PFT implies Watson punishment should be no more than Jerry, Kraft or Sydner


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This much of I am certain of.......... if an owner settled 20+ accusations of sexual assault, they would be forced to sell the franchise.


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ok so what else should players be a=banned for? Animal abuse? People make mistakes. I watched my mom get beat, so trust me, I have little sympathy for abusers, but is everyone supposed to be put in a corner for life for all crimes?
Hmmmm, I read your post and you missed one thing, 22 plus women have come forward to say Watson sexually abuse them, 22 PLUS WOMEN! Can you wrap your head around that, that 22 plus women had the courage to call this sicko on the carpet. I believe most if not all of these women live to where Watson was playing football. Since Watson was a star player for Huston, I'm sure these ladies felt that they would be threaten and attacked by Huston fans if they came forward with their stories and thank GOD they did so no other woman will be attacked in the manner that Watson did to these women. I'm sorry that your mom was abused and that you were probably to young to protect her. But I'm sure when you did grow up you were probably her main PROTECTOR and she appreciated that!


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Curious having a BA in Criminal Justice and attended McGeorgeSchool of Law ended up in your profession. Did you not attempt to pass the Bar.

Your disposition and harsh stance on many of these issues simply doesn’t match up. Just would never come to a conclusion you were in Law School. Good for you.

I’m curious how you became an educator and what was it girls volleyball or soccer coach . What changed in your life to take you in such a different direction than your education.

Being married at 18, having 2 daughters by 22 and not being willing to move. 4 hrs a day comutting to school was simply not conducive to the 100% that is required in Law School. I started coaching when in saw how bad the coaches were that were coaching my own daughter.


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Hmmmm, I read your post and you missed one thing, 22 plus women have come forward to say Watson sexually abuse them, 22 PLUS WOMEN! Can you wrap your head around that, that 22 plus women had the courage to call this sicko on the carpet. I believe most if not all of these women live to where Watson was playing football. Since Watson was a star player for Huston, I'm sure these ladies felt that they would be threaten and attacked by Huston fans if they came forward with their stories and thank GOD they did so no other woman will be attacked in the manner that Watson did to these women. I'm sorry that your mom was abused and that you were probably to young to protect her. But I'm sure when you did grow up you were probably her main PROTECTOR and she appreciated that!

It may be semantics to you, but 22 woman did not say he ABUSED them. Words matter, better define ABUSE. Is he being sued for abuse?


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I mean it’s pretty clear the NFL basically protected Danny Boy. The NFL is flat-out a bunch of hypocrites. It’s more comical people take them seriously as far as moral issues as opposed to simply protecting their image.


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They are going to argue Watson should not be subjected to the leagues conduct policy? That argument isn't going to get far. If it does, then they might as well have no conduct policy.

What owner has been accused of sexual assault by anyone?
I didn't say that. And I'm not arguing his case, I'm just twisting what had been reported.


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It may be semantics to you, but 22 woman did not say he ABUSED them. Words matter, better define ABUSE. Is he being sued for abuse?
No , not abuse. Sexual assaulting these women and harassment.

“In their lawsuits, the women accused Watson of exposing himself, touching them with his johnson or kissing them against their will during massage appointments. One woman alleged Watson forced her to perform oral sex.”


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The post you’re responding to shows sheer ignorance and discourse of the law .

Of course motive and intent weigh into sentencing and remorse factors into rehabilitation and ultimately parole . Such a bizarre post that was .

Hate crimes are violent crimes in which the motive and intent rarely show any remorse and given the opportunity would repeat offense. They should be given a stiffer sentence .

When concerning violent crimes, the same could be said about any violent crime given the right circumstances and opportunity.


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Minors cannot legally smoke.

Not illegal as far as I know. Just illegal to sell to minors. Same with Alcohol. There are however a handful of states that don't allow drinking until 21 no matter what.


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Not illegal as far as I know. Just illegal to sell to minors. Same with Alcohol. There are however a handful of states that don't allow drinking until 21 no matter what.
It is illegal for anyone under 18 to possess tobacco products.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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A retired female judge will hand down Watson’s punishment. He and the Browns better be prepared for a lengthy suspension.


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The NFL insisted on an indefinite suspension while Deshaun Watson’s legal team argued there’s no basis for that punishment as both sides presented their cases in front of a retired judge in Delaware on Tuesday, two people in attendance told The Associated Press.

The hearing will continue on Wednesday and Watson is scheduled to be there for the duration, according to one person who spoke on condition of anonymity because the hearing isn’t public. It's expected to conclude Thursday but it's not known when a ruling will be made.

Former U.S. District Judge Sue Robinson, who was jointly appointed by the league and the NFL Players’ Association, will determine whether Watson violated the NFL’s personal conduct policy and whether to impose discipline.

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