Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal (Indictment Post #144, "Pimping" Allegations Post #442)

JBond;4252948 said:
The program is part of the problem.

No, the people in charge of the program were the problem.

JBond;4252948 said:
It was the reason for the cover up.

No, despicable human beings (and I use the term loosly) were the problem.

JBond;4252948 said:
Make the money and shut up about nailing little boys in the bathroom. That is how they operated and they should be punished.

And they were punished by being fired. Most will also have a civil trial, and some will have a criminal trial.

But by cancelling the season or even a bowl game, please tell me who is being punished? And please don't say the program, it's not a person. What person or people get punished by not playing?
Stautner;4253123 said:
Look what you quoted. Do you really believe that when Sandusky was given access to the facilities it was done for the express purpose of giving him a place to rape young boys. Is that really what you think the school and Paterno had in mind?

How do you think this happened?

SANDUSKY: Joe, my old buddy, I need a place to rape young boys. Is it okay if I have access to the athletic facilities so I can do that"?

PATERNO: It's okay with me, but let me check with the AD.

Next Day .....

PATERNO: Hey, I checked with the AD, and he checked with the President and the Board of Regents, and they all approved giving you access to the football facilities so you can rape young boys.

SANDUSKY: Thanks Joe, I knew I could count on you!.

OK, .. that is such a ridiculous post, I'm not even going to comment on anything so silly.

I am not defending anyone against anything that is verifyable or that is reasonable to assume, but if in your mind it is defending Penn State to not believe every wild *** rumour or suggestion anyone can throw out there, then you aren't allowing rational thought into the picture.

Just stand back and look at what we now know that we did not know a month ago.

I have read stories that have involved the Gov., the Attorney General, Penn St. officials, the Second Mile officials, the head football coach, assistant coach, graduate assistant. We just keep hearing more, it just keeps getting worse and worse, darker and darker.

At some point people just need to stop standing up on a soapbox and defending Penn State.

Please, just sit back in disbelief with the rest of us as we continue to ask ourselves, .. "how in the world could this have ever been allowed to happen?"
Yakuza Rich;4253512 said:
For me, it's bittersweet. I used to date a girl that was on an athletic scholarship at Penn State. Their football program was far from clean and things got covered up. One instance was pretty bad with a football player and she was in a dorm mostly filled with athletes. Everybody knew what this player did and how it was swept under the rug and that they hated the player for it.

I believe only a very, very select few universities on the D-1 level are truly clean or about as close to being perfectly clean. I always thought that PSU was good with not having booster violations, but from my experience, the way they handled players transgressions really bothered me. Mainly because they claimed this squeeky clean image and everybody bought it hook, line and sinker.

Still, I never ever thought they would cover up something this bad. Reading the Grand Jury report was depressing. Reading some of the mothers of the victims was mortifiying. Reading victims of other sexual molestation crimes has made me tear up on more than one occasion. I'd rather this entire thing never happen if it had to mean that PSU could still maintain the squeeky clean image and cover up player transgressions.


well put. There have been stories like that about Penn State before. But JoePa being there kept it from going anywhere. And it is true that very few programs are really squeeky clean.
Cajuncowboy;4253180 said:
No one is defending those that had anything to do with the raping of young boys or those who helped cover it up.

It's unbelievable that people don't know the difference between the guilty and the not guilty.

We know the difference between guilty and not guilty, .. but at this point nobody knows who is guilty and who is not, .. who knew something and who didn't, .. but the list of guilty just keeps getting bigger and longer.

First it was just Sandusky, .. then it was Sandusky, Curly and Schultz, .. then it was Sandusky, Curly, Schultz, and Paterno, .. then it was Sandusky, Curly, Schultz, Paterno and McQueary, .. then it's Sandusky, Curly, Schultz, Paterno, McQueary, 2nd Mile officials.

At this point we will never know who all knew something because everybody that did know anything will keep their mouth shut tight for fear of being looked down upon.

This is so ugly, it's just time to stop defending Penn State. We know you love Penn State, I admire the loyalty, .. but the list keeps growing of people, that by knowing and doing nothing to stop it are somehow as bad as Sandusky himself.

Stop puffing out your chest and beating your Penn State chest and saying, WE ARE, PENN STATE.

It's not the time.

Just sit back humbly, quietly, and shake your head at all of this like the rest of us are.

