Penn State Head Coach Joe Paterno FIRED *SuperMerge*

RoyTheHammer;4237326 said:
Never once will say a victim.. the media's scapegoat. You don't hear near the media coverage or outrage about any of the other 100 people who could have "done more" as you do about him.. evidenced even here as he's still the guy everyone is talking about.

I have heard nearly everyone condemn all the scum bags at Penn State. I guess we need to list all the pathetic Penn State employees that allowed a child rapist free reign in every post to make you happy?

The list of pathetic people at Penn State is a long one. Maybe we should list all of them on our signature for clarification?
RoyTheHammer;4237335 said:
You arn't very good with comprehension, are you?

Put it this way.. look at every single article, report, etc.. put out in the last week over this incident.. you would find 100 articles about Joe and the outrage over his part in this to every article you find about Sandusky, or McQueary, or Curley, or Schultz, or Spanier, etc..

Everything has been about Joe.. just like its been here. 500 pages of replies, almost all about Joe Paterno.

Keep denying it if you'd like.. doesn't make it any less true.

Wah, wah, wah!
RoyTheHammer;4237335 said:
You arn't very good with comprehension, are you?

Put it this way.. look at every single article, report, etc.. put out in the last week over this incident.. you would find 100 articles about Joe and the outrage over his part in this to every article you find about Sandusky, or McQueary, or Curley, or Schultz, or Spanier, etc..

Everything has been about Joe.. just like its been here. 500 pages of replies, almost all about Joe Paterno.

Keep denying it if you'd like.. doesn't make it any less true.

You are blind and deaf.

You only believe what you want to believe.

There has been an inordinate amount of anger towards EVERYBODY involved. People saying 'everybody must go.' And 'anybody who knew about it must go.'

I spent this morning with a 30 minute drive to work listening to Evan & Phillips on SiriusXM and the ENTIRE time they talked about how McQueary was a coward and did nothing and how they do not understand how he still has a job.

Nobody thinks Curley should have a job. And they HAVE discussed this. NOBODY thinks what Schultz did was excusable in any sense of the word.

I listend to Dino Costa rant for the last 2 days on the Spanier, Schultz and McQueary.

I've listened to Mad Dog Russo, Doug Gottleib, and Mike and Mike do the same.

These are NATIONAL radio shows.

Meaning, you play deaf and dumb just like Paterno did. Because there has been a enormous outrage towards everybody and there's still an outrage towards McQueary for being on the staff.

Yet, you would just rather ignore that because your favorite college football coach is tarnished. You would rather circle the wagons and look for any shread of weak excuse to possibly clear his name. worship a guy who covered up a scandal where boys were getting raped and tortured.

Wear it with pride.

RoyTheHammer;4237296 said:
The police and state welfare dept got an admittance of guilt from Sandusky in 98 that he showered with a young boy and continued working at his charity as well.

You don't hear any public outrage over that though..

Pay more attention.

Plenty have spoken, typed, and expressed outrage over the entire lot of these people turning their heads and not doing what they should have done.

The only difference is you don't care to notice cause you're not attempting to absolve them, or feel bad for those people for the attention they've rightfully gotten, just Joe Pa.

Most likely because Joe Pa is the famous person out of all those people, and people know about the good he has done in his life, so people don't want him to be dragged into the mess in the same way, and are choosing to steadfastly defend him as having not done enough but not being deserving of any of that disgust.

Which is just wrong in my eyes.

RoyTheHammer;4237326 said:
Never once will say a victim.. the media's scapegoat. You don't hear near the media coverage or outrage about any of the other 100 people who could have "done more" as you do about him.. evidenced even here as he's still the guy everyone is talking about.

I guess the fact that he's a famous sports figure, and you're watching most of this unfold on sports shows, had nothing to do with the fact that he'd be the obvious person those outlets are focused on?

I'll say it again, as many others already have, every single person who stood by and did as little as they had to, or nothing, to stop this disgusting behavior from happening is equally appauling.

They're all pathetic for what little they did and how terribly the did their jobs. Every single one of them.

That includes Joe Paterno. Legendary coach or not.

Just because 99 other people screwed up badly, and deserve any and all disgust thrown their way, doesn't absolve Joe from his equal fault in this for sitting on his butt and doing only what he had to do to keep himself out of trouble.

