News: PFT: Elliott's dad says "legal team is ready to fight"

If this becomes a race issue, and I hope it doesn't. It could very well change the trajectory of this case. From something DV related to something that is race related.

I think the NFL opened up themselves for this can of worms.
this is why I think the actual appeal may be more successful than most media outlets and those in-the-know think

if Goodell and his legal team are smart they can see these dominoes set up to fall and in order to avoid a huge race fiasco will be willing to reduce it down to 2 games or maybe even less
The fundemental issue is that the NFL is telling Zeke you didn't prove that you didn't hit her. That's an incredibly dangerous precedent the NFL is setting that the NFLPA will fight. Having to prove innocence is a tough standard to fight and puts players in a horrible situation. The only shot I believe the NFLPA has is if they can argue the fallacy and legality of assuming guilt and proving innocence.

It's a tough case to prove because of the broad powers of Goodell but Zeke's legal team may be able to argue the NFL's stance of proving innocence is unconstitutional. It's doubtful, but I'm not sure if it's been tried in courts before on such a large scale.

That's essentially it. Their evidence is they know the two were in the same room/places on the days in question. And they can confirm the photos of the injuries are around the time she claims she was injured. But in terms of the actual acts, they have very little evidence and they've taken the tact as you stated it - it's up to Elliott to prove alternative reasons for why she has these bruises and if he can't give answers sufficient to them, therefore, he absolutely was the cause.

It's beyond ridiculous. And FWIW, I've read on other boards there is a lot more information out there about Thompson and her credibility that might come out in this affair and if they push this to court. I saw on one board that acquaintances of hers say she's completely full of it and is a notorious liar. This is going to be a fascinating fight IMO.
I somewhat see your point...but Zeke is not a minor. Zeke is not in high school. And all I am saying is that GROWN man accused of something...should have a voice.

Frankly, his father can speak out where Zeke as an employee of the NFL cannot. His father can speak out where Zeke as one accused of DV cannot.

Elliott has to ride the fine line of not insulting his employer and not appearing to take DV lightly.
The question I have is whether or not all of this was clearly presented to the panel during the process.

If it was, then they are unquestionably corrupt.

How you can hear things like this, read texts like that and still find the woman remotely credible to the point that you can hold him responsible for something even the authorities could not?

That's where I can't wait for this to be made public. This behind the scenes nonsense needs a light shed on it.
I really have a problem with his DAD being his mouthpiece. Maybe it's just the way youngster are raised in this day and age...but when I got out of college...and was on my own..I....ME....spoke for ME!!!!! Does not mean my parents didn't "brag" on me or weren't "proud" of me. But I can't imagine my dad having ANYTHING to say to my employer or co-workers if he did not agree with something that was said to me or about me in my annual evaluation at work.

Reminds me of the RG3 era in DC...and his Dad was in the lockeroom and tossing the football with his son on the practice field. You status at a "leader" would be in question if your dad seemed to act like a buffer between you are the rest of the team/society!
I bet you're a big fan of LaVar Ball.
Frankly, his father can speak out where Zeke as an employee of the NFL cannot. His father can speak out where Zeke as one accused of DV cannot.

Elliott has to ride the fine line of not insulting his employer and not appearing to take DV lightly.
I hear what everyone is saying...but he just comes off as looking like a kid to me. And quite frankly....he has ACTED like a this is coming full circle. I remember ESPN doing a special on him where his father moved followed him to college! I mean come on. Not sure if you went to college....but I did. My dad dropped me off for my freshman year. He paid the bill every year. But he never set foot on campus again until it was time for me to graduate. The coddling of these "kids" why they continue to act like "kids" when they are adults!!
I somewhat see your point...but Zeke is not a minor. Zeke is not in high school. And all I am saying is that GROWN man accused of something...should have a voice.

Zeke is the one under investigation by the NFL. He probably can't speak out harshly against his employer - especially since he was the one being accused of wrong doing.

