Pacman Jones visited strip club before April hearing...*update*

dgr81;1493513 said:
You guys wasting your time arguing about something from April :laugh2:

dgr81;1493539 said:

:lmao: @ those of you still debating this topic

Well the story was just released today...
I think it is one thing for a coach to say I don't want my players going to strip clubs and another thing for the NFL to have a policy in place punishing a player for going to a strip club.
theogt;1493558 said:
No. What you said does not stand. You were quite wrong. Here is what you said:

He can go to them and be part of the NFL. There is nothing stopping him. Goodell did not suspend him for going to a strip club. Goodell has not conditioned his suspension on not going to a strip club.

The "ban" is entirely self-imposed and is probably well-advised. However, you were wrong.

I didn't realize that the Commish had come out and made any sort of statement to this effect. Can you please provide that virbage to me. I am interested in reading it. I had not seen where Goodell had outlined why, what circumstances or what actions are impossed by the NFL and which are subject to self administration.
Go watch the last Bang cartoon that came out a few weeks ago. In that cartoon Pacman stood up the commish by going to a strip club.
CanadianCowboysFan;1493481 said:
Nothing I hate more than the holier than thou types you see on so many webboards.

I know ...... its like when people start making comments on how no one should have a gun ......
ABQCOWBOY;1493550 said:
Now, this one, I particularly like. "Bone-Dense Moron"

Honestly, I think you've surpased yourself on that one Ice.


'eh, i've got better. still holding back the "good" cards for later. : )
Verdict;1493553 said:
So there is no misunderstanding what I'm saying, I will preface what I am about to say with thefollowing:

1. Pac Man appears to be a thug with bad character;
2. He has exhibited poor judgment repeatedly;
3. He should be suspended;
4. The league needs to make an example out of him;
5. The odds are he is way more culpable than even the current facts show.
6. NFL players should be good role models.

I agree that him going to a strip club after everything that has happened is lunacy. I also understand that once a person has run it in the ditch like Pac Man has that certain restrictions on his conduct are reasonable.

Here is my concern. The NFL isn't in the business of building churches, ministers, or saints. Pac Man engaged in a legal activity and did not apparantly violate any state, federal, or local law in doing so. If the commisioner suspends him additional games for a lawful activity, at some point it may come under court scutiny. If the NFL were to lose that legal battle it would probably curtail the commisioner's powers and limit his effectiveness to mete out future punishment.

Keep in mind the more punishment that a person has imposed upon him by the NFL, the greater the chance that it will be tested in court. Further the more unreasonable the punishment the greater the chance it will be overturned. If he suspends Pac Man for one or two games in 2008 I doubt it will be an issue that he would bother taking to court. If he gets suspended for all of 2008, that would make two full years suspension, making it an almost certainty that he will seek redress from the courts.

My thoughts exactly, and the problem i had is with the additional suspension if he can go and not get in trouble there should not be a problem but he was a idiot for going before meeting with the commish.

I used to be a juvenile probation officer and i am not surprised by the pacmans of the world , the youth of today think they are untouchable and if punished for there actions they are quick to place blame somewhere else.
WoodysGirl;1493565 said:
Reading. It's fundamental, ya know.

Yeah, but we are guilty of talking about old topics, you know. Heck, we even talk about things that happened last season, like the Ellis achillies injury and Ware's interception of Vick.

Shoot, we've even talked about the 70's superbowl teams on this forum. How dumb are we for talking about such old topics? Geeze, I don't even know how we do it...:rolleyes:
iceberg;1493572 said:
'eh, i've got better. still holding back the "good" cards for later. : )

Yep, I've seen better from you IB. I know you have a whole boatload of clever comments in waiting.

You've come up with some doozies. :laugh2:
Verdict;1493562 said:
I think it is one thing for a coach to say I don't want my players going to strip clubs and another thing for the NFL to have a policy in place punishing a player for going to a strip club.

With the average player, I agree. Pacman's legal problems always seem to occur in a strip club. He actually admitted that he shouldn't go to anymore strip clubs. If Pacman hadn't shown the inability to control himself in a strip club, I would have to agree with you. Unfortunately, he has demonstrated that he cannot handle that situation.
ABQCOWBOY;1493564 said:
I didn't realize that the Commish had come out and made any sort of statement to this effect. Can you please provide that virbage to me. I am interested in reading it. I had not seen where Goodell had outlined why, what circumstances or what actions are impossed by the NFL and which are subject to self administration.
You want me to provide you with what ? What verbiage?

I'm not sure what you're asking me to provide. What actions are imposed? Do you mean what actions are prohibited?

The NFL does not ban Pac-man or any other player from attending strip clubs. Do you want me to provide a link to a document saying that they do not ban such activity?

I can't provide a link to a document stating that they do not ban brushing your teeth. But I assure they do not.

Regardless, as Mortenson pointed out in his article, the "ban" on Pacman's strip club excursions was completely self-imposed.
AsthmaField;1493576 said:
Yeah, but we are guilty of talking about old topics, you know. Heck, we even talk about things that happened last season, like the Ellis achillies injury and Ware's interception of Vick.

