News: PFT: Elliott's dad says "legal team is ready to fight"

Its not as difficult as you may think.

Edit the EXIF data with an iPhone app
Here you go, this option is one step easier. The 99 cent iPhone app EXIF-fi lets you view and edit the metadata for any photo on your phone. It’s much cheaper because it’s pretty basic and pretty ugly, but it has everything someone looking to do some deceiving via photo evidence would need: You can change the geotag, the date, and the time, and you can do this to multiple photos at once.

Anyone could, if they wanted, download this app and spend a mere 99 cents and 30 seconds creating a revisionist version of history.

Is there a hidden changelog? You can edit a lot of data from all sorts of apps/programs but it leaves a hidden paper trail of these changes. Professors are able to track these in Excel/Word to see every single action and change a person did in the file.

There has to be a way to be able to view the initial footprint and tags of a photo which is gps location, time and date. Yes it can be edited with an app but I'm sure the original data is somewhere still there that never goes away.
I doubt this evidence does anything. I suspect they already had it, and it doesn't alter the logic the league used to determine whether or not he committed the abuse.

It is clear to me the NFL believes the following happened:

1. Tiffany and Zeke stayed together that week in Ohio at her apartment paid for by Zeke (fact).
2. Zeke abused Tiffany on three separate occasions (Tiffany testimony). Tiffany took pictures of those incidents the days they occurred, evidenced by her cell phone records (time stamps confirmed the dates, and the GPS confirmed they were at the apartment). (Tiffany's testimony, with pictures and time stamps to support it). All this occurred prior to his birthday before the incident.
3. Zeke decided he was done with Tiffany later in the week and said she couldn't come to his birthday party. Hearing this, she fabricated another abuse incident (that he yanked her out of the car) and called/lied to police, and asked her friend to lie as well about this incident. Clearly Tiffany also said she would ruin him. (All the evidence Zeke's team is submitting is related to this incident on his birthday, which the NFL acknowledges was fabricated by Tiffany).
4. Therefore, the NFL has acknowledged that Tiffany lied about the one incident on his birthday, wanted to ruin him, but believe Tiffany is telling the truth regarding the other three incidents that occurred prior. And her phone records match the chronology of her story.
5. Additionally, it also sounds like the NFL had medical examiners look at the pictures, and they probably were consistent with Tiffany's testimony of how the bruises occurred, and were consistent with physical abuse.
6. I also assume, since they decided to believe Tiffany here, that she admitted to the following: (1) fabricating the 'yank from car' story, (2) asking her friends to lie about it and (3) saying that she did want to ruin his career. These admissions actually helped her establish enough credibility in testimony, helping her to convince them that Zeke committed the abuse prior in the week.

So there you have it (the case):
A. Tiffany's testimony of abuse three days prior to birthday event (likely detailed and emotional testimony).
B. Photos on her phone including time stamps and GEO that correspond to her story of the three incidents, all prior to the birthday incident and her bar fight BTW.
C. A medical examiner saying the photos were consistent with abuse and the testimony of events from Tiffany.
D. Tiffany having enough credibility, because she probably admitted to lieing about the events on the birthday and asking her friends to lie, but she stood firm that the prior abuse occurred. And probably provided details and emotional testimony.
E. Zeke's team continues to focus on the day of the birthday but has no explanation for how the bruises got there the prior three days. And the bruises were there, because the pictures (time stamped) prove it.

I don't see how any of the testimony provided by Zeke's father changes or alters the NFL's case.

Zeke also isn't denying that he did anything. If he didn't abuse her at all, he would come out and say "I DIDN'T DO IT". Disagreeing with the 'decision' is not denying the act.

Instead the focus of the legal team is to damage the credibility of Tiffany and to establish motive. This would work in a court of law (and I am positive he would be found innocent), but I don't think it is going to work here as the NFL believes he likely committed abuse, despite the fact that the victim lied and had motive.

This is not a court of law.
I doubt this evidence does anything. I suspect they already had it, and it doesn't alter the logic the league used to determine whether or not he committed the abuse.

