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How? This series is based on Star Wars The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. The former is the story of Ahsoka. The latter is the story of Ezra Bridger, supported by the character of Ahsoka. This live-action series would not even exist without Ahsoka.

I am glad characters like Grand Admiral Thrawn may be appealing to the greater audience. Perhaps it will be enough to convince Disney to commit to another season after reviewing the Nielsen data. Heaven knows they and other streamers will plug the plug on a series that is not a number one hit to save a buck.

However, for a core audience member like myself, I have enjoyed the entire debut season, warts and all. Seven seasons of TCW was very entertaining. Four seasons of SWR was pretty good also, especially the middle of the third season until the end. Seeing a continuation of Jedi lore, that of Jedi and student, play out has been fulfilling for me as a Star Wars fan.

My one true regret is that the majority of the live-action audiences received only a bare background of Ahsoka and Anakin's relationship, which was powerful in the first animated series and touched upon much more thoroughly in the follow-up series than this one. Comic books, novels and video games have and continue to explore many ideations of Jedi master and padawan--or even Sith and apprentice for that matter. The films have only scratched the surface of that shared dynamic. Ahsoka is or could have been an opportunity for many watchers to have a better understanding and appreciation of that special bond.
You prove my point. The series was made for the hardcore Star Wars fans like you. I’m sure I would have appreciated it more if I had seen all the Clone Wars shows. No harm in that either. I just prefer something more like The Mandalorian with what felt like a better story plus the western theme and battle culture, that nods to some of the more niche characters, but also the classics like Luke Skywalker. Probably why I enjoyed Obi-Wan too.Thought the whole Luke and Leía as kids, and Darth Vader vs Obi-Wan was great! Speaking of Obi-Wan, I read that the young lady who played a Sith was torn up for her performance. I thought it was much better than the young blonde playing a Sith in Ashoka. It’s sad that Ray Stevenson passed away. One of my favorite character actors. Did a good job in Ashoka as someone not as black/white as the typical Sith villains.
Not streaming thing, Netflix by mail officially ended. I had hoped of get the full 10 extra discs but I think that is not happening. Did get notified Spider-Man No Way Home had been shipped to go along with John Wick 4 that I have still sitting in the envelope. I had loaded my to 10 with different things, half of which was the space above and beyond series. Oh well.
I’ll be honest, I didn’t even realize they still mailed movies. IMO, There is one big thing missing from digital versions. I really enjoyed all the movie making extras on DVD sets, especially the directors commentaries. I see some of it in digital purchases, but not the same type of package that a DVD came with. But I also enjoy moviemaking, so maybe it wasn’t as popular with everyone else. Some of the best commentaries, though were different types such as Remember the Titans that had the two actual coaches in real life do a commentary, Boogie Nights with a wasted Marc Wahlberg on the track, or Superman the Movie which had a commentary from the special effects team, which was extremely interesting for a movie that had to create all that before the CGI days.
I’ll be honest, I didn’t even realize they still mailed movies. IMO, There is one big thing missing from digital versions. I really enjoyed all the movie making extras on DVD sets, especially the directors commentaries. I see some of it in digital purchases, but not the same type of package that a DVD came with. But I also enjoy moviemaking, so maybe it wasn’t as popular with everyone else. Some of the best commentaries, though were different types such as Remember the Titans that had the two actual coaches in real life do a commentary, Boogie Nights with a wasted Marc Wahlberg on the track, or Superman the Movie which had a commentary from the special effects team, which was extremely interesting for a movie that had to create all that before the CGI days.
I've been a subscriber 20+ years. I like the extras from DVDs too sometimes. That was one appeal of the service, the other was just the amount of movies and shows they had that aren't available on streaming. Like the mentioned space above and beyond. As best I can tell, not available anywhere on streaming service like prime or Netflix. Might be uploaded on YouTube.
You prove my point. The series was made for the hardcore Star Wars fans like you. I’m sure I would have appreciated it more if I had seen all the Clone Wars shows. No harm in that either. I just prefer something more like The Mandalorian with what felt like a better story plus the western theme and battle culture, that nods to some of the more niche characters, but also the classics like Luke Skywalker. Probably why I enjoyed Obi-Wan too.Thought the whole Luke and Leía as kids, and Darth Vader vs Obi-Wan was great! Speaking of Obi-Wan, I read that the young lady who played a Sith was torn up for her performance. I thought it was much better than the young blonde playing a Sith in Ashoka. It’s sad that Ray Stevenson passed away. One of my favorite character actors. Did a good job in Ashoka as someone not as black/white as the typical Sith villains.
I've felt from the beginning that the blonde was unsure of whether she was on the right side, or maybe that she feels there's a better way than either of the two sides. I think the writing is making her acting look less than it is. When every single thing they say is supposed to be so dramatic, it comes across as emotive to me.
You prove my point. The series was made for the hardcore Star Wars fans like you. I’m sure I would have appreciated it more if I had seen all the Clone Wars shows.
You are exactly right. That is the approach I take when I watch something with a pre-existing background I have no knowledge of. Then I try judging the story someone is trying to convey.
I just finished Jack Ryan. I pretty much loved this show. Great characters. Jack Ryan is a great character crafted by Tom Clancy. I would rank the seasons 3,2,1,4, but they were all a good watch. The thing about this show, and the Tom Clancy character, is there is very little cliche nonsense that you see in other shows. This is why I ranked season 4 lowest on the scale. I thought season 4 got a little too ordinary in some ways.
There are some pet peeves of mine in action shows. For example, hero guy saves the girl from the clutches of the evil bad guys. In the midst of all the action they take a few minutes to hug and kiss and recite some romantic lines as if the bad guys paused to take in the moment before resuming their full speed pursuit. Get your girlfriend, wife, kids whoever, on the damn plane boat, truck, car, etc. and get them to safety first. Then do all the hugging and stuff once you are free. Also, if the plane is on the runway waiting for the hero to arrive with the kidnap victims, and there is a good chance the bad guys will be right behind them, how about having the plane facing the runway in the direction of takeoff so the pilot doesn't have to spend 3 minutes turning the plane around while the bad guys are close enough to shoot? A few minor quibbles but otherwise a 8 out of 10.
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Gen V on Amazon Prime.