It's disgusting. All of it from all of those people.
Yakuza Rich;4237337 said:
The facts say that Paterno went to the AD and did nothing beyond that. Didn't follow up. Didn't question Sandusky who was STILL on Penn State grounds and occasionally going to classes.

If you can't draw a very simple conclusion that Paterno made no attempt to see thru the situation, your priorities over your favorite college football team are severly out of whack.

Had they told Paterno 'we investigated and it was a simple misunderstanding', he may have a small leg to stand on. But that wasn't the case.

Good freaking grief.

It's football, not life.



Your song and dance is getting old bud. Keep throwing in the jabs about football and fandom, as if my opinion has anything to do with it. I could argue just the same that all your wild assumptions and false accusations you've been throwing around have more to do with you hating Joe because he's the PSU football coach, then they do about analyzing the facts. But i'll stick to the topic bud.

The facts indicate that Joe was in on a meeting with Schultz and the AD and they said they'd "take care of it". The facts also indicate that after a couple weeks they went back and said they'd "investigated" and again said there was nothing of substance there. They lied multiple times to people in covering this entire thing up, that's why they are being charged with perjury and failing to report.
BraveHeartFan;4237351 said:
Pay more attention.

Plenty have spoken, typed, and expressed outrage over the entire lot of these people turning their heads and not doing what they should have done.

The only difference is you don't care to notice cause you're not attempting to absolve them, or feel bad for those people for the attention they've rightfully gotten, just Joe Pa.

Most likely because Joe Pa is the famous person out of all those people, and people know about the good he has done in his life, so people don't want him to be dragged into the mess in the same way, and are choosing to steadfastly defend him as having not done enough but not being deserving of any of that disgust.

Which is just wrong in my eyes.

I guess the fact that he's a famous sports figure, and you're watching most of this unfold on sports shows, had nothing to do with the fact that he'd be the obvious person those outlets are focused on?

I'll say it again, as many others already have, every single person who stood by and did as little as they had to, or nothing, to stop this disgusting behavior from happening is equally appauling.

They're all pathetic for what little they did and how terribly the did their jobs. Every single one of them.

That includes Joe Paterno. Legendary coach or not.

Just because 99 other people screwed up badly, and deserve any and all disgust thrown their way, doesn't absolve Joe from his equal fault in this for sitting on his butt and doing only what he had to do to keep himself out of trouble.

It's disgusting. All of it from all of those people.

BH man, i've never suggested that Joe did anything right or that he wasn't at fault for his role in this incident.. just that his role is the one out of everybody involved in this case that you see and hear about constantly, and you're right.. its because he's the "famous" one and everyone in the media is trying to get alot of coverage over this. There's really nothing more to it than that. He's being blasted because he's the most famous one.

Also, i haven't been watching coverage, i've been reading it. Not just on sports websites, but political websites as well. The overwhelming majority of the coverage about this entire incident has centered around Joe Paterno. You can't deny it. Like i said, we have an example right here with 500 pages of replies about this whole incident, and most of them being about Joe Paterno. He is a media scapegoat for all of this.. there were many more people who could have done more, and from the info we have, he did what McQueary did and told his superior, in line with university and legal policy.. and yet McQueary has a job right now and he doesn't. Its because the board decided they were more concerned with the PR nightmare than they were about the welfare of the children hurt.

Explain to me how McQueary is still employed and salaried right now? It is a travesty that is the case.. yet i hear very little outrage anywhere about it.

Everyone is at fault in this situation, yet you hear the majority of outrage over one man.. Joe Paterno. The longer we continue to discuss him on here, the more it proves me right.
Yakuza Rich;4237345 said:
You are blind and deaf.

You only believe what you want to believe.

There has been an inordinate amount of anger towards EVERYBODY involved. People saying 'everybody must go.' And 'anybody who knew about it must go.'

I spent this morning with a 30 minute drive to work listening to Evan & Phillips on SiriusXM and the ENTIRE time they talked about how McQueary was a coward and did nothing and how they do not understand how he still has a job.

Nobody thinks Curley should have a job. And they HAVE discussed this. NOBODY thinks what Schultz did was excusable in any sense of the word.

I listend to Dino Costa rant for the last 2 days on the Spanier, Schultz and McQueary.

