Well, today I finished day 11 of the circuit sculpt and cardio/ABS100.
When I look in the mirror, I can see the first top two little mucles in my abs trying to peek out at me. Four more and I will have a little six pack.
Each day gets just a little easier, but, it is still hard. I'm going to stay on level I-II for the rest of the month and then I might try and catch up to BraveHeartFan and go to level III-IV.
Also, it was either Wimbo or thompson75 that said something about thinking about your muscles as little peaks and valleys. Well, I am starting to see little muscle bulges in my forearms and my biceps, also in my thighs and calf's, and this is when I'm totally relaxed, not after a pump up with the weights.
Also, I have really been watching what I eat. I have not had any junk/fast/garbage food since I started. And, I'm not eating to get "full", I'm eating just enough to not be hungry.
Prior to starting these workouts, after I would eat lunch, I had to have a nap of maybe an hour or so. Now, I kick back and I doze off for maybe 1/2 hour but then am wide awake and have to get up to do something. I was never like that before.
This really works..