How? This series is based on Star Wars The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. The former is the story of Ahsoka. The latter is the story of Ezra Bridger, supported by the character of Ahsoka. This live-action series would not even exist without Ahsoka.
I am glad characters like Grand Admiral Thrawn may be appealing to the greater audience. Perhaps it will be enough to convince Disney to commit to another season after reviewing the Nielsen data. Heaven knows they and other streamers will plug the plug on a series that is not a number one hit to save a buck.
However, for a core audience member like myself, I have enjoyed the entire debut season, warts and all. Seven seasons of TCW was very entertaining. Four seasons of SWR was pretty good also, especially the middle of the third season until the end. Seeing a continuation of Jedi lore, that of Jedi and student, play out has been fulfilling for me as a Star Wars fan.
My one true regret is that the majority of the live-action audiences received only a bare background of Ahsoka and Anakin's relationship, which was powerful in the first animated series and touched upon much more thoroughly in the follow-up series than this one. Comic books, novels and video games have and continue to explore many ideations of Jedi master and padawan--or even Sith and apprentice for that matter. The films have only scratched the surface of that shared dynamic. Ahsoka is or could have been an opportunity for many watchers to have a better understanding and appreciation of that special bond.