I've listened to Mad Dog Russo, Doug Gottleib, and Mike and Mike do the same.

These are NATIONAL radio shows.

Meaning, you play deaf and dumb just like Paterno did. Because there has been a enormous outrage towards everybody and there's still an outrage towards McQueary for being on the staff.

Yet, you would just rather ignore that because your favorite college football coach is tarnished. You would rather circle the wagons and look for any shread of weak excuse to possibly clear his name. worship a guy who covered up a scandal where boys were getting raped and tortured.

Wear it with pride.


You continue with more assumption and false accusations.. why am i not suprised?

I worship Joe now.. you are quite the comedian bud.

How about this? Since you're on here all day anyway, how about we both start posting articles from any source you can find online? I'll post articles about Joe Paterno being covered in this case, and you post articles about anyone else involved.. and we'll see which of us finds more. Sound like a plan?
RoyTheHammer;4237369 said:
How about this? Since you're on here all day anyway, how about we both start posting articles from any source you can find online? I'll post articles about Joe Paterno being covered in this case, and you post articles about anyone else involved.. and we'll see which of us finds more. Sound like a plan?

I've already done it...MULTIPLE times.

Just did one today about WHO knew about Sandusky. Went back pointing fingers at Schultz, Gricar, Curley, Paterno, etc.

Again...blind and deaf.

Keep up the blind allegiance for a fake hero.

RoyTheHammer;4237359 said:
BH man, i've never suggested that Joe did anything right or that he wasn't at fault for his role in this incident.. just that his role is the one out of everybody involved in this case that you see and hear about constantly, and you're right.. its because he's the "famous" one and everyone in the media is trying to get alot of coverage over this. There's really nothing more to it than that. He's being blasted because he's the most famous one.

Also, i haven't been watching coverage, i've been reading it. Not just on sports websites, but political websites as well. The overwhelming majority of the coverage about this entire incident has centered around Joe Paterno. You can't deny it. Like i said, we have an example right here with 500 pages of replies about this whole incident, and most of them being about Joe Paterno. He is a media scapegoat for all of this.. there were many more people who could have done more, and from the info we have, he did what McQueary did and told his superior, in line with university and legal policy.. and yet McQueary has a job right now and he doesn't. Its because the board decided they were more concerned with the PR nightmare than they were about the welfare of the children hurt.

Explain to me how McQueary is still employed and salaried right now? It is a travesty that is the case.. yet i hear very little outrage anywhere about it.

Everyone is at fault in this situation, yet you hear the majority of outrage over one man.. Joe Paterno. The longer we continue to discuss him on here, the more it proves me right.

I've expressed my outrage over all involved and the fact that McQueary is allowed to continue to work there despite his lack of doing anything beyond the bare minimum he had to do.

Its definately because he's the most famous person in this whole thing and that definately keeps people watching or reading about it when it comes to the media.

If they had done the story with very little of Joe Pa involvment and been more about all the hundreds of other faces in this deal who failed to do what they should have then I frankly believe the story would have gotten a lot less attention than it needs to.

It needs all the attention it can get and if that means putting the most famous persons name out there a bunch in it then so be it.

Welcome to fame. It buys you all the wonderful perks in life and makes you an obvious target for more ridicule, scrutiny, and microscope of decision making when you make mistakes or fail.

Is it fair? No, probably not, but it's how it goes.

Whatever it takes to get all the details out there, as much as possible, on this whole thing is fine by me. Unfortunate for Joe Pa but he could have avoided a lot of this back in 2002 if he hadn't simply towed the company line of doing as little as he had to and doing nothing else.

Rather the university did or didn't do enough is completely on each one of those indivuals and should not have influenced, in any way, what Joe Pa should have done. The proper authorities should have been contacted.

He did his bare minimum and was content to just let it ride after that despite knowing of at least 2 incidents about this guy, because I don't see how he didn't know about the investigation in 1998, and yet he sat by while he knew this guy hand the 2nd Mile Program and the campus and all that access to children.

The fact that he did nothing more because the university said they'd look into it is baffling to me beyond all belief.

But not just with him.

I'm even more outraged by McQueary.

He saw it happening. SAW IT. Why in the blue hell did the guy not stop what he saw happening? He did NOTHING.