Shoot, we've even talked about the 70's superbowl teams on this forum. How dumb are we for talking about such old topics? Geeze, I don't even know how we do it...:rolleyes:
Have no problem rehashing old stories or people laughing at folks who rehash old stories. The QC thread is a case in point.

It's his understanding or lack thereof the fact that this is a current story. One that just broke today. It's make him look bad, not the other way around.
As many have noted it is not illegal to go to a strip club.

I would also bet money that if pacman had not had an incident in a strip club or other incidents in his NFL career (not taking into account situations in college) than this would be no big deal.

However when you are always finding yourself in some kind of trouble maybe you need to tone it down and stop going to places that help you find trouble. Stop hanging around the people that help you find trouble or help trouble find you.

There is a pattern here with this guy and he is the only one that really can break the pattern at this time.

We had a long drawn out heated thread about another player doing some things with celebs or in public and this is what I was talking about.

There is a big difference between someone who is constantly finding himself in situations that cause trouble vs another person just dating and having a little fun but not getting into any trouble.

There are patterns involved. It was not just one situation that made the commish suspend him it was a cumulative effect.

By doing all of this, already in trouble, know you are going to talk to the commish (whether this is before appeal or not) it is showing that you are just not learning. You are going to places that even if you have no intention of causing any trouble it raises the chances that trouble will find you....especially when people already know your reputation and some out there will just try to provoke you to do something so they can sue you.

It is really bad when it is reported that even some of his friends who are in already in legal trouble themselves say that he has to settle down.

When you are constantly finding trouble or trouble constantly finds you, maybe it is time to start finding things to do that decrease the chance of one finding the other.

Hard to get in trouble at a strip bar, if you just go to a movie.

Hard to get in trouble for drinking and driving or speeding if you are just staying at home play cards with some friends.
What's wrong with trying to relax and collect your thoughts at a strip club before an important engagement? :D
WoodysGirl;1493581 said:
One that just broke today.

That is indeed what he must have missed.

I was just making the point that what does it matter, even if it is a month old? That he might not should ridicule people for talking about a month old story (in his mind) when everyone on here regularly talks about things that have happened way more than a month ago.
Verdict;1493562 said:
I think it is one thing for a coach to say I don't want my players going to strip clubs and another thing for the NFL to have a policy in place punishing a player for going to a strip club.

I think the way the Commissioner gets around this is to tie it to personal conduct clauses. I am not certain of exactly what those entail but I would suspect that it gives Goodell broad powers. To be honest, I think the NFL planned this to be as such. I believe that Tagliablue was the guy who was ment to get the money with TV and players right and Goodell was the guy pegged to deal with the NFL players issues that are becoming more apparent. I think the players went for the money and didn't pay much attention to things like this. Will be interesting to see how this works out.
I don't know about anyone else, but it's fairly obvious to me that Adam Jones is not serious about doing what needs to be done in order to resume his NFL career.

Something doesn't have to be illegal to be dumb.
BrAinPaiNt;1493587 said:
As many have noted it is not illegal to go to a strip club.

I would also bet money that if pacman had not had an incident in a strip club or other incidents in his NFL career (not taking into account situations in college) than this would be no big deal.

However when you are always finding yourself in some kind of trouble maybe you need to tone it down and stop going to places that help you find trouble. Stop hanging around the people that help you find trouble or help trouble find you.

There is a pattern here with this guy and he is the only one that really can break the pattern at this time.

We had a long drawn out heated thread about another player doing some things with celebs or in public and this is what I was talking about.

There is a big difference between someone who is constantly finding himself in situations that cause trouble vs another person just dating and having a little fun but not getting into any trouble.

There are patterns involved. It was not just one situation that made the commish suspend him it was a cumulative effect.

By doing all of this, already in trouble, know you are going to talk to the commish (whether this is before appeal or not) it is showing that you are just not learning. You are going to places that even if you have no intention of causing any trouble it raises the chances that trouble will find you....especially when people already know your reputation and some out there will just try to provoke you to do something so they can sue you.

It is really bad when it is reported that even some of his friends who are in already in legal trouble themselves say that he has to settle down.

When you are constantly finding trouble or trouble constantly finds you, maybe it is time to start finding things to do that decrease the chance of one finding the other.

Hard to get in trouble at a strip bar, if you just go to a movie.

Hard to get in trouble for drinking and driving or speeding if you are just staying at home play cards with some friends.


Like I've said, how many times have you heard a story break that began like this...
Professional atlete {Insert proffessional atletes name} was at a {Bar, strip club, out on street} late last evening(past midnight) where....

and the next sentence wasn't something bad? The next part of that sentence hardly ever reads "he saved chocking man's life." A lot of players go out to clubs, stripclubs, whatever but that usually doesn't make the news, why? Because they don't get into trouble and don't make news. There has got to be a point when PacMan has to say to himself "maybe all these situations I've gotten myself into weren't coincidences and bad timing. maybe I should quit putting myself in a position where something bad can happen."

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