However, Zeke's family can and say whatever they want. They can raise hell and bring up lawsuits against the league and bring up race as an issue. Frankly, Dad is the best spokesperson for Zeke right now. He knows his son well and knows whether is son did or did not do the things they accused him of doing. It will be wise for him to speak out about this rather than Zeke.
i think in the end it wont matter I think he will still be suspended for six games
Oh yea I doubt anything will change with the suspension. What he can do is embarrass the NFL and show how hypocritical they are and prove her out to be a liar. But The Commish can suspend you for looking funny at him the way those rules are.
Oh yea I doubt anything will change with the suspension. What he can do is embarrass the NFL and show how hypocritical they are and prove her out to be a liar. But The Commish can suspend you for looking funny at him the way those rules are.

They can probably hurt Zeke in other ways. But if Zeke's Dad or Mom files a lawsuit on the league and her, the NFL can't do anything about it.
I hear what everyone is saying...but he just comes off as looking like a kid to me. And quite frankly....he has ACTED like a this is coming full circle. I remember ESPN doing a special on him where his father moved followed him to college! I mean come on. Not sure if you went to college....but I did. My dad dropped me off for my freshman year. He paid the bill every year. But he never set foot on campus again until it was time for me to graduate. The coddling of these "kids" why they continue to act like "kids" when they are adults!!

Not everyone is the same on that. Some don't see it as coddling to be involved in their children's lives after they go off to college.
A few things:
1. Her being a liar won't matter (and it shouldn't) in court or to the NFL. Just because she's dishonest doesn't mean he didn't do it.

2. The bit about her being white, him being black... From what I've gathered, that's hearsay at this point, and isn't recorded on any media (text, email, etc...).

3. They aren't going to win an equal opportunity case by simply referring to a single case where a white guy got less time. All they'd have to do is create circumstances out of thin air to justify their decision.

Again, if he didn't do it, I hope his legal team is successful in going scorched earth on the league.
There has never been a court where the chief witness is a liar and it doesn't matter...
When this case is entirely her word against his with witnesses also taking his side then her being a liar is even more relevant.
Lots of info and good comments. To many in the media, this forum, and other forum are saying that this is like the Brady case and no way Elliott will win. I feel quite differently. In the Brady case they had two cohorts that they received testimony from along with the destroyed cell phone and a few other things. Was Brady guilty of anything others had not done, probably not, he was just an example for Goodell that anyone will pay as long as he sees fit.

Elliott is quite a different case. The lady in question has proven over and over again that she will lie to get her way, proven to be a liar, not hearsay. The NFL panel is obviously one of known prejudices and will bend over backwards to give Goodell what he wants out of a case and punish a team that Goodell and other owners want to see hurt. But with Elliott, I believe that unless the suspension is torn down to 1 game, then he will go to court and fight it (and may anyway) as a few sources have his attorneys not only suing to void the suspension but for the NFL to apologize and pay restitution in the hundreds of millions for defamation of character and loss of potential earning in endorsements. If as they claim they have proof that the panel ignored then this is going to be quite the court case. Of course now the NFL is saying that there were other incidents with Elliott they reviewed to make the decision of which none seem to be in the public record. Also apparently the bar incident has been officially closed as noted by the NFL.

It would surprise me if the NFL lessen the suspension based on just Goodell but then again a court case if the evidence proves Elliott innocent would put a massive black eye on the NFL, the CBA, and Goodell. Where Brady did not want to pursue this to the Supreme Court, don't believe we can say the same thing about Elliott. This may be a long, long way from being over.
i think in the end it wont matter I think he will still be suspended for six games
I think the best case scenario is that it will be reduced to a game or two for the "Personal Conduct" policy. The NFL already made its big news splash for being tough and issuing the 6 game suspension. The reduction will be largely ignored by most casual fans. Anything more than 2 games is ridiculous.
I think the best case scenario is that it will be reduced to a game or two for the "Personal Conduct" policy. The NFL already made its big news splash for being tough and issuing the 6 game suspension. The reduction will be largely ignored by most casual fans. Anything more than 2 games is ridiculous.
They already said they won't look at any reduction unless Zeke has new evidence to show them. Probably like how she got those bruises if he didn't do it.

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