He went to his office. He made a phone call. He waited till the next day to tell Joe Pa.

WAITED. That's pathetic. It's disgusting. It shows the lack of character in McQueary.

In my eyes he's not a man. He never will be.

How little he did to help a young boy who was being destroyed is sickening beyond all belief to me.

How many other boys got their lives destroyed because he was too much of a coward to do anything when he saw it?

Pathetic. Disgusting.

Don't worry BraveHeartFan, RoyTheHammer will come back tomorrow and claim that you have no outrage towards McQueary...just Joe.

That's his M.O.

BraveHeartFan;4237382 said:
I've expressed my outrage over all involved and the fact that McQueary is allowed to continue to work there despite his lack of doing anything beyond the bare minimum he had to do.

Its definately because he's the most famous person in this whole thing and that definately keeps people watching or reading about it when it comes to the media.

If they had done the story with very little of Joe Pa involvment and been more about all the hundreds of other faces in this deal who failed to do what they should have then I frankly believe the story would have gotten a lot less attention than it needs to.

It needs all the attention it can get and if that means putting the most famous persons name out there a bunch in it then so be it.

Welcome to fame. It buys you all the wonderful perks in life and makes you an obvious target for more ridicule, scrutiny, and microscope of decision making when you make mistakes or fail.

Is it fair? No, probably not, but it's how it goes.

Whatever it takes to get all the details out there, as much as possible, on this whole thing is fine by me. Unfortunate for Joe Pa but he could have avoided a lot of this back in 2002 if he hadn't simply towed the company line of doing as little as he had to and doing nothing else.

Rather the university did or didn't do enough is completely on each one of those indivuals and should not have influenced, in any way, what Joe Pa should have done. The proper authorities should have been contacted.

He did his bare minimum and was content to just let it ride after that despite knowing of at least 2 incidents about this guy, because I don't see how he didn't know about the investigation in 1998, and yet he sat by while he knew this guy hand the 2nd Mile Program and the campus and all that access to children.

The fact that he did nothing more because the university said they'd look into it is baffling to me beyond all belief.

But not just with him.

I'm even more outraged by McQueary.

He saw it happening. SAW IT. Why in the blue hell did the guy not stop what he saw happening? He did NOTHING.

He went to his office. He made a phone call. He waited till the next day to tell Joe Pa.

WAITED. That's pathetic. It's disgusting. It shows the lack of character in McQueary.

In my eyes he's not a man. He never will be.

How little he did to help a young boy who was being destroyed is sickening beyond all belief to me.

How many other boys got their lives destroyed because he was too much of a coward to do anything when he saw it?

Pathetic. Disgusting.


Agree with all of this. Very good post.
Yakuza Rich;4237384 said:
Don't worry BraveHeartFan, RoyTheHammer will come back tomorrow and claim that you have no outrage towards McQueary...just Joe.

That's his M.O.



You're a joke man.

Saying that everything Joe Pa has done for his players, the students, and the university over 60 years of his life has all been simply selfishness and wanting to further his legacy proves you have no idea what you're talking about and absolutely no objectivity on this situation. There's really nothing more to say.
With as much info that has come out in such a short period, I dunno why anyone would take the stance of "never happen".

In a few short days it's gone from gruesome to horrific to downright inhumane and we've only heard about a fraction of the possible time frame.

At this point nothing would shock me.
Hoofbite;4237390 said:
With as much info that has come out in such a short period, I dunno why anyone would take the stance of "never happen".

In a few short days it's gone from gruesome to horrific to downright inhumane and we've only heard about a fraction of the possible time frame.

At this point nothing would shock me.

And isn't that one of the biggest issues with all of it? As terrible and awful as it is already we've likely only seen the tip of it. To have that knowledge in your head, knowing it's only going to get worse, is just flat impossible to accurately explain in words.
Just to clarify my stance again, before more of the sillier people in this thread try and tell you what i believe again:

Joe was not right at all for what he did here. No matter who he is or what he's done in the past, there is absolutely no excuse for not going to child services or a higher authority when you hear of something like this. He made a monumental error in judgement in how he dealt with this situation. He deserved and knew he needed to go as the football coach.

