Per The Ticket: Josh Brent sentenced to 10 years Probation and 180 days in jail.

OK, I understand why... I just find that mentality embarrassing.

What would it cost those who want him back to betray their morals? Apparently if a guy has some (limited) potential to fill a hole on your favorite football team's roster, that's enough. You're more deserving of mercy if you can play 10 snaps a game for my team.

Not sure how it's a moral issue, anyway. If the guy were remorseless, I'd feel differently, but that's not the case here. Morally, I have a harder time with a mindset that would prefer not to give the guy another chance and a chance to make restitution if he gets himself on the right path somehow and stays there.
Not sure how it's a moral issue, anyway. If the guy were remorseless, I'd feel differently, but that's not the case here. Morally, I have a harder time with a mindset that would prefer not to give the guy another chance and a chance to make restitution if he gets himself on the right path somehow and stays there.

Well of course it's a moral issue. You've basically admitted that when you claim he's been remorseful so give him another chance.

And how remorseful is he, if he couldn't quit drinking after he was released on bond? Most criminal defendants have some degree of remorse, but really only because they are facing punishment for their actions, not because they really feel what they did was wrong. I tend to think if he had real remorse, he wouldn't have violated the conditions of his release. And that's corroborated by his priors.
Yeah. Some people don't care about anything else. What does it matter? It doesn't

Id be surprised if the majority of the people out there didn't disagree w you. They may not say it, but that doesn't mean anything.

Same reason why the donte stallworths, marshawn lynchs, and every other athlete in the nfl that has been arrested multiple times still have jobs. Nobody cares if it doesn't directly affect them. What does directly affect them is revenue and wins and losses. That's the world we live in.

Sadly, you're probably not far off. However, one can readily see the reflection of one's own character - or lack thereof - by ignoring the gravity of what's been done simply because it doesn't directly affect them. The hedonistic mindset of our society today has alot to do with many of our problems.
Ken Kalthoff ‏@KenKalthoffNBC5 36m
Part of #JoshBrent IL probation was a class on dangers of DUI with people affected. @NBCDFW
Next #JoshBrent witness is Leah Gamble, jail diversion program manager for Dallas County. She dealt with Brent. @NBCDFW
#JoshBrent bond conditions in Irving arrest included no drugs or alcohol. An alcohol monitor was required. @NBCDFW
Gamble says #JoshBrent failed drug tests while on bond. @NBCDFW
#JoshBrent was jailed for failing tests from June 27 to July 7. Gamble says he had not failed tests since then. @NBCDFW
Brief #JoshBrent sentencing recess before next witness. Prosecutors are stacking evidence of past drinking and drugs. @NBCDFW
#JoshBrent defense expected to call mom of victim Jerry Brown, who has stood by Brent through out trial. @NBCDFW
Next #JoshBrent state sentencing witness is blood testing expert John Martin. @NBCDFW
Martin says #JoshBrent positive marijuana samples from 6-19-13 could not have been from second hand smoke. @NBCDFW
Next #JoshBrent state witness is Irving Police Office who arrested him. Says Brent had no valid drivers license or insurance. @NBCDFW
State rests in #JoshBrent sentencing. Brief recess before defense. @NBCDFW
Prosecutors presented 4 witnesses in less than 2 hours for #JoshBrent sentencing. @NBCDFW
Well of course it's a moral issue. You've basically admitted that when you claim he's been remorseful so give him another chance.

And how remorseful is he, if he couldn't quit drinking after he was released on bond? Most criminal defendants have some degree of remorse, but really only because they are facing punishment for their actions, not because they really feel what they did was wrong. I tend to think if he had real remorse, he wouldn't have violated the conditions of his release. And that's corroborated by his priors.

The drinking and driving issue is morally separate from the 'would you have such a player on your team' issue. The latter is what I was referring to.