It's The Boys - junior edition. 3 episodes in, and it's pretty good, but man, these writers have a thing for graphic close-ups of male genitalia.
Saw the first three episodes. Made me realize I never finished watching rest of The Boys so picking that one back up. I would compare Gen V to Twisted Metal, more of a guilty pleasure watch. A lot of the same twisted humor from The Boys. No awards coming it’s way, but entertaining enough to keep going.
I am glad characters like Grand Admiral Thrawn may be appealing to the greater audience. Perhaps it will be enough to convince Disney to commit to another season after reviewing the Nielsen data. Heaven knows they and other streamers will pull the plug on a series that is not a number one hit to save a buck.
Do streaming services utilize Nielsen data? I assume they automatically know when a show/movie has been streamed from their own internal servers and such.
Just watched Lost in Space series on Netflix again. Enjoyed it just as much as when I watched it before.

Been in a sci-fi series kind of mood.

Was giving the star trek series a break for now.

Went and tried to watch Farscape. The puppets were just too much. Could not do it.

Tried Babylon 5 and could not get into it. Reminded me too much of Deep Space 9 which is the one star trek series I could not really get into.

Liked the Stargate movie but could never get into the stargate series.

Andromeda I watched most of the first season. Has its flaws but still much better than Farscape and Babylon5 IMO.

Any other decent sci fi series out there. Chances are I have seen them but just in case I am forgetting some or just have not seen one.
Just watched Lost in Space series on Netflix again. Enjoyed it just as much as when I watched it before.

Been in a sci-fi series kind of mood.

Was giving the star trek series a break for now.

Went and tried to watch Farscape. The puppets were just too much. Could not do it.

