RoyTheHammer;4237359 said:
BH man, i've never suggested that Joe did anything right or that he wasn't at fault for his role in this incident.. just that his role is the one out of everybody involved in this case that you see and hear about constantly, and you're right.. its because he's the "famous" one and everyone in the media is trying to get alot of coverage over this. There's really nothing more to it than that. He's being blasted because he's the most famous one.
Also, i haven't been watching coverage, i've been reading it. Not just on sports websites, but political websites as well. The overwhelming majority of the coverage about this entire incident has centered around Joe Paterno. You can't deny it. Like i said, we have an example right here with 500 pages of replies about this whole incident, and most of them being about Joe Paterno. He is a media scapegoat for all of this.. there were many more people who could have done more, and from the info we have, he did what McQueary did and told his superior, in line with university and legal policy.. and yet McQueary has a job right now and he doesn't. Its because the board decided they were more concerned with the PR nightmare than they were about the welfare of the children hurt.
Explain to me how McQueary is still employed and salaried right now? It is a travesty that is the case.. yet i hear very little outrage anywhere about it.
Everyone is at fault in this situation, yet you hear the majority of outrage over one man.. Joe Paterno. The longer we continue to discuss him on here, the more it proves me right.
I've expressed my outrage over all involved and the fact that McQueary is allowed to continue to work there despite his lack of doing anything beyond the bare minimum he had to do.
Its definately because he's the most famous person in this whole thing and that definately keeps people watching or reading about it when it comes to the media.
If they had done the story with very little of Joe Pa involvment and been more about all the hundreds of other faces in this deal who failed to do what they should have then I frankly believe the story would have gotten a lot less attention than it needs to.
It needs all the attention it can get and if that means putting the most famous persons name out there a bunch in it then so be it.
Welcome to fame. It buys you all the wonderful perks in life and makes you an obvious target for more ridicule, scrutiny, and microscope of decision making when you make mistakes or fail.
Is it fair? No, probably not, but it's how it goes.
Whatever it takes to get all the details out there, as much as possible, on this whole thing is fine by me. Unfortunate for Joe Pa but he could have avoided a lot of this back in 2002 if he hadn't simply towed the company line of doing as little as he had to and doing nothing else.
Rather the university did or didn't do enough is completely on each one of those indivuals and should not have influenced, in any way, what Joe Pa should have done. The proper authorities should have been contacted.
He did his bare minimum and was content to just let it ride after that despite knowing of at least 2 incidents about this guy, because I don't see how he didn't know about the investigation in 1998, and yet he sat by while he knew this guy hand the 2nd Mile Program and the campus and all that access to children.
The fact that he did nothing more because the university said they'd look into it is baffling to me beyond all belief.
But not just with him.
I'm even more outraged by McQueary.
He saw it happening. SAW IT. Why in the blue hell did the guy not stop what he saw happening? He did NOTHING.
He went to his office. He made a phone call. He waited till the next day to tell Joe Pa.
WAITED. That's pathetic. It's disgusting. It shows the lack of character in McQueary.
In my eyes he's not a man. He never will be.
How little he did to help a young boy who was being destroyed is sickening beyond all belief to me.
How many other boys got their lives destroyed because he was too much of a coward to do anything when he saw it?
Pathetic. Disgusting.