Per The Ticket: Josh Brent sentenced to 10 years Probation and 180 days in jail.

Conviction is uninteresting. Sentence is the real decision
Not surprised but it will be interesting to see what his sentence will be.
Jerry Jones issues statement after Josh Brent’s conviction

Hours after former Cowboys defensive lineman Josh Brent was convicted of intoxication manslaughter in the death of fellow former Cowboy Jerry Brown, Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has issued a brief statement on the matter.

“We understand the very serious nature of this situation and express our concerns for all of the families and individuals that have been affected by the tragedy of Jerry Brown’s death,” Jones said.

If the jury gives him serious time, it won't be work release, it will be in prison. If they don't give him serious time, he'll be on probation, so that won't be work release either.

As an aside, I just can't fathom the fascination with holding out hope that this guy can help the Cowboys. Why would anyone want this knucklehead within 10 miles of team headquarters?

What do you mean why?

Of course you know the answer. You might not agree w it...winning >>>>>

He'd instantly fill one of our many needs

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As the famous prosecuting attorney, Yoda was font of saying..."If you trust not Brent driving sober, go to jail, he must. Yeesssssss."

Everybody's just going to ignore this post, then? Seriously, this one was just too weird for us all to just ignore it. Show some respect, people.
If the jury gives him serious time, it won't be work release, it will be in prison. If they don't give him serious time, he'll be on probation, so that won't be work release either.

As an aside, I just can't fathom the fascination with holding out hope that this guy can help the Cowboys. Why would anyone want this knucklehead within 10 miles of team headquarters?

Was it a "compromise verdict"? We will soon know. If the jury wastes no time during punishment deliberations and quickly comes back with a sentence, the answer to that would be "yes." But, even if there was a compromise, hearing about his priors may change the terms of that decision.

The jury could give him probation, but even if they do, the judge determines the conditions of probation and could send him to prison for six months as a condition of probation, or to SAFP, (a lock-down treatment facilty that usually takes six months + three months half-way house). Either way, whatever happens, I think he is done with his NFL career. Whatever the jury does as to punishment, the league still has it's policy stuff to enforce. And, the league will really hesitate to reinstate someone who has been convicted of a felony in which another player died.

And, even given what I do for a living, I have no sympathy for the guy. Stupid is as stupid does and somebody died because of his stupidity.

As for his Cowboys' career, if he is too stupid to learn from previous experience in the real world, he is too stupid to be more than just another guy anyway.
As the famous prosecuting attorney, Yoda was font of saying..."If you trust not Brent driving sober, go to jail, he must. Yeesssssss."

I have often wondered, how could Yoda be a great Jedi Master but not be able to master the simple language everybody else was speaking? He could learn, "know when to say when" and actually be quoted in a manner fitting for a Jedi Master.
What do you mean why?

Of course you know the answer. You might not agree w it...winning >>>>>

He'd instantly fill one of our many needs

Sign me up

OK, I understand why... I just find that mentality embarrassing.

What would it cost those who want him back to betray their morals? Apparently if a guy has some (limited) potential to fill a hole on your favorite football team's roster, that's enough. You're more deserving of mercy if you can play 10 snaps a game for my team.
Follow this guy for sentencing phase coverage

Ken Kalthoff ‏@KenKalthoffNBC5 48m
#JoshBrent sentencing phase is underway. Prosecutors seeking to enter evidence from Brent's IL DUI case. @NBCDFW
#JoshBrent defense objects to some of IL record. Judge has just returned with some files. Jury not in court yet @NBCDFW
#JoshBrent is back on a coat and tie after a night in jail. Picture of victim Jerry Brown is facing the jury box n the judge's bench.@NBCDFW
#JoshBrent defense argues misdemeanor DWI from IL must not be overplayed by state as something more serious to the jury. @NBCDFW
Judge says words aggravated and felony from the record of IL misdemeanor DWI must not be used before jury in #JoshBrent sentencing @nbcdw
Brief #JoshBrent sentencing delay as lawyers adjust records to reflect judge's ruling on IL DWI evidence @NBCDFW
First #JoshBrent witness is Illinois State Trooper who arrested him in February 2009 in Urbana, IL. @NBCDFW
Monica Strandberg stopped #JoshBrent first for speeding on a city street. She identifies him in court. @NBCDFW
Strandberg says #JoshBrent said he was in a hurry to get home. Had no drivers license. Smelled odor of alcohol. @NBCDFW
#JoshBrent said he'd been drinking at a U of I campus bar in Champaign before he was stopped in Urbana. @NBCDFW
Strandberg gave #JoshBrent a field sobriety test. Document of the test entered in evidence. @NBCDFW
Trooper Strandberg says #JoshBrent exhibited 12 of 18 clues of an intoxicated person. Arrested him for DUI. @NBCDFW
Trooper Strandberg ran #JoshBrent record in squad car computer. Found he had no valid license. @NBCDFW
Failure to appear for prior speeding had resulted in license suspended in February 2009 when #JoshBrent was stopped for IL DUI. @NBCDFW
#JoshBrent told trooper he had some mixed drinks and some shots. Trooper gave him a breath test. @NBCDFW
#JoshBrent IL DUI test was .11. Above IL limit of .08. @NBCDFW
IL Trooper recorded video but it is not played for the jury. They can watch in jury room, prosecutor says. @NBCDFW
#JoshBrent defense asks if 1:37am is an unusual time. Trooper says it is a busy time on a college campus. Brent played at U of I. @NBCDFW
#JoshBrent received probation for the IL DUI and successfully completed it. @NBCDFW
#JoshBrent sentenced to 2 years probation after February 2009 IL DUI arrest. @NBCDFW
OK, I understand why... I just find that mentality embarrassing.

What would it cost those who want him back to betray their morals? Apparently if a guy has some (limited) potential to fill a hole on your favorite football team's roster, that's enough. You're more deserving of mercy if you can play 10 snaps a game for my team.

Yeah. Some people don't care about anything else. What does it matter? It doesn't

Id be surprised if the majority of the people out there didn't disagree w you. They may not say it, but that doesn't mean anything.

Same reason why the donte stallworths, marshawn lynchs, and every other athlete in the nfl that has been arrested multiple times still have jobs. Nobody cares if it doesn't directly affect them. What does directly affect them is revenue and wins and losses. That's the world we live in.

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