This is a very slimy, grimy, dirty, dark event that we are all appalled by. It's not the time for fan loyalty, .. it means nothing, .. it's empty.
WV Cowboy;4253702 said:
We know the difference between guilty and not guilty, .. but at this point nobody knows who is guilty and who is not, .. who knew something and who didn't, .. but the list of guilty just keeps getting bigger and longer.

First it was just Sandusky, .. then it was Sandusky, Curly and Schultz, .. then it was Sandusky, Curly, Schultz, and Paterno, .. then it was Sandusky, Curly, Schultz, Paterno and McQueary, .. then it's Sandusky, Curly, Schultz, Paterno, McQueary, 2nd Mile officials.

At this point we will never know who all knew something because everybody that did know anything will keep their mouth shut tight for fear of being looked down upon.

This is so ugly, it's just time to stop defending Penn State. We know you love Penn State, I admire the loyalty, .. but the list keeps growing of people, that by knowing and doing nothing to stop it are somehow as bad as Sandusky himself.

Stop puffing out your chest and beating your Penn State chest and saying, WE ARE, PENN STATE.

It's not the time.

Just sit back humbly, quietly, and shake your head at all of this like the rest of us are.

This is a very slimy, grimy, dirty, dark event that we are all appalled by. It's not the time for fan loyalty, .. it means nothing, .. it's empty.

Oh get off your self righteous white horse and stop telling people what to do as if you are some god.

First of all, it was ALWAYS those five implicated. Not First this one and then that one then this other one as you try to dramatically display. The indictment included ALL five in the investigation. Further, You call it chest thumping I call it defending innocent people from being tarred and feathered. All we have seen in this thread is a long list of people that want to HATE something that isn't responsible for the incident.

Hell, there has been more hate directed at Penn State as a whole than at the pedophile. That is one of the things that disgusts me.

Maybe if you took off your "I want to be the one that hates pedophilia more than you" hat for a moment maybe you would see you are indicting innocent people. But yours and others appetite for blood, not matters who's it is is repulsive. The people who were responsible are being dealt with. But that's not enough for you.

Maybe instead of the Lone Ranger you should have Dracula as your avatar since your thirst for blood is obviously insatiable. The Lone Ranger would not punish the innocent.
Cajuncowboy;4253186 said:
That's pretty much been the MO around here. Let's take all rumors, assume they are true and assume everyone who ever had anything to do with Penn State is guilty. It's stupid as hell, but that's the running thought process.
Sorry, but the grand jury official findings of fact is not a "rumor". It is a meticulous document based on a two year investigation which included subpoenas and testimony under oath. It isn't something someone someone posted to the Internet and expects everyone to believe.
Cajuncowboy;4253238 said:
Can't wait to see what kind of class the Ohio State fans have hen those innocent players from Penn State hit the field to destroy the Buckeyes.

I am hoping for the best from the Buckeye fans.
I'll bet they show more class than the Penn State student body did the night Paterno was fired.
Rogah;4253778 said:
Sorry, but the grand jury official findings of fact is not a "rumor". It is a meticulous document based on a two year investigation which included subpoenas and testimony under oath. It isn't something someone someone posted to the Internet and expects everyone to believe.

Yeah, those pimping "rumors" were in the indictment. :rolleyes:

You people have lost your collective minds.
Rogah;4253780 said:
I'll bet they show more class than the Penn State student body did the night Paterno was fired.


Your hate is unreal.

I hope you get over it. That kind of hate will get you alive and kill you eventually. It also clouds your judgement as evidence here.
Cajuncowboy;4253843 said:

Your hate is unreal.

I hope you get over it. That kind of hate will get you alive and kill you eventually. It also clouds your judgement as evidence here.

Dude you really don't think the rioting was classy, do you?
Cajuncowboy;4253841 said:
Yeah, those pimping "rumors" were in the indictment. :rolleyes:

You people have lost your collective minds.
Oh, well I haven't made any comments on those particular allegations other than to say I find them very questionable. I remember saying something along the lines that big boosters as a group can often be lowlifes, but they don't tend to be a group of child abusers. So you can rest assured that my opinions are based on the grand jury's findings of fact, as well as the actual rioting I saw with my own eyes on TV the night it happened.
Cajuncowboy;4253843 said:

Your hate is unreal.

I hope you get over it. That kind of hate will get you alive and kill you eventually. It also clouds your judgement as evidence here.
Truth hurts, huh?

Yeah, I hate the sexual abuse of children and I hate the fact that high ranking members of an institution, along with the much revered football coach, did everything they possibly could to cover it up. Apparently in your eyes that's unhealthy for me to do, but in my eyes I question the judgement of anyone who doesn't agree with me 100%.

