News: PFT: NFL: Goodell was aware of Kia Roberts’ opinions


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Yeah, they are about as credible as Thompson is..

I think a story that is lost here is that in its PR crusade, the NFL has actually - somewhat - ruined Thompson's life.

Regardless of her motivations or credibility, they thrust her out here as the "final straw", and it, rather than just being a forgotten false accuser, she'll be forever remembered as the NFL's pawn.

Pretty sick.


Well-Known Member
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The NFL looks dumb to be sure.

But I'm not sure how that will help Zeke.

The NFL can still simply say, "We followed procedure". Sure the lead investigator wasn't allowed into meetings but if Goodell and Friel say they knew her feelings and recommendations, then they can say they followed procedure.

Right? I'm not well-versed on legal matters.


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Where are all the Goddell fans who was arguing that conduct policy was the NFL's trump card and that Zeke was not going to win out in court?

They never thought to realize Zeke never did anything wrong. Thus he's building an arsenal of a case against the NFL which the likes of God has never seen.


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Then why was it not in the report? Why was not the information on the inconsistency memo in the report either?

This also begs the question: what other mitigating evidence did they leave out of the report?

How, how about all the sworn affidavits from the numerous individuals that had any interaction with both Zeke and Ms. Thompson THAT ENTIRE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
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The NFL looks dumb to be sure.

But I'm not sure how that will help Zeke.

The NFL can still simply say, "We followed procedure". Sure the lead investigator wasn't allowed into meetings but if Goodell and Friel say they knew her feelings and recommendations, then they can say they followed procedure.

Right? I'm not well-versed on legal matters.

No they cannot say that because that means either that procedures are faulty and therefore the suspensions will not stand in the court of law. Its like saying I was speeding because I was looking at the scenery and missed the speed signs.


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Where are all the Goddell fans who was arguing that conduct policy was the NFL's trump card and that Zeke was not going to win out in court?

They never thought to realize Zeke never did anything wrong. Thus he's building an arsenal of a case against the NFL which the likes of God has never seen.

You are arguing strawmen. Of course they considered that Zeke didn't do anything wrong, and 99% of them I am sure thought the NFL was despicable in their actions. That doesn't mean they weren't correct legally. And when new information comes out, that changes the parameters of how one will look at the legal aspects. When before there was little to no evidence that Zeke had a strong case in court, there has been more information released, that is not about whether or not Zeke did it, but about the procedure in which the NFL followed, that changes things.

DC Cowboy

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Whether or not it got to Goodell is only part of the story. The lead investigator's position was entirely absent from their conclusions.

I realize it probably matters from the standpoint of challenging the league's protocol for administering suspensions, but the PR implications are damning
This is the point, Roberts who was the lead investigator doesn't report to Goodell. She reports to Lisa Friel (self proclaim Giants fan). It was Friel who decided to press "charges" and who decided not to include Roberts on the panel and ignore Roberts recommendation that no charges be filed against Zeke. All Goodell has to say is he allowed Friel to do her job.


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So let me get this straight..........

The NFL found the accuser, who had been caught lying on numerous occasions and whom none of them spoke with, credible.
The NFL found their Lead investigator's, the only NFL employee that interviewed the accuser, assessment and recommendation, not credible?

They're gonna go down with the ship.
dont forget 2 different police departments thousands of miles away from each other on different occasions also found her to be less than truthful...


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It puts Goodell back in front of the target, however he had little choice.
If Goodell tries to hide behind the offered fig leave, the others would point the finger at him.
He is ultimately better off in front protecting the others than trying to hide and having whatever support he has collapsing under him.

That is not to say the union did not anticipate this.
They filed saying Goodell did not know because they had no proof that Goodell knew.
Now that the NFL acknowledged that Goodell knew, it is now game on.

100 % correct. The way the lawsuit was filed immediately FORCED Goodell to respond about what he did/didn't know about what the NFL's own lead investigator found & concluded after 18 months of her investigation.

It's now out there. Everybody can see it.

The lead investigator who interviewed Thompson 6 times did not find her credible & since no credible evidence of DV was uncovered after 18 months, Roberts' conclusion was no cause for a suspension.

The NFL's front office, led by Friel, then froze out their own lead investigator's conclusions from their report, and did not allow her to speak at any relevant meetings or hearings where Goodell & his advisors made their decisions.

Goodell had to pick a door:

DOOR #1: "I run an incompetent organization where my own employees were able to hide things from me before I make important decisions."

DOOR #2: "I knew all about this stuff, that the lead investigator didn't find Thompson credible. I was aware her recommendation was excluded from the final report, and that she was not called to appear at all the relevant meetings and hearings where I & my advisors made our rulings. I knew all this and I suspended Ezekiel Elliott for six games anyway."

He chose Door #2.

He's doomed now.


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100 % correct. The way the lawsuit was filed immediately FORCED Goodell to respond about what he did/didn't know about what the NFL's own lead investigator found & concluded after 18 months of her investigation.

It's now out there. Everybody can see it.

