Pacman faces two felony charges

Just asking a question here. Is there really no DNA evidence? I saw the articles where Pacman's attorney said that Pacman voluntarily submitted saliva for a DNA test and that the test came back negative. I saw no comments from the Las Vegas police or district attorney's office on the results of the test. I seriously doubt that Pacman's lawyer would say something like that without good information, but it does leave some doubt. That kind of stuff just leaves me curious. And with a coercion charge, they would not need his DNA anyway. It will be interesting to watch.

I don't hate Pacman Jones. I really could care less about the guy. I follow the stories because they do have a connection to a sport I really enjoy. I am not rooting either way. Just a curious bystander. He may not be a monster as is sometimes presented, but he certainly seems to put himself in bad situations. It is amazing the multiple amount of times that his name comes up associated with bad things. Include that with stuff that he may not be directly involved with, but someone of his entourage or posse may be involved with.

It would not surprise me if at some point someone does try to set him up because he is such an easy target. He set himself up as an easy target. I don't need the highest of morals to recognize that this guy just does not practice good judgment.

He may even make a good target for the LV DA's office. Certainly there are plenty of higher profile people that have been to Vegas and got in some trouble, but maybe they aren't as dense as Pacman. I am not enough of a conspiracy theorists to believe that. I figure they probably have decent evidence for the specific charges because seems like a coercion charge is already difficult to prove. I wouldn't think you would go into that type of charge lightly.
His DNA didn't match that from the sample pulled from the ankle/leg or whatever.

So....if ONLY one person was involved in the 'biting' or whatever it was, then it can't be PacMan, because the DNA did not match.
As a 76ers fan i saw Allen Iverson go through this. He finally either set his boys straight or stayed away from them. He's been incident free for years(his mom did have one run in). Maybe Pac willl do the same?
fortdick;1533715 said:
That is not exonerating evidence, it is an absence of evidence. Using a negative to prove a postive? Let me put it to you this way, the fact that I haven't seen God, does not mean he isn't there.

Get it now?
If the glove don't fit...

Ah, nevermind.
Vintage;1533725 said:
His DNA didn't match that from the sample pulled from the ankle/leg or whatever.

So....if ONLY one person was involved in the 'biting' or whatever it was, then it can't be PacMan, because the DNA did not match.

Vintage;1533725 said:
His DNA didn't match that from the sample pulled from the ankle/leg or whatever.

So....if ONLY one person was involved in the 'biting' or whatever it was, then it can't be PacMan, because the DNA did not match.

The only articles I saw on the subject just said that Pacmans DNA test came back as negative. They didn't say what they compared it to, such as the sample from the ankle. With so many different articles, I may have missed that specific statement. Then again, so many of the articles just did not mention it.
stasheroo;1533716 said:
How about having a point?

No more quips or funny comments whited-out.

If you have something to say, have the guts to say it.

Take a stand.
Are you confused?
Big Dakota;1533730 said:

What does that have to do with my post.

I fail to see how anything I said was wrong.

If only one person is alleged to have bitten someone....and the DNA did not match PacMan's DNA....then it can't be PacMan who bit him....
Vintage;1533734 said:
What does that have to do with my post.

I fail to see how anything I said was wrong.

If only one person is alleged to have bitten someone....and the DNA did not match PacMan's DNA....then it can't be PacMan who bit him....

Nothing, i just like the photo.
joseephuss;1533731 said:
The only articles I saw on the subject just said that Pacmans DNA test came back as negative. They didn't say what they compared it to, such as the sample from the ankle. With so many different articles, I may have missed that specific statement. Then again, so many of the articles just did not mention it.

Jones' DNA sample twice has returned negative results for what apparently included an allegation of a bite during the fight, Huyghue confirmed. The incident occurred during NBA All-Star weekend in February.
theogt;1533737 said:
I'm not superpunk.

Oh yeah, the white-outs weren't you.

My mistake on that.

I would just like to know the point of all of these posts.

Everyone making excuses for the guy seems to stop short of stating their true intentions and what they hope to accomplish.
Vintage;1533725 said:
His DNA didn't match that from the sample pulled from the ankle/leg or whatever.

So....if ONLY one person was involved in the 'biting' or whatever it was, then it can't be PacMan, because the DNA did not match.

