine.

But... Don't expect me to give you a pass for poor judgement.

So let me get this straight.

Under your rules I am supposed to get on the offense when they are playing well and when Romo is missing from the lineup.

Then I am supposed to get on the defense when they are playing well towards the end of the season.

And you think he's done nothing to deserve any criticism?

So you are ok with players going on ESPN instead of going directly to his team and citing the problems which are hurting this team?

All you keep saying is how you love him and that he's a good player.

You haven't addressed one of the things I criticized him about.

Why is that? Because you have no retort.

He does deserve praise for his play on the field. He deserves criticism for his new found desire to become a player who thinks the media is somehow part of the Dallas Cowboys.

You are in the 'Terence Newman is my fav player so no one is allowed to criticize him about anything, and I mean anything, he does' club. That's pretty weak bro.

As for Wade. I have been calling him a doofus forever a day now.

You are just not accurate about much here.

All you are doing Mrs. Newman is seeing red because I criticized your son and you are all out of sorts.

Giving me a pass? LOL.

Can I have a bathroom pass please.

I have to go take a Terrell Owens, lol.
41gy#;2547714 said:
Don't cherry pick. Look at the whole season like I did. McNabb made a perfect throw.

I wanted Jackson drafted but was very happy with Bennett.

By the way, that wasn't you bashing Bennett on threads in here after watching Hard Knocks.


I am still not a fan of Bennett's.

I am guessing, but I think it's a smart guess that he's in the top three when it comes to players missing assignments on offense this season.

Dont cherry pick?

Again. You want to excuse him for anything he does because he's your fav player.

McNabb made a perfect throw.

And Newman used the poorest technique a CB can use on covering a WR in the End Zone by turning his back to the QB which is why he got called for a PI.

Let me guess, it was a bad call right?

burmafrd;2547719 said:
Well DCFANATIC I have lost respect for you as well.
TNew spoke out in frustration and anger and probably should not have. Well gee whiz.
Is there anything he said that we can show is really incorrect?
you might not like the truth from his point of view but before you whine and cry prove him wrong.
TNew does a great job when healthy. I think he can shut down one on one any WR in the NFL. He has shut down some very good ones for sure. Of course he is going to have bad games. Now they are talking about him needing ankle surgery. So clearly he was even more hurt then we thought.

Oh dear.

Please let me know what I can possibly do to earn it back? lol.

Can we make reading comprehension skills a requirement on CZ from now on?

I am not criticizing his play!!!

Now let me know why it's wiser for him to blast away at the coaching staff and his teammates into a mic or camera as opposed to doing it face to face in the locker room or a team meeting that he calls because he's concerned about the state of the team!!!

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