Lots of info and good comments. To many in the media, this forum, and other forum are saying that this is like the Brady case and no way Elliott will win. I feel quite differently. In the Brady case they had two cohorts that they received testimony from along with the destroyed cell phone and a few other things. Was Brady guilty of anything others had not done, probably not, he was just an example for Goodell that anyone will pay as long as he sees fit.
Elliott is quite a different case. The lady in question has proven over and over again that she will lie to get her way, proven to be a liar, not hearsay. The NFL panel is obviously one of known prejudices and will bend over backwards to give Goodell what he wants out of a case and punish a team that Goodell and other owners want to see hurt. But with Elliott, I believe that unless the suspension is torn down to 1 game, then he will go to court and fight it (and may anyway) as a few sources have his attorneys not only suing to void the suspension but for the NFL to apologize and pay restitution in the hundreds of millions for defamation of character and loss of potential earning in endorsements. If as they claim they have proof that the panel ignored then this is going to be quite the court case. Of course now the NFL is saying that there were other incidents with Elliott they reviewed to make the decision of which none seem to be in the public record. Also apparently the bar incident has been officially closed as noted by the NFL.
It would surprise me if the NFL lessen the suspension based on just Goodell but then again a court case if the evidence proves Elliott innocent would put a massive black eye on the NFL, the CBA, and Goodell. Where Brady did not want to pursue this to the Supreme Court, don't believe we can say the same thing about Elliott. This may be a long, long way from being over.