Official rant on Dak thread

Yall lowered the bar for Romo. Yall just conveniently don't remember anything before the "Dez Caught It" season. Yall were trying to run him out of town too.

Now here's some grand deflection! And "Yall" accuse people of romosexual....but you can't help YOURself bringing him up constantly. "Yall" really need to let go of your Romo obsession.
because Ceedee is very I don't think he slowed down. But Dak didn't throw him open either. That means you lead him away from defense and let CeeDee accelerate to the ball AWAY from slower defenders.

It was NOT a great pass. Very very average. Dak throw to where Ceedee was...NOT where he was going to be if he could turn on the jets. Someone even made a post about WR speed....well if they have to reach down and behind how can they possibly turn on the speed?

Look.....I'm not ready to give up on Dak. It's still coach...first game....away...against a good team. ....but come on. You are making excuses here. Flat out doing your very best to protect Dak from any from of criticism whatsoever. It's very unbecoming. Dak is a grown *** man in his 5th year. Negotiating contracts as if a top 3.

That pass keeps him from being that. That play is what makes a QB elite. Have to recognize the defense is closing fast...and throw away from it. It''s almost like Dak does't see it at all.
He didn't have to throw him open - he had a clear throw to the receiver - and with that short a throw that really isn't a fair comment anyway. On a 3 yard pass you don't have the option of throwing way ahead and having the receiver go get it. The ball travels that short a distance too quickly for that.

Sure the pass could have been somewhat better, but it wasn't nearly the horrible throw you are making it out to be, and ultimately, if the receiver didn't slow down or break stride it just came down to the defender making a good play.
Romo would’ve hung 35 on those bozos last night. Dakota couldn’t get more than 3 point shots in an entire 2nd half.

The 40 Million dollar man my azzz
Which version of Romo? And how many INT's would he have had in getting to 40?
lol, no, you are the one full of it. A receiver catches the ball in full stride without hesitating or slowing down, even by your own admission, and you are blaming the throw for him not getting a first down.

And, again, it was a short throw just beyond the line of scrimmage. A QB can float a soft, high arcing pass way ahead of a receiver and make him go get it that close to the line of scrimmage, with all the congestion around the line of scrimmage. That would be begging for an INT. On a short throw you have to get him the ball and let him run. Again, it wasn't a perfect throw, but it wasn't the abomination you suggest, and Lamb was able to catch in full stride just as if it were perfect. The defender did a great job working through traffic to make the play.

Sometimes you have to just accept that the defense makes a good play.

Nope...ceedee did hesitate...I said already..a split second. Did his best to not slow down. So...this may be hard to see....I took it from the 10:14 mark on youtube highlights. You shoud be able to see Ceedee actually has to turn his body to the QB. If you didn't know any better you'd think he did some sort of stop route...rather than running full speed to the OPEN sideline. This is a poor pass and didn;t help Ceedee use his speed.

Which version of Romo? And how many INT's would he have had in getting to 40?
Maybe 1. I don't know why you unkind words do this to yourself like there isn't this thing called the Internet that can easily show you this Romo is turnover machine is greatly exaggerated. He had more than 10 ints once after 2009 smh.
Nope...ceedee did hesitate...I said already..a split second. Did his best to not slow down. So...this may be hard to see....I took it from the 10:14 mark on youtube highlights. You shoud be able to see Ceedee actually has to turn his body to the QB. If you didn't know any better you'd think he did some sort of stop route...rather than running full speed to the OPEN sideline. This is a poor pass and didn;t help Ceedee use his speed.

A still picture? I'm sure in full speed it looks very different - it actually did. Catching a player running can look like almost anything wihen frozen at a particular point. I think at most this shows a slight dip as he was running, and since I already said it wasn't a perfect pass, this just confirms that. It's pretty silly to condemn a QB for not throwing every pass in the perfect spot every throw anyway.

But even so, look at Dak. If you are going to talk to a still picture, how about the pass rushers in his face? Looks as if he couldn't even follow through on the throw.
And look at this one...just a second later. Ceedee is reaching down and behind while trying to run full speed to the edge.

Yes...there is a defender closing....which is why having to reach down was so damaging.

