Theo is correct in his definition of attractive. Understanding why a women thinks a guy is attractive, and thinking a guy is attractive, are different things by definition. The argument has basically broken down into semantics.
Also, generalizations exist for a reason, because they represent the majority, but never do they represent everyone. There are men out there who genuinely don't want to sleep with most women they see. The majority of them do though.
As for me? I'm a pig. Based on LOOKS ALONE I would probably desire sex with 70-80% of the women on this planet. But that doesn't necessarily mean I'm very attracted to them. Based on LOOKS ALONE I would probably only be willing to actually date 20-30% of them. My standards for sex and potential girlfriend (based on only looks, mind you) are vastly different.
I can't think of a single female friend in my life that I wouldn't have been willing to sleep with if we were both single. But again, every female friend I've ever had has been fully aware of that fact. I'm extremely flirty regardless, and very sexual in general. Ask any of my female friends to recall a phrase I say often, and most of them will reply "Sit on my face", as it's my favorite thing to say.
If you're a close friend of mine, guy or girl, chances are we've talked about sex more times than we can count. I'm not the type of person who has any kind of secrets. I'll talk about anything. I especially enjoy taboo conversations.
Wanting to sleep with someone, or being willing to, does not mean you are going to attempt it.