Maybe, and I am just guessing here, but maybe the DNA didn't match because it was contaminated with the victims DNA. You don't have to be a molecular biologist to understand that taking a DNA sample from a bite wound is likely to have great amounts of the victims DNA, and only miniscule amounts of the perps DNA. Even if you did obtain a sample of foriegn DNA, the likelihood that it wouldn't be cross contaminated is very small.

I keep referring the CSI, but that is relevant. Most people get their opinions of evidence collection from those shows. Folks, you can''t get DNA samples from bodies that have been submerged underwater for six months. There ain't no all knowing fingerprint databse that will instantly spit out a match from a partial finger print scanned on a desktop scanner. There is no computer system that will let you call up a person's phone and bank records on a whim.

The bottom line is this. Pacman threatened to kill people. There was a fight. He or his "associates" fired into the bars patrons wounding three people. These issues are not disputed. For someone to say that it didn't happen bcause they diod not get a match on DNA taken from a bite wound is absurd.

In the latest incident,a police officer heard Pacman say he was going to get his gun, after a fight in a strip club. A short time later, more people were shot at by Pacman or his "associates".

Forget football, this guy needs to go away for a long time. It doesn't make me a racist or anti-American to say that. It just means I am tired of the crap I see in society and the behavior some people are willing to excuse because they are fans of the sport.

Then again, some people believe that 9/11 was an inside job.
Vintage;1533739 said:
Jones' DNA sample twice has returned negative results for what apparently included an allegation of a bite during the fight, Huyghue confirmed.

Do you know who Huyghue is?

Maybe that's why there's a discrepancy on this whole DNA issue.

This thread is the strongest evidence yet that we need football season to get here. I've never seen so much arguing for no other reason than, well, just to argue.
joseephuss;1533720 said:
Just asking a question here. Is there really no DNA evidence? I saw the articles where Pacman's attorney said that Pacman voluntarily submitted saliva for a DNA test and that the test came back negative. I saw no comments from the Las Vegas police or district attorney's office on the results of the test. I seriously doubt that Pacman's lawyer would say something like that without good information, but it does leave some doubt. That kind of stuff just leaves me curious. And with a coercion charge, they would not need his DNA anyway. It will be interesting to watch.

I don't hate Pacman Jones. I really could care less about the guy. I follow the stories because they do have a connection to a sport I really enjoy. I am not rooting either way. Just a curious bystander. He may not be a monster as is sometimes presented, but he certainly seems to put himself in bad situations. It is amazing the multiple amount of times that his name comes up associated with bad things. Include that with stuff that he may not be directly involved with, but someone of his entourage or posse may be involved with.

It would not surprise me if at some point someone does try to set him up because he is such an easy target. He set himself up as an easy target. I don't need the highest of morals to recognize that this guy just does not practice good judgment.

He may even make a good target for the LV DA's office. Certainly there are plenty of higher profile people that have been to Vegas and got in some trouble, but maybe they aren't as dense as Pacman. I am not enough of a conspiracy theorists to believe that. I figure they probably have decent evidence for the specific charges because seems like a coercion charge is already difficult to prove. I wouldn't think you would go into that type of charge lightly.

fortdick;1533572 said:
Ya know, they have convicted people of things without DNA evidence before. This ain't CSI Las Vegas. The absence of DNA is not exculpatory.

Sure it is. The fact that they tested Pac's DNA means they had a sample from the guys leg to match it against, otherwise why test it? It wasn't a lack of DNA evidence, it was a lack of a match. It either matches the DNA or it doesn't. And it didn't. How is that not exculpatory? If they did not have a valid sample to compare Pac's DNA to you might have a point but if that were the case why would they test Pac's DNA twice?

But the real problem for Pac isn't the bite anyway, which would appear to be a bogus charge. The problem is you have witnesses claiming Pac was threatening people and then his posse comes back later shooting, leaving a mman paralyzed. That's the coercion charge and it's plenty of reason for Pac to be worried.
Ok everyone, Floyd Reese is here to take your questions on Pacman!

Floyd Reese: I just heard about all this, and I am not sure about all the details, but I will answer your questions as best I can!

mike (new york): Were you aware of the Rap sheet Pac-Man had coming out of college?