This differentiates the elite from the good. The good makes the throw, the elite puts the ball for the receiver to run onto.
A still picture? I'm sure in full speed it looks very different - it actually did. Catching a player running can look like almost anything wihen frozen at a particular point. I think at most this shows a slight dip as he was running, and since I already said it wasn't a perfect pass, this just confirms that. It's pretty silly to condemn a QB for not throwing every pass in the perfect spot every throw anyway.

But even so, look at Dak. If you are going to talk to a still picture, how about the pass rushers in his face? Looks as if he couldn't even follow through on the throw.

I never said he has to throw every pass perfect. are making more excuses by arguing something I NEVER said.

Then you make an assessment you can't really see..."in his face".....that was AFTER the ball was thrown....,

But...this one...has to be perfect. It';s 4th and 3 with a speedy lead him the ball. To where you want him to go. Sometimes up high..something to the sideline.

I do not dis Dak fact rarely........but I criticize him here. And this is a trend in certain plays and routes. The Gallup OPI throw was awesome....he lead the WR DOWNFIELD. But other routes he doesn't seem to lead them. The WR's TRACK the ball.....while running a route.

Okay ya know what...never mind. You have it in your head Dak does nothing wrong and shares no blame in we'll just leave it at that.
A still picture? I'm sure in full speed it looks very different - it actually did. Catching a player running can look like almost anything wihen frozen at a particular point. I think at most this shows a slight dip as he was running, and since I already said it wasn't a perfect pass, this just confirms that. It's pretty silly to condemn a QB for not throwing every pass in the perfect spot every throw anyway.

But even so, look at Dak. If you are going to talk to a still picture, how about the pass rushers in his face? Looks as if he couldn't even follow through on the throw.

Remember the days...not too long ago...the NFL actually used still pictures on gameday. Now suddenly it's trash. Hmmm...interesting.

"oh look he dipped". Yep....costly.
The problem most of us have is he is not worth the 40 mil.
He's a top 15 quarterback...offer him less, if he doesn't take it, trade him.
Do you trust him in the playoffs? Do you trust him to win you a Super bowl? I'm not touching that koolaid,
Where was he throwing that last pass of the game? Hailmary should've been the only throw there.
Yes that was a Huge mistake ,

And McCarthy needs to shoulder a lot of the blame .

WHY ?:

Because he should have been aware DAK is a CHOKER ! And cannot and will not ever handle pressure well . So putting Dak in that situation, knowing he stinks did not help the outcome .

Lets all start being honest and agree DAK SUCKS.

Look at his eyes on those last 2 drives and tell me he isnt Scared.

Heck, he **** his pants !@
Seems like he is taking too long to go through his progressions. Holding on to the ball way too long.
I dont think it was a particularly bad Dak performance, it was a usual Dak performance. Competent drives that fail as soon as we need to pass in and around the RZ when the field condenses.

The fact that yesterday's QBR was higher than last seasons average just shows how relying on stats is a flawed concept.

I really wonder if MM will trust Dak after the inability to execute the 4th down? Can blame the coach (yes), but those are the situations where the star QB uses his magic.....unfortunately Dak showed what he is, a safe QB that doesn't have that star quality.

First off I don't think Prescott is the best QB in the NFL, but he's far far far far far from being as bad as some here want to paint him. Next it's funny, not ha ha funny, that on any given play any other player that doesn't do his job and the play fails the only one some want to blame is Prescott.. One or two O-linemen can missed their blocks or a receiver fails to get open or runs the wrong route or drops a pass. None of that matters some still just want to just blame Prescott. Here's a completely foreign idea to those people. Sometimes the other team's defense just makes a really good play. Those haters can't admit that could happen and would rather just blame Prescott instead because that's the only thing that fits their hatred.

Those that keep squawking about what Prescott makes now and/or will make in the future are to young or don't remember that there was a time in this salary cap era when QB's coming out of college were getting contracts paying them more than established starting QB's on other teams. This happened because that was how things went in the NFL Just like now and what QB's getting new contracts are getting more than QB's that many think are better QB's that signed in previous years when the cap amount was lower. This business plan of signing rookie QB's came to a head when Sam Bradford got drafted and the St. Louis Rams made him the 3rd highest paid QB in the league as a rookie.

The business of the NFL is what it is until those that control and own the business decided to change that. Fan's have ZERO to do with it.
He’s too fat and slow...

There’s no chance in hell he gets all those national commercials I’ve seen him in this offseason without a Star on his helmet...

He needs to step into lanes better and have better pocket footwork..

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