The lead investigator who interviewed Thompson 6 times did not find her credible & since no credible evidence of DV was uncovered after 18 months, Roberts' conclusion was no cause for a suspension.

The NFL's front office, led by Friel, then froze out their own lead investigator's conclusions from their report, and did not allow her to speak at any relevant meetings or hearings where Goodell & his advisors made their decisions.

Goodell had to pick a door:

DOOR #1: "I run an incompetent organization where my own employees were able to hide things from me before I make important decisions."

DOOR #2: "I knew all about this stuff, that the lead investigator didn't find Thompson credible. I was aware her recommendation was excluded from the final report, and that she was not called to appear at all the relevant meetings and hearings where I & my advisors made our rulings. I knew all this and I suspended Ezekiel Elliott for six games anyway."

He chose Door #2.

He's doomed now.

lets hope it plays out as we see it.
i cannot wait to see his head roll.


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100 % correct. The way the lawsuit was filed immediately FORCED Goodell to respond about what he did/didn't know about what the NFL's own lead investigator found & concluded after 18 months of her investigation.

It's now out there. Everybody can see it.

The lead investigator who interviewed Thompson 6 times did not find her credible & since no credible evidence of DV was uncovered after 18 months, Roberts' conclusion was no cause for a suspension.

The NFL's front office, led by Friel, then froze out their own lead investigator's conclusions from their report, and did not allow her to speak at any relevant meetings or hearings where Goodell & his advisors made their decisions.

Goodell had to pick a door:

DOOR #1: "I run an incompetent organization where my own employees were able to hide things from me before I make important decisions."

DOOR #2: "I knew all about this stuff, that the lead investigator didn't find Thompson credible. I was aware her recommendation was excluded from the final report, and that she was not called to appear at all the relevant meetings and hearings where I & my advisors made our rulings. I knew all this and I suspended Ezekiel Elliott for six games anyway."

He chose Door #2.

He's doomed now.

Ok. I don't know much about law and legalese. But I still can't understand how this helps Elliot. Yes, if this were a trial the case would probably be thrown out. But this isn't a question about Zeke's innocence or guilt. The question is about the NFL following their rules and processes.

By Goodell saying he knew and had the information, he's basically saying they followed protocol. He may have made an immoral, wrong, or stupid decision, but that doesn't matter.

Maybe I'm understanding this wrong. I know what the NFL did was underhanded and wrong. But it seems that doesn't matter in this particular case.


Well-Known Member
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I think a story that is lost here is that in its PR crusade, the NFL has actually - somewhat - ruined Thompson's life.

Regardless of her motivations or credibility, they thrust her out here as the "final straw", and it, rather than just being a forgotten false accuser, she'll be forever remembered as the NFL's pawn.

Pretty sick.
I get what you're saying, but I will say she had as much to do with that as they did. Certainly doesn't help that they played this definitely didn't help though.


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I don't see the argument for conspiracy. He made the decision based upon all the information and evidence. He is saying he had it all. He went against the lead investigator. It doesn't imply a conspiracy at all.

So Goddell appoints a lead investigator, she says the case is bogus, but he chooses to ignore her report and suspends anyways even though he has never spoken with the accusor even one single time.

You telling me that's totally legit? Basically you are saying Goddell is a king and the players are his subjects that he can do as he pleases with.

I don't think the Federal Courts are going to see it this way.


Rising Star
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Does any one really believe God-dell?

This is the same guy who said he didn't see the Ray Rice video.


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You are arguing strawmen. Of course they considered that Zeke didn't do anything wrong, and 99% of them I am sure thought the NFL was despicable in their actions. That doesn't mean they weren't correct legally. And when new information comes out, that changes the parameters of how one will look at the legal aspects. When before there was little to no evidence that Zeke had a strong case in court, there has been more information released, that is not about whether or not Zeke did it, but about the procedure in which the NFL followed, that changes things.

Seriously? Talk about strawman argument here.

I've mentioned before we live in a society where you are innocent until proven guilty. Our constitution protects us from such offenses such as slander and false accusations - the same offenses which is bringing brought onto Zeke via the NFL.

The NFL is guilty of this. Zeke never went to trail. Never was brought to a court of alw to be prosecuted. Or even sniffed being close to the guilt which Tiffany Tompson laid on him thru her lies. Not even close. Yet your saying that its within the NFL jurisdiction to take the lies of the accuser, ignore sworn testimonies and affidavits, and eyewitness from officials?

No the strawman argue is yours. When you say that NFL was within your means you are incorrect. They still need to abide by the laws of our nation. Just because the NFL is all mighty powerful doesn't mean they can circumvent these laws.


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The NFL looks dumb to be sure.

But I'm not sure how that will help Zeke.

The NFL can still simply say, "We followed procedure". Sure the lead investigator wasn't allowed into meetings but if Goodell and Friel say they knew her feelings and recommendations, then they can say they followed procedure.

Right? I'm not well-versed on legal matters.

If the suspension was based on the recommendations of the 4 member independent panel and Goodell withheld key information from that panel, then they didn't follow procedure.