Birdgang doesn't get it and he never will. Blaming the owner doesn't help a kid feel better after he just got mauled!
Want to know who to blame? Ask the victim "WHO BIT HIM...THE OWNER OR THE DOG??"
Get the dog 1st, then go after the idiot owner.
So should we start going after Fords and Chevys and not the owners when they kill people being reckless or drunk? Do you think everyone should be allowed to drive ? How about 19 wheelers? Should we allow everyone to fly planes or captain ocean freighters? By your logic it would be the vehicles fault ... not the person that should not own or be behind the wheel/
no we live in a world today where people fail to take responsibility and its easier to blame something else ... even more so when there is an agenda.
You seem to miss a lot or just pick parts of thread to whine about. The misconception that goes along with the " Pit Bull" is hilarious, Its not just dogs .... the world has dropped in IQ while we advance in technology. Its never been easier to get correct, detailed and abundant information.Yet people still show ignorance beyond the definition to the point we need a new one to describe it.
Can you tell me what dog you have such a problem with? If you can, can you tell me its purpose for being bred " not what Idiots use them for" Temperament tests don't lie. All dogs can bite and attack and have plenty of times. Funny in the news when the dog is not one of 30 that get thrown into this Pit Bull group , they just list dog attack. Not a dam thing about the bred ..... yet if 30 odd dogs are lumped as one .... wouldnt that make it that many times a chance to be a said Pit Bull ?
Owner is in charge of what the dog does just like a child. The dog needs to be trained, socialized, Vet visits for shots, and health checks. Having room for the dog to meet its needs. Keep the area where dog will be Puppy/ Dog proof. Dog needs exercise and a bunch 2 miles a day and of course attention. People that are not the owner need be smart too. Its still an animal ... Parents of children that get bite ... should be teaching their kids about dogs and the dos and donts. Parents need to keep eye on dogs around kids no matter the breed. A dog just playing or even protecting can hurt you.
They need to crack down on Backyard breeders of all large sport/game/ security dogs. Dogs listed on a list should need to be registered, approved and need to take a training course before being able to own said dog