News: PFT: Elliott's dad says "legal team is ready to fight"

Wasn't there proof of the bar fight the girl was in?
Couldn't disagree more, and this isn't entirely her word against his. Apparently the NFL feels that those photographs that are circulating are evidence enough to proceed with the suspension. Unless it can be proven that she is specifically lying about this specific case, her integrity will not be taken into consideration.

For the NFL, yes they will not take her integrity into question. They've proven that by Peter Harvey dismissing the fact that she lied and tampered with a witness as well as Harvey claiming that she was the witness to her own accusation.

In a court of law, they would absolutely take her credibility into question unless the judge somehow does not allow that evidence to be submitted in the trial.

Can you imagine having to prove how someone else got a bruise?
They claim to trust metadata on her photos to even prove when the photos were taken. This girl can post to social media and use the's beyond simple to edit metadata on a photo..heck there are many apps that will do that easily..And yet they believe it's Zekes responsibility to prove how she got the bruises and not their responsibility to prove that he gave them to her. Insane..

it is difficult to mess with the date on an iphone.
however, she has proven the intent to falsify data.
how is anyone supposed to know if she did not caused the bruises herself or had someone else do it.
The Cowboy fan in me thinks she's lying....she can't be believed.

The father in me is says, "If he caused these brusies, then six games isn't enough". You don't lay a hand on a woman in anger...period!
There is no way any sane person, who just beat up a girl would refuse to invite her to a party if he actually beat her up and she was threatening to ruin his career, that person would be scared to death and try to pay her off..

This just does not pass the smell test when you look at the facts.
This is probably true sometimes but also suggests that most people can't understand right from wrong when skin color is involved, which is a pretty ridiculous thing to say.
It sounds ridiculous but even studies that I assume (could be wrong) or done by credible places have been done that say based on race stuff is looked at differently. It might crazy to us but you see it play out too often for anyone to not think it has merit. As much as we grow we still have a lot of that primitive thinking lurking below and I also don't think it helps when people seem to self segregate from one another.
The Cowboy fan in me thinks she's lying....she can't be believed.

The father in me is says, "If he caused these brusies, then six games isn't enough". You don't lay a hand on a woman in anger...period!
"If" that happened she wouldn't have needed to fake an assault on July 21/22
The Cowboy fan in me thinks she's lying....she can't be believed.

The father in me is says, "If he caused these brusies, then six games isn't enough". You don't lay a hand on a woman in anger...period!

This woman was not only a fighter but a liar. If she was involved in one fight, who knows how many she was involved in. This girl has no credibility. I mean what percentage of girls would actually get into a fist fight. It is actually pretty low
the integrity of the accuser will not be taken into consideration?????
the nfl already acknowledge she tried to falsify evidence
That guy you quoted is living in La la land. One of the biggest cases ever was won based on lying no matter which side you're on on the verdict. I know this isn't a legal case but people lying doesn't matter in who people might believe now? I've heard it all. Now I know why people on tv don't go there they want to keep their jobs and that's understandable but people online I just don't get it. I don't know if he did it or not but if the city couldn't find nothing unless the nfl got some open and shut evidence I find it hard to suspend him or anybody in this situation. If he did it he should be suspended but I can't agree with the current info we have.
if i were zeke's lawyers, i would consider a class action lawsuit working together with some of the other black players who were suspended for dv for longer than josh brown.
consider - not necessarily do it - because not sure you want to be tied to known dv players.
it is difficult to mess with the date on an iphone.
however, she has proven the intent to falsify data.
how is anyone supposed to know if she did not caused the bruises herself or had someone else do it.
Its not as difficult as you may think.

Edit the EXIF data with an iPhone app
Here you go, this option is one step easier. The 99 cent iPhone app EXIF-fi lets you view and edit the metadata for any photo on your phone. It’s much cheaper because it’s pretty basic and pretty ugly, but it has everything someone looking to do some deceiving via photo evidence would need: You can change the geotag, the date, and the time, and you can do this to multiple photos at once.

Anyone could, if they wanted, download this app and spend a mere 99 cents and 30 seconds creating a revisionist version of history.
The Cowboy fan in me thinks she's lying....she can't be believed.

The father in me is says, "If he caused these brusies, then six games isn't enough". You don't lay a hand on a woman in anger...period!
Six games is enough if he did it. I'm not in the business of taking people's money away because of the amount they make. I don't agree with never laying your hands on a woman in anger either. That's unfortunately the time it's most likely to happen. Heck being honest it's the same with a man too and when emotions are involved folks do some dumb things. It's not cool but I'm not going to act like when you're mad you can always control yourself. If that was the case there wouldn't be violence period not just the kind the media tells people they should be concerned about.
Its not as difficult as you may think.

Edit the EXIF data with an iPhone app
Here you go, this option is one step easier. The 99 cent iPhone app EXIF-fi lets you view and edit the metadata for any photo on your phone. It’s much cheaper because it’s pretty basic and pretty ugly, but it has everything someone looking to do some deceiving via photo evidence would need: You can change the geotag, the date, and the time, and you can do this to multiple photos at once.

Anyone could, if they wanted, download this app and spend a mere 99 cents and 30 seconds creating a revisionist version of history.

wow, learned something. thought iphone picture dates were admissible in court?
That guy you quoted is living in La la land. One of the biggest cases ever was won based on lying no matter which side you're on on the verdict. I know this isn't a legal case but people lying doesn't matter in who people might believe now? I've heard it all. Now I know why people on tv don't go there they want to keep their jobs and that's understandable but people online I just don't get it. I don't know if he did it or not but if the city couldn't find nothing unless the nfl got some open and shut evidence I find it hard to suspend him or anybody in this situation. If he did it he should be suspended but I can't agree with the current info we have.

i am in LA right now.

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