I doubt very seriously that the security called up the NFL offices to snitch. I'm not even sure why Mortenson would add that piece of information to the story even if it were true.Ceasaleo88;1493611 said:It's crazy to me that security snitched on him being there and it's even crazier that he didn't slip security a lil of that "make it rain" money to secure them not snitching on him
:laugh2: :laugh2:
ABQCOWBOY;1493596 said:I think the way the Commissioner gets around this is to tie it to personal conduct clauses. I am not certain of exactly what those entail but I would suspect that it gives Goodell broad powers. To be honest, I think the NFL planned this to be as such. I believe that Tagliablue was the guy who was ment to get the money with TV and players right and Goodell was the guy pegged to deal with the NFL players issues that are becoming more apparent. I think the players went for the money and didn't pay much attention to things like this. Will be interesting to see how this works out.
theogt;1493579 said:You want me to provide you with what ? What verbiage?
I'm not sure what you're asking me to provide. What actions are imposed? Do you mean what actions are prohibited?
The NFL does not ban Pac-man or any other player from attending strip clubs. Do you want me to provide a link to a document saying that they do not ban such activity?
I can't provide a link to a document stating that they do not ban brushing your teeth. But I assure they do not.
Regardless, as Mortenson pointed out in his article, the "ban" on Pacman's strip club excursions was completely self-imposed.
Verdict;1493615 said:Your point is understood. The problem is that it is just not that clear cut.
Doomsday101;1493621 said:I'll say this if Pacman keeps hanging out at places like strip clubs don't be surprised to see him involved with more altercations. It is not hard to find trouble and you find out most trouble people run into could have been avoided if a little common sense was being used. Where you hang out and who you hang with plays a big part.
Huh? He's already been suspended. He wasn't suspended for attending a strip club.ABQCOWBOY;1493619 said:In this case, it is not about what players, in general, can do or not do. You know this because it has been clearly explained. It is specifically about what will be accepted behavior from PacMan. Your basically saying, if I understand it, Strip Clubs have no influence on the Commissioner's ruling. I don't believe that. If PacMan says that it's self impossed, fine. I suspect that the Commissioner would have put something in place to discourage that in any event. We will see when Friday comes. As it stands now, everything is speculation but we will see. The truth is that you saying I'm wrong about this or that rediculous. Nothing has been decided one way or the other. You don't know what criteria will be used as basis for suspension. All I'm saying is that Goodell appears to be doing this with an eye towards player conduct and the image of the NFL. It is not beyound belief that he will consider clubs and those types of activities as justification suspensions.
Hoov;1493623 said:The thing when he goes to the club im sure he brings an entrouge and spends a lot of cash and attracts a lot of attention. Im sure it is not a low key outing. Thats why trouble finds these guys.
:laugh2:dgr81;1493513 said:You guys wasting your time arguing about something from April :laugh2:
theogt;1493627 said:Huh? He's already been suspended. He wasn't suspended for attending a strip club.
You said that he can't be in the NFL and go to strip clubs. You were wrong. It's ok to just admit it. You weren't the only one who held that thought. Several other posters indicated it was their belief as well. It's wrong. At the time it appeared pertinent to the coversation to point that out. So, I did.
Edit: See? There's someone two posts below that thinks he was suspended for going to a strip club.
What you were wrong about was that he can't go to a strip club. Here ya go:ABQCOWBOY;1493660 said:Yes, but he is scheduled to meet with Goodell on Friday in regards to any appeal etc.
I did not think he was suspended for going to a strip club. I'd appriciate it if you could just find any statement where I said he was, as opposed to fabricating one. I said that it is not going to be acceptable to the Commish for him to be frequenting these types of establishments and I believe that to be true, under his specific circumstances.
You were wrong. It's as simple as that.ABQCOWBOY;1493477 said:Last time I checked, nobody is going to jail for it either.
Playing in the NFL is a privilage, not a right. You can go to strip clubs till the Cows come home, so to speak. In fact, most players probably do. For one "Pacman Jones", he can continue to go to clubs all he wants. He just can't go to them and still be part of the NFL. Simple as that.
Pure, unadulerated statements that Pacman cannot go to strip clubs.ABQCOWBOY;1493503 said:It is exactly that simple. The commish has leeway in this matter to judge based on exhibited behavior. In the case of PacMan, he is exhibiting the kind of hehavior that has gotten him into the trouble he is in now. There is a certain amount of remorse and rehabilitation, if you will, that must be shown. In the case of PacMan, it has not been demonstrated.
Other players can go to clubs just as I said earlier. PacMan can not because he has shown that he can not be trusted to represent the Business (NFL) appropriatly. This is not uncommen. Because he is a public figure, you might say that he represents the NFL 24x7. The NFL has the right to protect the interests of the business. It is Goodell's call.
Will they learn me some virbage?It's OK to admit you probably need to be enrolled in Evelyn Wood's Reading Dynamics Courses. I believe they are offered online.
yesfan;1493451 said:I have some really good Yes cd's for the
trip this guy is on.:
Name the last good thing to come from going to one?