Official San Antonio Spurs Thread

Danny White;2064694 said:
You're a good fan and you obviously love your team.

Keep your chin up and all the best! :toast2:

Thanks. The turnovers and missed free throws really killed them big time. I didn't think we could make it to the finals, but I guess a first round exit makes it easier to take. Oh well, as always, there's always next year. Kinda used to that with the Cowboys these past years.

I just REALLY don't want to see the Lakers or Spurs in the finals. It's time for someone new to take it whether it have been us, NO, Utah or Houston.
Danny White;2064686 said:
Chris Paul may not be the best player in the league, but he definitely had the best season of any player.

David West is very very solid. Tyson Chandler has been surprisingly good this year as well.

I don't know a ton about them, but they played the Spurs well this year. Ultimately I think the Spurs' experience will carry the series for them. We need to grab one of the first two in NO to get off to a good start.

Thanks for the feedback.

I see that the Spurs and Hornets split the regular season series.

I'll actually be vacationing in SA starting next Saturday.

On an unrelated note, what's wrong with Charles Barkley on the postgame? He's normally very lucid. Tonight, he seems as if he's suffering from dementia.
ScipioCowboy;2064703 said:
Thanks for the feedback.

I see that the Spurs and Hornets split the regular season series.

I'll actually be vacationing in SA starting next Saturday.

On an unrelated note, what's wrong with Charles Barkley on the postgame? He's normally very lucid. Tonight, he seems as if he's suffering from dementia.

Yeah, we split, but in New Orleans' two wins, they dominated the Spurs. That said, I still think we pull out a win in 6 or 7.

What's wrong with Barkley? I guess DWade forgot to bring him those socks... his footsies are cold. :laugh2:
DCgirl13;2064688 said:
Congrats Spurs, I hope NO beats the crap out of you next round.

Stupid turnovers...

awwww do I detect sour grapes from the Kleenex Nones fan? its ok, i understand your animosity.....since we have ended your season 4 out of the last 6 years....

Biggems;2064726 said:
awwww do I detect sour grapes from the Kleenex Nones fan? its ok, i understand your animosity.....since we have ended your season 4 out of the last 6 years....


C'mon buddy... she's trying to be gracious.

We won and that's what's important. No need to rub it in tonight. It's bad enough that they have to deal with an aging point guard, Shaq's gargantuan contract, and a coach that everyone hates.
Danny White;2064715 said:
Yeah, we split, but in New Orleans' two wins, they dominated the Spurs. That said, I still think we pull out a win in 6 or 7.

I'll just go with your prediction.;)

What occured in the regular season is unimportant. In fact, I'm quite certain there's nothing less consequential than the NBA regular season. Maybe the MLB regular season.

What's wrong with Barkley? I guess DWade forgot to bring him those socks... his footsies are cold. :laugh2:
Courtesy of Spurs

nice win, i was nervous there for a bit. i think the key to the next round will be the coaching matchup and the fact that the hornets have no answer for manu. of course manu will have to pull his baldspot out of his *** for that to be a factor. i dont think anyone will give the spurs a chance, again, and everyone will be picking against them, again! as for chuck, im pretty sure he is getting crunk faced
Danny White;2064732 said:
C'mon buddy... she's trying to be gracious.

We won and that's what's important. No need to rub it in tonight. It's bad enough that they have to deal with an aging point guard, Shaq's gargantuan contract, and a coach that everyone hates.

no remorse for Suns or Mavs fans sorry.....i cant stand their whining, excuse making butts. they never give credit to the opponent, just accusations about bad officiating, dirty play, cheap shots, etc......The Spurs own the Nones....and I will rejoice.

I remember when Sir Charles hit that 3 over killed me. So anytime we can beat the Suns and end their season, I am all for it.

This run will not last forever, and soon I will be humbled by Spurs teams that aren't quite Championship while it lasts, I will be arrogant, I will be boastful, and I will be down right cocky about my hometown San Antonio Spurs

MC KAos;2064566 said:
screw you

I'm sure that'd be more fun than watching the Spurs play.