It is clear to me the NFL believes the following happened:

1. Tiffany and Zeke stayed together that week in Ohio at her apartment paid for by Zeke (fact).
2. Zeke abused Tiffany on three separate occasions (Tiffany testimony). Tiffany took pictures of those incidents the days they occurred, evidenced by her cell phone records (time stamps confirmed the dates, and the GPS confirmed they were at the apartment). (Tiffany's testimony, with pictures and time stamps to support it). All this occurred prior to his birthday before the incident.
3. Zeke decided he was done with Tiffany later in the week and said she couldn't come to his birthday party. Hearing this, she fabricated another abuse incident (that he yanked her out of the car) and called/lied to police, and asked her friend to lie as well about this incident. Clearly Tiffany also said she would ruin him. (All the evidence Zeke's team is submitting is related to this incident on his birthday, which the NFL acknowledges was fabricated by Tiffany).
4. Therefore, the NFL has acknowledged that Tiffany lied about the one incident on his birthday, wanted to ruin him, but believe Tiffany is telling the truth regarding the other three incidents that occurred prior. And her phone records match the chronology of her story.
5. Additionally, it also sounds like the NFL had medical examiners look at the pictures, and they probably were consistent with Tiffany's testimony of how the bruises occurred, and were consistent with physical abuse.
6. I also assume, since they decided to believe Tiffany here, that she admitted to the following: (1) fabricating the 'yank from car' story, (2) asking her friends to lie about it and (3) saying that she did want to ruin his career. These admissions actually helped her establish enough credibility in testimony, helping her to convince them that Zeke committed the abuse prior in the week.

So there you have it (the case):
A. Tiffany's testimony of abuse three days prior to birthday event (likely detailed and emotional testimony).
B. Photos on her phone including time stamps and GEO that correspond to her story of the three incidents, all prior to the birthday incident and her bar fight BTW.
C. A medical examiner saying the photos were consistent with abuse and the testimony of events from Tiffany.
D. Tiffany having enough credibility, because she probably admitted to lieing about the events on the birthday and asking her friends to lie, but she stood firm that the prior abuse occurred. And probably provided details and emotional testimony.
E. Zeke's team continues to focus on the day of the birthday but has no explanation for how the bruises got there the prior three days. And the bruises were there, because the pictures (time stamped) prove it.

I don't see how any of the testimony provided by Zeke's father changes or alters the NFL's case.

Zeke also isn't denying that he did anything. If he didn't abuse her at all, he would come out and say he didn't do it. Instead the focus of the legal team is to damage the credibility of Tiffany and to establish motive. This would work in a court of law, but I don't think it is going to work here as the NFL believes he likely committed abuse, despite the fact that the victim lied and had motive.

"D. Tiffany having enough credibility, because she probably admitted to lieing about the events on the birthday and asking her friends to lie, but she stood firm that the prior abuse occurred. And probably provided details and emotional testimony."

Having enough credibility after lying. Are you kidding me? Intent, motif and admission of falsifying evidence puts all her evidence in doubt, even bruises that she could have caused herself.
I doubt this evidence does anything. I suspect they already had it, and it doesn't alter the logic the league used to determine whether or not he committed the abuse.

It is clear to me the NFL believes the following happened:

1. Tiffany and Zeke stayed together that week in Ohio at her apartment paid for by Zeke (fact).
2. Zeke abused Tiffany on three separate occasions (Tiffany testimony). Tiffany took pictures of those incidents the days they occurred, evidenced by her cell phone records (time stamps confirmed the dates, and the GPS confirmed they were at the apartment). (Tiffany's testimony, with pictures and time stamps to support it). All this occurred prior to his birthday before the incident.
3. Zeke decided he was done with Tiffany later in the week and said she couldn't come to his birthday party. Hearing this, she fabricated another abuse incident (that he yanked her out of the car) and called/lied to police, and asked her friend to lie as well about this incident. Clearly Tiffany also said she would ruin him. (All the evidence Zeke's team is submitting is related to this incident on his birthday, which the NFL acknowledges was fabricated by Tiffany).
4. Therefore, the NFL has acknowledged that Tiffany lied about the one incident on his birthday, wanted to ruin him, but believe Tiffany is telling the truth regarding the other three incidents that occurred prior. And her phone records match the chronology of her story.
5. Additionally, it also sounds like the NFL had medical examiners look at the pictures, and they probably were consistent with Tiffany's testimony of how the bruises occurred, and were consistent with physical abuse.
6. I also assume, since they decided to believe Tiffany here, that she admitted to the following: (1) fabricating the 'yank from car' story, (2) asking her friends to lie about it and (3) saying that she did want to ruin his career. These admissions actually helped her establish enough credibility in testimony, helping her to convince them that Zeke committed the abuse prior in the week.