I wouldn't want the guy on the team if he had not, in fact, addressed his dependency problems, but even then, it would be for that specific reason and not because Jerry Brown is dead. If Brent is not, in fact, getting his life together and trying to do right by his friend's family, that's another matter. I base my supposition that he is on the apparent support of Brown's family, for whatever that's worth.
How can he have no valid license or insurance? Man, there are some serious man children in the NFL.
Ken Kalthoff ‏@KenKalthoffNBC5 16m
First #JoshBrent defense witness is Irving officer James Fairbairn, again. @NBCDFW
Fairbairn says tickets for no valid license and no insurance are pending in Irving Municipal Court. @NBCDFW
Next #JoshBrent witness is Robert Brent, Josh's Uncle. @NBCDFW
Roland Brent says he's tried to be a father figure to #JoshBrent. Has been here at trial. @NBCDFW
Uncle says #JoshBrent upbringing was chaotic. Witnessed abusive relationships. @NBCDFW
Uncle says #JoshBrent mother was disabled. @NBCDFW
Uncle says #JoshBrent size intimidating but he is like a little kid. He is 25 but still like a child.@NBCDFW
Uncle says #JoshBrent is like a teddy bear. @NBCDFW
Uncle was with #JoshBrent after the accident. He was very emotionally down. @NBCDFW
Uncle did not want #JoshBrent left alone after the accident. Concerned he might do something to himself. @NBCDFW
Uncle says #JoshBrent and Jerry Brown called each other brothers. They were very close. @NBCDFW
On cross, prosecutor asks Uncle about #JoshBrent football career. Brent lived with Uncle in Bloomington, IL. @NBCDFW
Uncle asked if #JoshBrent had the chance to leave his past with football. @NBCDFW
IIRC, St Louis Rams DE Leanard Little was drunk and killed a mother and got a 5 game suspension from the NFL. I don't think he got much jail time if any at all.
Maybe this deserves a thread of it's own, but countless number of people before and after Josh Brent go down this road.

They know on one level that one day this can catch up with them, but "it's won't happen to me."

He is now a felon, meaning he can't:
  • possess a firearms
  • access government grants
  • be eligible for government loans
  • be eligible for government contracts
  • be eligible for public housing
  • be eligible for educational funding
It varies from state to state, but he may lose these rights for years or a lifetime:
  • to vote
  • hold public office (although being elected may make you a criminal :D )
  • serve on a jury
It will also be a lot harder for him to get any job.

So he's taken a really big hit already (NOTE: I'm NOT saying pro/con if it's punishment enough on this post - NOT)

Again, it amazes me people before and after Josh are reckless and are oblivious to the consequences until it's too late - why?
IIRC, St Louis Rams DE Leanard Little was drunk and killed a mother and got a 5 game suspension from the NFL. I don't think he got much jail time if any at all.

That was under Tagliabue... Goodell is not quite the same commish on these types of things. re: Little, Not sure he got any jailtime, but I do think in the civil suit, he was to compensate the woman's family for the rest of his NFL career.
Just following all of this... his background is remarkably similar to Dez's. The difference is that Dez is not an alcoholic.
Doesn't look good for Josh right now, thinking 2-4, Defense was played by the Prosecutor during sentencing.... ouch that will hurt.
Ken Kalthoff ‏@KenKalthoffNBC5 22m
Suber says players struggle to deal with athletic and academic challenges. #joshbrent discussed goals and aspirations. @NBCDFW
Suber says #JoshBrent said his relationship with mom was strained. Moved in with high school friends. @NBCDFW
Suber says #JoshBrent never blamed anybody, never took it out on anyone else. @NBCDFW
Suber visited #JoshBrent at jail for IL DUI. She was beyond disappointed. Something she never expected of him. @NBCDFW
Suber also knew #JoshBrent victim Jerry Brown. @NBCDFW
Suber has communicated with #JoshBrent since accident. @NBCDFW
Suber says she's heard the heaviness in #JoshBrent's voice. He is different than the person she knew at UofI. @NBCDFW
On cross prosecutor asks if Suber is saying #JoshBrent accident is his mother's fault "Not at all," Suber says. @NBCDFW
Suber says #JoshBrent would do whatever she asked him to do. But he was not under her supervision when he left college. @NBCDFW
#JoshBrent Defense: is there any question in your mind he has remourse? Suber: "No question." @NBCDFW
#JoshBrent has his head down through out this testimony today about his past. @NBCDFW
Next #JoshBrent defense witness is Pastor David Ferrell, Trinity Valley Missionary Baptist Church in Dallas. @NBCDFW
Pastor has been meeting with #JoshBrent since the accident. Ministering to him. @NBCDFW
Pastor says #JoshBrent is grieving. "We could not mention it without him having to pause and gather himself." @NBCDFW
Pastor says #JoshBrent "absolutely" has remorse for what happened. @NBCDFW

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