Having said that.. everyone involved needs to go. The fact that McQueary and Curley are still on salary with the university is disgusting to me, and as long as they are still employed i expect complete outrage from every newspaper, radio show, etc.. across the nation. Furthermore, the fact that the university is footing the bill for Curley and Schultz legal fees shows that they couldn't care less about the children who were hurt and everyone involved with this entire situation continues to handle it horribly.

Everyone from McQueary and Joe Paterno, up to the local police and even as far as the PA State Dept of Child Welfare has done nothing but a terrible job in how they handled this situation.. and all of them share a blame of allowing children to be hurt unneccesarily in maybe the worst way young children could ever be hurt. Its nothing short of one of the biggest tragedy's and one of the most disgusting lows that i've ever seen out of our already crappy society. So many people failed these children, and when it goes as high as state officials failing to do their jobs, it makes me want to vomit.
RoyTheHammer;4237402 said:
Just to clarify my stance again, before more of the sillier people in this thread try and tell you what i believe again:

Joe was not right at all for what he did here. No matter who he is or what he's done in the past, there is absolutely no excuse for not going to child services or a higher authority when you hear of something like this. He made a monumental error in judgement in how he dealt with this situation. He deserved and knew he needed to go as the football coach.

Having said that.. everyone involved needs to go. The fact that McQueary and Curley are still on salary with the university is disgusting to me, and as long as they are still employed i expect complete outrage from every newspaper, radio show, etc.. across the nation. Furthermore, the fact that the university is footing the bill for Curley and Schultz legal fees shows that they couldn't care less about the children who were hurt and everyone involved with this entire situation continues to handle it horribly.

Everyone from McQueary and Joe Paterno, up to the local police and even as far as the PA State Dept of Child Welfare has done nothing but a terrible job in how they handled this situation.. and all of them share a blame of allowing children to be hurt unneccesarily in maybe the worst way young children could ever be hurt. Its nothing short of one of the biggest tragedy's and one of the most disgusting lows that i've ever seen out of our already crappy society. So many people failed these children, and when it goes as high as state officials failing to do their jobs, it makes me want to vomit.

Agreed completely. Excellent post.

There is so much disgust to go around with all those involved that it's mind boggling.
Do the guys upset that the focus is on Joe Paterno really not get it?

It's the double edged sword of fame. If some random person on the PSU campus had committed a murder last week, I likely wouldn't have heard about it. But since there's an alleged crime and Joe Paterno is involved, it's a firestorm.

We all know Joe Paterno. Before this, most of us knew nothing or very little of Mike McQueary, Jerry Sandusky, or any of the others involved. If Paterno weren't involved, we'd have heard about it initially, and would've heard little if anything about it after that. So it's silly for these Joe Paterno worshippers to get all self righteous about the focus being on Paterno and pretend that we have no issues with what the others involved did. Paterno's involvement is what makes it news for us. Otherwise, it's just another terrible thing that happened in the world.
I can only presume that's why Paterno told him he wouldn't be the next Head Coach.

Cajuncowboy;4235555 said:
Again I will say this. If it is proven that Paterno knew about the incident in 1998 and he told Sandusky that was the reason he wouldn't be head coach, then I will say he deserves what he is getting now. That would tell me that he not only knew, but that he didn't take the 2002 allegation seriously.

From everything I know of Paterno, from personal experience with him, that would be totally out of character and it would completely counter to his way of doing things to cover something like this up.

I have sat down with Paterno, face to face several times for hours at a time talking about different things. This is not the person I know.

Paterno knew of an allegation about Sandusky with a boy in the shower in 1998. When another allegation came in 2002, his conscience should have insisted that he do something. He told his boss, the athletic director. As you know by now: No one at Penn State called the police.

Sandusky went on working at his charity for disadvantaged and vulnerable kids.
RoyTheHammer;4237326 said:
Never once will say a victim.. the media's scapegoat. You don't hear near the media coverage or outrage about any of the other 100 people who could have "done more" as you do about him.. evidenced even here as he's still the guy everyone is talking about.
Yes, and that's because when stuff like this happens, fair or unfair, the media is going to focus on the most high profile guy involved, even if he isn't the worst offender. Until this Monday, I doubt hardly any of us ever heard of McQueary, Sandusky, Curley or that other guy. But we all darn sure know who Joe Paterno is.

Sorry, but that's just the way the world works.

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