It was a lot of fun. I was shocked how many Spurs fans there were at the game. Must have been about 2000 or 3000 or so of the about 10,000 there! And they were loud!
My son had a great time. Going to the game was his 7th Birthday present. He cheered wildly for every Spurs basket and groaned and worried over every Wizards hoop.
Manu was seriously off the whole game, and I'm quite honestly surprised that we were able to win with him so off. Without Parker, we have some offensive issues if Manu isn't playing well.
There were times when we had a lineup out there where I couldn't figure out how we were going to get a basket. Oberto and Elson play so small sometimes it's frustrating. But we managed to slug through it. Stoudamire also provided a good spark from outside. But Duncan was in a class of his own out there. The Wiz had no answer for him.
It was pretty cool, we got inside about 45 minutes before tip off and Horry was the only player out there warming up. He was having a 3-point contest with some Spurs staff guy -- a short, heavy white bald guy -- and the short bald guy actually out-shot Big Shot Bob! He must have been a shooting coach or something!
Anyway, it was a great night, we met a lot of really nice Spurs fans, and got to watch a solid win!