News: PFT: Elliott's dad says "legal team is ready to fight"

People just pick their side based on the skin color they prefer.
This is probably true sometimes but also suggests that most people can't understand right from wrong when skin color is involved, which is a pretty ridiculous thing to say.
I think the best case scenario is that it will be reduced to a game or two for the "Personal Conduct" policy. The NFL already made its big news splash for being tough and issuing the 6 game suspension. The reduction will be largely ignored by most casual fans. Anything more than 2 games is ridiculous.

if they were to change it to personal conduct policy now, it would be obvious and can be attacked using the same DV case.
Elliott's dad says "legal team is ready to fight"

Last week, the father of Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott declared himself to be “ready for the show down.”

On Monday, Stacy Elliott provided some more details about how things will play out, now that the NFL has suspended his son for six games.

“My son’s legal team is ready to fight!” Stacy Elliott tweeted on Monday morning. “Let’s deal!!!! You will know the set up and PLOT!”

The tweet contains excerpts from a new Fort Worth Star-Telegram story from Clarence E. Hill. Jr. regarding a review of certain documents from the case — documents that have yet to be publicly released.

If you read the comments after the article - this is why Zeke should be able to sue the NFL for defamation of character!!
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There has never been a court where the chief witness is a liar and it doesn't matter...
When this case is entirely her word against his with witnesses also taking his side then her being a liar is even more relevant.
Couldn't disagree more, and this isn't entirely her word against his. Apparently the NFL feels that those photographs that are circulating are evidence enough to proceed with the suspension. Unless it can be proven that she is specifically lying about this specific case, her integrity will not be taken into consideration.
The question I have is whether or not all of this was clearly presented to the panel during the process.

If it was, then they are unquestionably corrupt.

How you can hear things like this, read texts like that and still find the woman remotely credible to the point that you can hold him responsible for something even the authorities could not?

Did you just defend a Cowboy?
the only shot Zeke has in court is if he can show the NFL violated federal law. No CBA can protect them from that. Whether he can or not is the question.
A few things:
1. Her being a liar won't matter (and it shouldn't) in court or to the NFL. Just because she's dishonest doesn't mean he didn't do it.
???? Isn't truth the ultimate outcome? Of course it matters. Specifically in cross-examination.
Here we go, I guess.

This is going to get so unbelievably racial, it'll be ugly. I tremor at where this is headed.

Kaepernick times 1000.

I've been saying this pretty much since Saturday once more news came out.

I find it difficult to believe that this was not presented to Goodell and his advisers. You have nothing to lose by clearly defending yourself and this would be prime evidence.

If that's the case, all of the 'Kaepernick times 1000' is something that Goodell brought onto himself. And I'm certain the NAACP will have an interest as to why it was and they wouldn't mind picketing outside Augusta National which could cause the ANGC to revoke Goodell's membership that he covets so much. And he'll not only be out as commissioner, but he will be an outcast from the game all together:


Just makes you wonder what good it will do though.

A best case is that Goodell bows to growing public sentiment that he reduces the suspension while keeping the stance they were tough.

Then you wonder if Elliott's team will just take that and have him serve.

If this goes the Brady route and they dig in for a long fight, the more precarious it becomes.

I know I don't want him shut down the last few weeks of the season and/or playoffs.

This either hits now or they should probably let it rest given the risk.

I'd really like to see what weight was given by the NFL investigators to the statements made by the girl. I mean, that's pretty damning stuff right there and presents a clear motive for Zeke's accuser to lie and fabricate the story (maybe even some of her injuries). Quite honestly, I thought 4 independent investigators would be able to determine a clear finding of fact. As more details come out, I'm starting to wonder. If the NFL bobbles this, it will almost certainty tarnish the integrity of it's investigative process and these 4 investigators.
Couldn't disagree more, and this isn't entirely her word against his. Apparently the NFL feels that those photographs that are circulating are evidence enough to proceed with the suspension. Unless it can be proven that she is specifically lying about this specific case, her integrity will not be taken into consideration.

the integrity of the accuser will not be taken into consideration?????
the nfl already acknowledge she tried to falsify evidence
Couldn't disagree more, and this isn't entirely her word against his. Apparently the NFL feels that those photographs that are circulating are evidence enough to proceed with the suspension. Unless it can be proven that she is specifically lying about this specific case, her integrity will not be taken into consideration.
It has been proven she was lying about this case...
The police and the league both said she was not telling the truth about the night she called the police.
When a person is heard threatening to ruin his career and then calls the police with a mouthful of lies then this person has no credibility...why do you think the police didn't even press charges?

The league went in with the assumption Zeke is guilty and then demanded he disprove everything she claimed and every bruise she showed..while ignoring plenty of witness that told them she was involved in a street fight. This isn't the way the legal system works and there is good reason for that...

So back to the original are either trolling or you seriously have no idea how courts and the legal system work..witness credibility is enormous.
the integrity of the accuser will not be taken into consideration?????
the nfl already acknowledge she tried to falsify evidence
This guy must be messing with us..
Saying the integrity of the accuser is not relevant..even in court is just beyond ridiculous. He either likes to argue or he is beyond clueless in this area.
Couldn't disagree more, and this isn't entirely her word against his. Apparently the NFL feels that those photographs that are circulating are evidence enough to proceed with the suspension. Unless it can be proven that she is specifically lying about this specific case, her integrity will not be taken into consideration.

Wasn't there proof of the bar fight the girl was in?
This guy must be messing with us..
Saying the integrity of the accuser is not relevant..even in court is just beyond ridiculous. He either likes to argue or he is beyond clueless in this area.

there are a couple posters who really wants zeke to be guilty and suspended.
to the point that they are ignoring simple legal facts.
equal opportunity for all - i would be shocked if that clause is not in the NFL's charter, by-laws, zeke's contract, and even the CBA!
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Anybody thinks that this matter will impact the decision on Dallas getting the 2018 NFL Draft?
They already said they won't look at any reduction unless Zeke has new evidence to show them. Probably like how she got those bruises if he didn't do it.
Can you imagine having to prove how someone else got a bruise?
They claim to trust metadata on her photos to even prove when the photos were taken. This girl can post to social media and use the's beyond simple to edit metadata on a photo..heck there are many apps that will do that easily..And yet they believe it's Zekes responsibility to prove how she got the bruises and not their responsibility to prove that he gave them to her. Insane..

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