Tried Babylon 5 and could not get into it. Reminded me too much of Deep Space 9 which is the one star trek series I could not really get into.

Liked the Stargate movie but could never get into the stargate series.

Andromeda I watched most of the first season. Has its flaws but still much better than Farscape and Babylon5 IMO.

Any other decent sci fi series out there. Chances are I have seen them but just in case I am forgetting some or just have not seen one.
Lexa Doing makes Andromeda worth the watch.

How about Firefly?
Do streaming services utilize Nielsen data? I assume they automatically know when a show/movie has been streamed from their own internal servers and such.
Good question. I had always assumed they did.
Guy Ritchie's The Covenant on Prime.

Friggin' good flick! There were 3 actors that took me a few seconds to recognize, and I really like all 3.

Jonny Lee Miller - (Sherlock Holmes - Sherlock)
Antony Starr - (Homelander - The Boys)
Alexander Ludwig - (Byorn Ironside - Vikings)


What is shown between the episode's 36:06 - 37:20 marks likely mean nothing to anyone but what is seen will have a tremendous bearing on season two. I would suggest watching episodes 15 - 17 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars season three as a reference for anyone interested.

I hope Ray Stevenson had an opportunity of filming any scenes specifically for just this story subplot before he died. It did not occur to me Dave Filoni would squeeze it in. Hopefully, Stevenson will have played his part. He deserved it.

Also for anyone interested:

A short 8-minute video touching on the mentor/student relationship at the core of Star Wars. It came out a month ago but I missed seeing it.
Just watched Lost in Space series on Netflix again. Enjoyed it just as much as when I watched it before.

Been in a sci-fi series kind of mood.

Was giving the star trek series a break for now.

Went and tried to watch Farscape. The puppets were just too much. Could not do it.

Tried Babylon 5 and could not get into it. Reminded me too much of Deep Space 9 which is the one star trek series I could not really get into.

Liked the Stargate movie but could never get into the stargate series.

Andromeda I watched most of the first season. Has its flaws but still much better than Farscape and Babylon5 IMO.

Any other decent sci fi series out there. Chances are I have seen them but just in case I am forgetting some or just have not seen one.
I liked Lost in Space too, much better than the cheesy original series.

I loved Farscape. I know a lot of people got turned off by the puppets, at first I was too but I kept going with it and I just got hooked by the entire series, and the two part movie that wrapped it all up. How far did you get into it? It took me most of the first season to really get into it, but I liked it so much after that I watched it several times. IN fact, whenI run out of stuff to watch while I am on the treadmill, I will put it on again.

I also couldn't get into Babylon 5. Even without puppets it was cheesier than Farscape.
Guy Ritchie's The Covenant on Prime.

Friggin' good flick! There were 3 actors that took me a few seconds to recognize, and I really like all 3.

Jonny Lee Miller - (Sherlock Holmes - Sherlock)
Antony Starr - (Homelander - The Boys)
Alexander Ludwig - (Byorn Ironside - Vikings)

Yeah, Covenant looks good. Definitely going to watch before it goes away. I like all Guy Ritchie movies. Him, Danny Boyle, some talented blokes.
Just watched Lost in Space series on Netflix again. Enjoyed it just as much as when I watched it before.

Been in a sci-fi series kind of mood.

Was giving the star trek series a break for now.

Went and tried to watch Farscape. The puppets were just too much. Could not do it.

Tried Babylon 5 and could not get into it. Reminded me too much of Deep Space 9 which is the one star trek series I could not really get into.

Liked the Stargate movie but could never get into the stargate series.

Andromeda I watched most of the first season. Has its flaws but still much better than Farscape and Babylon5 IMO.

Any other decent sci fi series out there. Chances are I have seen them but just in case I am forgetting some or just have not seen one.
How 'bout 'The Expanse' or 'Dark Matter' which was another well done ScyFy Channel show. I really liked 'Altered Carbon' and 'Raised By Wolves' too.

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