Counting down to Cajuncowboy's "I don't care what people in here think about me" response in 3... 2.... 1........
casmith07;4253845 said:
Dude you really don't think the rioting was classy, do you?

Rioting no. The part where they went to his house I had no problem with.
Rogah;4253846 said:
Oh, well I haven't made any comments on those particular allegations other than to say I find them very questionable. I remember saying something along the lines that big boosters as a group can often be lowlifes, but they don't tend to be a group of child abusers. So you can rest assured that my opinions are based on the grand jury's findings of fact, as well as the actual rioting I saw with my own eyes on TV the night it happened.

You are impugning an entire university, innocent students and a program that was NOT indicted. So your opinion based on what you just said is crap. The grand jury findings said nothing about the program. It just mentioned the five we spoke about.
Rogah;4253848 said:
Truth hurts, huh?

Yeah, I hate the sexual abuse of children and I hate the fact that high ranking members of an institution, along with the much revered football coach, did everything they possibly could to cover it up. Apparently in your eyes that's unhealthy for me to do, but in my eyes I question the judgement of anyone who doesn't agree with me 100%.

Counting down to Cajuncowboy's "I don't care what people in here think about me" response in 3... 2.... 1........

Hating n entire entity for what a few did is blind hate. Your judgement on the entire school is misplaced and frankly lacking of intelligence and saying that "we don't know how deep this goes" somehow makes it ok to take it out on everyone shows your lack of knowledge of how justice is suppose to work. Maybe you would feel better in a country like Iran, where they don't give a crap about justice.
Rogah;4253848 said:
Truth hurts, huh?

Yeah, I hate the sexual abuse of children and I hate the fact that high ranking members of an institution, along with the much revered football coach, did everything they possibly could to cover it up. Apparently in your eyes that's unhealthy for me to do, but in my eyes I question the judgement of anyone who doesn't agree with me 100%.

Counting down to Cajuncowboy's "I don't care what people in here think about me" response in 3... 2.... 1........

Took me awhile to figure him out too. Just remember: when he uses the phrase "innocent kids," he's talking about football players, not molested boys.
bbgun;4253900 said:
Took me awhile to figure him out too. Just remember: when he uses the phrase "innocent kids," he's talking about football players, not molested boys.

No brainiac. When I say innocent kids I am referring to the players and the student body as a whole. I also refer to the University as a whole since it was only a handful of people that was involved.

It's hard to see why anyone would want to punish innocent people for something they didn't do and that is exactly what you are suggesting.
Cajuncowboy;4253906 said:
No brainiac. When I say innocent kids I am referring to the players and the student body as a whole. I also refer to the University as a whole since it was only a handful of people that was involved.

It's hard to see why anyone would want to punish innocent people for something they didn't do and that is exactly what you are suggesting.

AKA, the real victims in all of this. Priorities!
bbgun;4253911 said:
AKA, the real victims in all of this. Priorities!

Umm, you want to make them victims as well. They did nothing wrong. But yet you want to punish them.

You are simply wrong.
Cajuncowboy;4253725 said:
Oh get off your self righteous white horse and stop telling people what to do as if you are some god.

First of all, it was ALWAYS those five implicated. Not First this one and then that one then this other one as you try to dramatically display. The indictment included ALL five in the investigation. Further, You call it chest thumping I call it defending innocent people from being tarred and feathered. All we have seen in this thread is a long list of people that want to HATE something that isn't responsible for the incident.

Hell, there has been more hate directed at Penn State as a whole than at the pedophile. That is one of the things that disgusts me.

Maybe if you took off your "I want to be the one that hates pedophilia more than you" hat for a moment maybe you would see you are indicting innocent people. But yours and others appetite for blood, not matters who's it is is repulsive. The people who were responsible are being dealt with. But that's not enough for you.

Maybe instead of the Lone Ranger you should have Dracula as your avatar since your thirst for blood is obviously insatiable. The Lone Ranger would not punish the innocent.

You have simply lost your mind over this.

This post is ludicrous. I have not said I hate anything or anybody.

I haven't said anything about who is to blame.

I haven't called for anybody's head, or the death penalty for the program, or that any game should or should not be played.

And yet you acuse me of all of this.

Where did I say to punish the innocent?

And now you bring my avatar into the discussion. :laugh2:

I think that at that point, that is an official internet fail.

You have simply lost your mind over this.

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