News: PFT: Elliott's dad says "legal team is ready to fight"

If I were Zeke's team, I would be focusing on this for sure. She could have edited the time stamps on the phone. That is way better than the other stuff being sent around, which don't directly address the case the NFL has established.

They go hand in hand. If a person will lie to police, How far of a stretch is it for a person to manufacture evidence? Speaking as an investigator my report to the DA would have been half hearted.
Who do you believe more? (1) Someone who keeps lying even when you catch them in a lie or (2) Someone who comes clean and says 'yeah I lied about that'. It's as simple as that.

I am not saying she is credible trust me, but apparently she was credible enough. Which makes me think she came clean on the lying about the incident on her birthday. She probably argued she was under extreme distress as well when she lied.
First of all she got caught lying, along with witness tampering. And then she moved the goal post.
Who do you believe more? (1) Someone who keeps lying even when you catch them in a lie or (2) Someone who comes clean and says 'yeah I lied about that'. It's as simple as that.

I am not saying she is credible trust me, but apparently she was credible enough. Which makes me think she came clean on the lying about the incident on her birthday. She probably argued she was under extreme distress as well when she lied.
You specifically stated that the fact she admitted to lying makes her more credible to you. Don't try to dodge your statements when they're declared moronic by everyone else.
I've been in federal law enforcement for 28 years. Once you prove a witness has lied, they're done. Period. Zero credibility. I realize this isn't a criminal setting, but the same principles apply, or at least they apply to reasonable people.

Agree that is the way it is in a legal setting. We know 100% she lied about the incident on Zeke's birthday, the NFL has even said so. But they believed her about the other testimony.
You specifically stated that the fact she admitted to lying makes her more credible to you. Don't try to dodge your statements when they're declared moronic by everyone else.

I am not dodging at all. I will say it again:

Who is more credible?

(1) Someone who keeps lying even when you catch them in a lie or
(2) Someone who comes clean and says 'yeah I lied about that'.

The 2nd person is more credible to be than the 1st. Again, its pretty simple.
I am not dodging at all. I will say it again:

Who is more credible?

(1) Someone who keeps lying even when you catch them in a lie or
(2) Someone who comes clean and says 'yeah I lied about that'.

The 2nd person is more credible to be than the 1st. Again, its pretty simple.
Liars will keep lying until they're caught on all counts. The fact that she was caught lying decreases her credibility by 100%. It in no way increases it. What makes you so sure she was telling the truth about the previous times? She could just as well be lying about that too. It's not like she doesn't have the propensity to do so.
I am not dodging at all. I will say it again:

Who is more credible?

(1) Someone who keeps lying even when you catch them in a lie or
(2) Someone who comes clean and says 'yeah I lied about that'.

The 2nd person is more credible to be than the 1st. Again, its pretty simple.

simple certainly describes it
The punishment is definitely inconsistent and too much.

if inconsistent between white and black players, then there is an equal employment case.
i would even consider a class action lawsuit with other black players that got a raw deal compared to the josh brown.
though that would be risky
I am not dodging at all. I will say it again:

Who is more credible?

(1) Someone who keeps lying even when you catch them in a lie or
(2) Someone who comes clean and says 'yeah I lied about that'.

The 2nd person is more credible to be than the 1st. Again, its pretty simple.

But #2 isn't as credible as someone who hasn't been caught in a lie. So far there is no evidence that Zeke has lied about anything.
This is probably true sometimes but also suggests that most people can't understand right from wrong when skin color is involved, which is a pretty ridiculous thing to say.
Not the people that prance in front of the cameras, and those are the only people today's media is interested in.
Liars will keep lying until they're caught on all counts. The fact that she was caught lying 100% decreases her credibility. It in no way increases it. What makes you so sure she was telling the truth about the previous times? She could just as well be lying about that too. It's not like she doesn't have the propensity to do so.

Of course. But who is more credible once you know that a lie occurred?
(a) The person who admits to the lie or (2) the person who continues to lie? You are saying they are the same, 0% credibility. I understand your point and that is fine, but I think in society someone who admits a lie is more credible than someone who never admits it (even when it is clear a lie occurred).

And, I suspect I am right in this case. They obviously believed Tiffany related to her other testimony.

But it really is a silly point to keep arguing.
to be brutally honest that is not the point. Lying and threatening his career is the point. You cannot prove a negative; for me the fact that she got into a cat fight before the pictures were taken speaks for itself.

I'm not sure those texts undermine her as much as you may think.

Think of this hypothetical...Zeke and this girl (let's call her Sally) are in a relationship where he's been physically abusive to her. But like a lot of abused women she stays in the relationship and doesn't report any abuse because she loves him, et cetera. Eventually, Zeke loses interest in their relationship but she's still emotionally invested (which she clearly seemed to be). Because Zeke has put the kabosh on the relationship, she threatens to report him to police as a way of being vindictive and hoping to spook him back into seeing her.

I think that very plausible scenario comports with the reported text messages (admittedly, I haven't read all of them). If so,
If it were a court of law, I agree. But it isn't.
The basic flaw in your thinking is that you ASSUME that since she came clean about lying regarding one instance means she automatically wasn't lying about the others. Why? Liars lie. They're not limited to one lie. What makes you assume she only lied once?
Here we go, I guess.

This is going to get so unbelievably racial, it'll be ugly. I tremor at where this is headed.

Kaepernick times 1000.

I doubt it, but maybe it should? False accusations against black men by white women have a long and sordid history in this country.
Of course. But who is more credible once you know that a lie occurred?
(a) The person who admits to the lie or (2) the person who continues to lie? You are saying they are the same, 0% credibility. I understand your point and that is fine, but I think in society someone who admits a lie is more credible than someone who never admits it (even when it is clear a lie occurred).

And, I suspect I am right in this case. They obviously believed Tiffany related to her other testimony.

But it really is a silly point to keep arguing.

tiffany, tiffany, tiffany, you mean the skank who lied and falsified evidence?

you must have some type of secret DV agenda.
go to a women's group and you will find supporters there.

though they will get really upset when gives their agenda a black eye.
especially when her case is tried in the court of public opinion and the skank gets destroyed by the evidence of falsifying evidence and lying.
not someone u want if you want sympathy for the cause.

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