Floyd Reese: He only had one incident, when he was a sophmore I think. He had gotten into a fight, and as is always the case we investigated and analyzed it and decided that we could live with that one incident, where it was basically self-defense.

Jerry (Dallas): Mr. Reese, do you feel that Jones can alter his ways, or do you think he will be troubled for a long time to come?

Floyd Reese: I think if you look at his career, you would have your doubts. You would have to believe that someone who has seen the positives and negatives of the NFL would like to do the right thing. Right now, in his life and career, talking will not help, he will have to show people that he can change, and that just won't happen over night. It will take 2 or 3 years of the straight and narrow for people to believe he has changed.

Anton (Nashville): Floyd, we miss you. Do you think the Titans will go ahead a release Pac now after these recent developments?

Floyd Reese: I really do not know. Sometimes with these situations you have a feeling as to what will happen as far as charges and that will influence whether you keep a player or not. But the Titans, you have to think, are getting really sick of all this.

Kaleb (Tallahassee, Fl): Do you think that the individuals around him are to blame (peer pressure) or jones himself?

Floyd Reese: He's in his early 20s and a pro football player and you would like to believe he is making his own decisions. But there are patterns here, as far as the group of people he is hanging out with along with the bars and strip clubs late at night.

Leezard (Austin): Would you draft him again?

Floyd Reese: Knowing what we know now, I do not think anyone would draft him. What is unique about all this, is that all these situations started happening after we drafted him. But I do not think there is a team that would run the risk of drafting a player with such big character issues.

Andrew (San Diego): Mr.Reese, is there a slight possibility that Mr.Jones can go to a different football league like the AFL or the Canadian Leagues and change his ways or has his fate been sealed to football altogether?

Floyd Reese: Well, if we can look at the Ricky Williams situation as some type of measuring stick then I guess it is possible. But the problem is, when you change uniforms or leagues or even countries, they still have laws and bars and strip clubs, so I am not sure that changing leagues or helmets is going to change Pac-Man.

Tom (Kansas): Lets say Jones is released and no other incidents occur. If you were managing another team would you take a shot on him again? Do you think other teams would?

Floyd Reese: He is a good enough football player, so I would not be too surpised if another team took a shot at him. But a good amount of time would have to pass, and there would have to be some boundaries set up. So even if you took at shot on him you would not put too much into him, he would probably have a base salary. Right now, though, any reward would not be worth the risk.

Jack (Nashville): Did you sit down with him last year to discuss his behavior? Did he seem to get it?

Floyd Reese: I can't tell you the number of times we sat down with Pac, between Jeff and myself and other members of the organization. He has had more meetings with people than I can count. And obviously none of us have gotten through to him. I do not know if there is a generation gap or a communication gap or what. You just hate to see stuborness as the reason for a guy losing his career.

Dan (Topeka, KS): What sort of influence was Jones in the locker room? Did his teammates like him?

Floyd Reese: Well you would have to ask them. I would say it was similar to how he has been seen from the outside, there are no issues, and then suddenly an issue would pop up. I am not sure that that is unusual in a locker room. I would guess, now that I think about it, that there were some incidents in the locker room, although they were never major issues. But you would have to ask his teammates.

Mike (NC): Mr. Reese how would you rate Pacman's carrer on the field ? I believe he's had a great start to his career between the lines. Its outside the lines where he has problems

Floyd Reese: Well yes, as a player he has improved a lot as a corner, and he was one of our best defensive players, on the verge of a Pro Bowl caliber corner, and a Pro Bowl caliber returner. He is a big play guy and he is fearless. The problem of course is that all of that is overshadowed by the off-field stuff. And it is sad because there are so many kids who would love to have an ounce of talent that Pac has been blessed with, and he is wasting every bit of that talent.

Titan Todd (TN): Mr.Reese, In your opinion do you think Jones will ever play another down in the NFL?

Floyd Reese: Well, again, as he has been his whole career, he is right on the edge. I would not be surprised if the commisioner ends his career, because he has warned him already.

Floyd Reese: That's all the time I have. We have talked about Pac before and in each instance we said he had the ability to do the right things. But all these episodes he has had lead you farther and farther away from that, and I am not sure that all the effort can help him at this point. And if he does not change things soon, things will spiral out of control.

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