PFT: Woman bitten by Dak Prescott's dog loses part of finger

Pit Bulls are more of a problem because of the dog itself and the type people who own Pit Bulls. The dog is built like a fire hydrant and if it bites it refuses to let go( like I said) until it is hit over the head with a bat. Also, to many Pit Bull owners want an aggressive ferocious dog they can walk down the street with a 25 pound spike collar on. AND, yes a lot of these macho tough guy owners don’t train their dogs properly, and don’t keep them safely locked up from the public.

Like I said, stop breeding them.
Pit Bulls are more of a problem because of the dog itself and the type people who own Pit Bulls. The dog is built like a fire hydrant and if it bites it refuses to let go( like I said) until it is hit over the head with a bat. Also, to many Pit Bull owners want an aggressive ferocious dog they can walk down the street with a 25 pound spike collar on. AND, yes a lot of these macho tough guy owners don’t train their dogs properly, and don’t keep them safely locked up from the public.

Like I said, stop breeding them.

but your wrong yet again in so many ways. ITs ok to have your opinion and your feelings towards the matter. Did you ever try sticking your finger or another adamant object into its rectum? I'm only assuming you have seen an attack first hand since you are so adamant about blows to head are the only thing to stop an attacking Pit.

You also prove my point about it being the owners. " to many Pit Bull owners want an aggressive ferocious dog they can walk down the street with a 25 pound spike collar on. AND, yes a lot of these macho tough guy owners don’t train their dogs properly, and don’t keep them safely locked up from the public" Thats your own word now .... Not everyone should a pitbul just as not everyone should be a Doctor, a Marine, a Psychologist. Not everyone should drive automobiles or be Engineers " building bridges and buildings " Just because some wants, can , even has right intention, does not mean they should. Bully breed and I mean all including French bulldog to Boston Terrier are not for novice owners and take a strong firm hand and a lot of dedication/time. The Pitbulls that were brought here back in 19th century were breed for companions, protection, farmwork and even rodent removal. Nothing to say about Temperament tests ?

Dont blame the breed for POS people using them for something Illegal and morally wrong. Just because the dog is good at something and is used incorrectly does not change the fact . I could list things all day that are used not as intended or what they were designed for that cause harm ..... but when used in a proper manner is a great thing.
Again, you keep blaming the owners for the Pit Bulls attacks. When seeing a Pit Bull walking down the street you should not have to say, “I hope this Pit Bull is trained, and doesn’t go after my dog or I”. Regardless of how much you try to rationalize owning a Pit Bull. A dog that bites and refuses to let go until you knock it out with a bat, is not a safe dog breed. Also, who cares what celebrates have owned a Pit Bull!

Birdgang doesn't get it and he never will. Blaming the owner doesn't help a kid feel better after he just got mauled!
Want to know who to blame? Ask the victim "WHO BIT HIM...THE OWNER OR THE DOG??"
Get the dog 1st, then go after the idiot owner.
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Birdgang doesn't get it and he never will. Blaming the owner doesn't help a kid feel better after he just got mauled!
Want to know who to blame? Ask the victim "WHO BIT HIM...THE OWNER OR THE DOG??"
Get the dog 1st, then go after the idiot owner.

So should we start going after Fords and Chevys and not the owners when they kill people being reckless or drunk? Do you think everyone should be allowed to drive ? How about 19 wheelers? Should we allow everyone to fly planes or captain ocean freighters? By your logic it would be the vehicles fault ... not the person that should not own or be behind the wheel/

no we live in a world today where people fail to take responsibility and its easier to blame something else ... even more so when there is an agenda.
You seem to miss a lot or just pick parts of thread to whine about. The misconception that goes along with the " Pit Bull" is hilarious, Its not just dogs .... the world has dropped in IQ while we advance in technology. Its never been easier to get correct, detailed and abundant information.Yet people still show ignorance beyond the definition to the point we need a new one to describe it.

Can you tell me what dog you have such a problem with? If you can, can you tell me its purpose for being bred " not what Idiots use them for" Temperament tests don't lie. All dogs can bite and attack and have plenty of times. Funny in the news when the dog is not one of 30 that get thrown into this Pit Bull group , they just list dog attack. Not a dam thing about the bred ..... yet if 30 odd dogs are lumped as one .... wouldnt that make it that many times a chance to be a said Pit Bull ?

Owner is in charge of what the dog does just like a child. The dog needs to be trained, socialized, Vet visits for shots, and health checks. Having room for the dog to meet its needs. Keep the area where dog will be Puppy/ Dog proof. Dog needs exercise and a bunch 2 miles a day and of course attention. People that are not the owner need be smart too. Its still an animal ... Parents of children that get bite ... should be teaching their kids about dogs and the dos and donts. Parents need to keep eye on dogs around kids no matter the breed. A dog just playing or even protecting can hurt you.