Mavs Man;2064577 said:
They didn't exactly invent the strategy. At least it works for them (see Mavs when Nellie was coach).

I'm aware they didn't invent hack a shaq, but seriously, in the 1st quarter? I mean, seriously. The Spurs are a better team than the Suns, they don't need that crap.

If you pulled this stuff in a high school basketball game, that whole team would get booed out of the building.
Biggems;2064774 said:
no remorse for Suns or Mavs fans sorry.....i cant stand their whining, excuse making butts. they never give credit to the opponent, just accusations about bad officiating, dirty play, cheap shots, etc......The Spurs own the Nones....and I will rejoice.

I remember when Sir Charles hit that 3 over killed me. So anytime we can beat the Suns and end their season, I am all for it.

This run will not last forever, and soon I will be humbled by Spurs teams that aren't quite Championship while it lasts, I will be arrogant, I will be boastful, and I will be down right cocky about my hometown San Antonio Spurs


I'm just as thrilled to send the Suns packing again this season.

Just wanted to give her a little credit for being somewhat gracious in defeat.
TheCount;2064780 said:
I'm sure that'd be more fun than watching the Spurs play.

I'm aware they didn't invent hack a shaq, but seriously, in the 1st quarter? I mean, seriously. The Spurs are a better team than the Suns, they don't need that crap.

If you pulled this stuff in a high school basketball game, that whole team would get booed out of the building.

If you shot under 50% from the line in high school, you probably wouldn't make it off the bench.
TheCount;2064780 said:
I'm sure that'd be more fun than watching the Spurs play.

no one is making you watch it, if you find it boring, dont watch, its that simple.
Danny White;2064593 said:
Shaq single-handedly setting fundamentals back a century by shooting free throws at a worse rate than a 10 year old girl.

I was telling my wife as much as he gets freakin paid you'd think he'd work on that, sheez what a loser/thief...:laugh2:
ELDudearino;2064828 said:
I was telling my wife as much as he gets freakin paid you'd think he'd work on that, sheez what a loser/thief...:laugh2:

he actually had a chance to be an amazing free trow shooter from rick barry by shooting them granny style but he said he was to cool for it basically, what an idiot. if he shot them granny style and went up to at least 70 percent he might have been the best center of all time.
so is anyone else pumped up to see how tony fares against chris paul? im sure no one will give tony credit and everyone will pick paul to dominate, but he did hold his own last year against deron williams. I just wish the series didnt start till sunday, give the guys some more rest
Biggems;2064726 said:
awwww do I detect sour grapes from the Kleenex Nones fan? its ok, i understand your animosity.....since we have ended your season 4 out of the last 6 years....


No really, don't get your hopes up. No animosity here. Had we not make a few crucial mistakes in game 1 and 2, Game 5 could have EASILY been our close out game. You really need to grow up with the Nones thing, come on at least come up with a better name. :laugh2:
Biggems;2064774 said:
.so while it lasts, I will be arrogant, I will be boastful, and I will be down right cocky about my hometown San Antonio Spurs


So you will be a hypocrite then? You are doing the exact same things that you don't like about most Suns fans, but it's ok because your team is winning? I think these are the same things that people don't like about New England Patriots fans or even Dallas Cowboys fans at that. Maybe it's because I'm a girl that I'm not arrogant about it, but it's just a freaking sport that none of us even get paid to talk about. I already have a ton of stress at my job, definitely don't need it over a damn sport.

So why would I go and give your team credit when all you can be is a d1ck about it? Hmmm...
Danny White;2064799 said:
If you shot under 50% from the line in high school, you probably wouldn't make it off the bench.

If you were 7 feet tall, in highschool, no one would care.

MC KAos;2064816 said:
no one is making you watch it, if you find it boring, dont watch, its that simple.

I couldn't watch, I fell asleep before halftime and woke up with only about 5 minutes left, thankfully.

It sure as hell didn't help that there were fouls called every 30 seconds early too.

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