So there you have it (the case):
A. Tiffany's testimony of abuse three days prior to birthday event (likely detailed and emotional testimony).
B. Photos on her phone including time stamps and GEO that correspond to her story of the three incidents, all prior to the birthday incident and her bar fight BTW.
C. A medical examiner saying the photos were consistent with abuse and the testimony of events from Tiffany.
D. Tiffany having enough credibility, because she probably admitted to lieing about the events on the birthday and asking her friends to lie, but she stood firm that the prior abuse occurred. And probably provided details and emotional testimony.
E. Zeke's team continues to focus on the day of the birthday but has no explanation for how the bruises got there the prior three days. And the bruises were there, because the pictures (time stamped) prove it.

I don't see how any of the testimony provided by Zeke's father changes or alters the NFL's case.

Zeke also isn't denying that he did anything. If he didn't abuse her at all, he would come out and say "I DIDN'T DO IT". Disagreeing with the 'decision' is not denying the act.

Instead the focus of the legal team is to damage the credibility of Tiffany and to establish motive. This would work in a court of law (and I am positive he would be found innocent), but I don't think it is going to work here as the NFL believes he likely committed abuse, despite the fact that the victim lied and had motive.

This is not a court of law.

People need to stop it with the Elliott isn't denying it angle. Geezus.
"D. Tiffany having enough credibility, because she probably admitted to lieing about the events on the birthday and asking her friends to lie, but she stood firm that the prior abuse occurred. And probably provided details and emotional testimony."

Having enough credibility after lying. Are you kidding me? Intent, motif and admission of falsifying evidence puts all her evidence in doubt, even bruises that she could have caused herself.

She apparently had enough credibility because they believed her. I haven't heard her testimony. I do think her admitting to telling those lies increased her credibility.
Here we go, I guess.

This is going to get so unbelievably racial, it'll be ugly. I tremor at where this is headed.

Kaepernick times 1000.
I am a white male and I actually think there's an argument to be had from Zekes case about the Black man and white girl comment she made. I just don't see how anybody can side with her unless there's actual video of him hitting her.
Is there a hidden changelog? You can edit a lot of data from all sorts of apps/programs but it leaves a hidden paper trail of these changes. Professors are able to track these in Excel/Word to see every single action and change a person did in the file.

There has to be a way to be able to view the initial footprint and tags of a photo which is gps location, time and date. Yes it can be edited with an app but I'm sure the original data is somewhere still there that never goes away.
I am not aware of a change log.. I get what you are saying though. This is just the easiest way to change a photo..If you export the image to lightroom or a desktop app you can permanently change the info.
There are many variables involved also..Did she give them her phone? Did she back these pics on the cloud and email the photos to the investigators? By looking at the list of people involved with this case It wouldn't surprise me if they just took the basic exif data and ran with it since it supported their conclusion. This doesn't sound like a search for the truth as much as an attempt to show the world how hard they are on DV.
She apparently had enough credibility because they believed her. I haven't heard her testimony. I do think her admitting to telling those lies increased her credibility.

basically you accept nfl's finding without question.
you are looking for an excuse to find him guilty.
like i said, guilty until proven innocent.
Its not as difficult as you may think.

Edit the EXIF data with an iPhone app
Here you go, this option is one step easier. The 99 cent iPhone app EXIF-fi lets you view and edit the metadata for any photo on your phone. It’s much cheaper because it’s pretty basic and pretty ugly, but it has everything someone looking to do some deceiving via photo evidence would need: You can change the geotag, the date, and the time, and you can do this to multiple photos at once.

Anyone could, if they wanted, download this app and spend a mere 99 cents and 30 seconds creating a revisionist version of history.

It really is easy
I am a white male and I actually think there's an argument to be had from Zekes case about the Black man and white girl comment she made. I just don't see how anybody can side with her unless there's actual video of him hitting her.

This isn't a court of law. The following evidence has swayed the NFL committee to believe that Zeke committed abuse:

1. Her testimony
2. She has photos of the bruises that match the dates/location she said they happened
3. The fact that Zeke/Tiffany were living together that week (puts him in the location)
4. A medical examiner is saying that the injuries in the photos were consistent with her testimony and abuse

All of Zeke's team is focused on events that occurred on his birthday, or the bar fight, which were later in the week and after the abuse, according to Tiffany's testimony collaborated with the time stamps.

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