They need to crack down on Backyard breeders of all large sport/game/ security dogs. Dogs listed on a list should need to be registered, approved and need to take a training course before being able to own said dog
Just ask the victims who bit them, the dog or the owner? Done.
See? It doesn't take a whole book every time you post to make a simple point.
We're not going to agree no matter how many redundant books you write, because your concern is for your Pit Bulls and my concern is for the victims. End of story.
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Just ask the victims who bit them, the dog or the owner? Done.
See? It doesn't take a whole book every time you post to make a simple point.
We're not going to agree no matter how many redundant books you write, because your concern is for your Pit Bulls and my concern is for the victims. End of story.

I see you like to ignore facts, and sadly the younger generation agrees that a couple of paragraphs is a book. Who has time for all that right? Screw it I can just say little antidotes and pretend they mean something. I'm sorry your thought process end after a sentence or two. Since you are an expert but have shown 0 facts, how many times have you been a bite ? How many stitches ect ect.

No my concern is for people to get correct info , not BS that spreads like wildfire and then the real problem ignored.
Aggressive dogs no matter what the breed need constant vigilance and odds are that at some point even the best most attentive owners will have a circumstance come up where the dog comes in contact with something it shouldn't and disaster strikes .

Its just the law of averages hard to keep the grenade from going off for ten years while rolling around with the pin out .

The Gas station in front of my uncles Speed Shop had a Chesapeake Bay retriever as a guard dog . It stayed in a chain link compound behind the station the dog licked my hands and face everyday through the fence . I played with him every day . He would be put in the shop at night we would all joke how would Alfe guard anything he was a lover .

7 years in after putting Alfe in for the night someone came in right before they locked up with a poodle . Alfe killed it in the shop in less than 15 seconds and had to be put down because he was beaten so badly trying to get him to let the poodle go but he would not release it .

I was 15 yrs old this left a lasting impression that the disposition of animals is not something that can be guaranteed 100% no matter what the breed . So I stick to what I believe is as predictable a breed as they come . The Labrador Retriever . I have no need for a tough guy status from the dog I own, would rather have a limit of Pheasants at the end of the day .

Who needs an aggressive dog you cant trust just one more thing to worry about like there is not enough . Pit Bulls are for the people who feel they need them and the extra responsibility they bring .
Aggressive dogs no matter what the breed need constant vigilance and odds are that at some point even the best most attentive owners will have a circumstance come up where the dog comes in contact with something it shouldn't and disaster strikes .

Its just the law of averages hard to keep the grenade from going off for ten years while rolling around with the pin out .

The Gas station in front of my uncles Speed Shop had a Chesapeake Bay retriever as a guard dog . It stayed in a chain link compound behind the station the dog licked my hands and face everyday through the fence . I played with him every day . He would be put in the shop at night we would all joke how would Alfe guard anything he was a lover .

7 years in after putting Alfe in for the night someone came in right before they locked up with a poodle . Alfe killed it in the shop in less than 15 seconds and had to be put down because he was beaten so badly trying to get him to let the poodle go but he would not release it .

I was 15 yrs old this left a lasting impression that the disposition of animals is not something that can be guaranteed 100% no matter what the breed . So I stick to what I believe is as predictable a breed as they come . The Labrador Retriever . I have no need for a tough guy status from the dog I own, would rather have a limit of Pheasants at the end of the day .

Who needs an aggressive dog you cant trust just one more thing to worry about like there is not enough . Pit Bulls are for the people who feel they need them and the extra responsibility they bring .

Working around animals all my life and when you try and tell people its still an animal some look at you like your nuts.The biggest problem right now is too many dogs get lumped in as the same breed. The worst dogs are always the Pitt Mixes.... Those are the ones used for fighting as people try and add worse temperament dogs like poodles to them. The ones that care are always the ones that are hurt and get screwed over. ITs like that with anything in life. Not that long ago past wars they have saved more lives then they have taken. WWI Pit was used as a symbol of America. Gettysburg Pa has a Statue of one in remembrance of the battle / civil war.

I myself do not own a Pit or Staffy I dont have the time or desire to meet its needs. I do own bully breeds though as you cant beat them for companions. A Bull terrier and a Bulldog yet both by ignorant people have been called pit bulls .... I dont mean uneducated either a Teacher, a cop even a State Rep. As good as my dogs are, my kids have been taught well in regards to all dogs. I think I forgot to mention my wife and I volunteer at the shelters, its amazing how bad initial reports of a dogs breed is wrong .
I see you like to ignore facts, and sadly the younger generation agrees that a couple of paragraphs is a book. Who has time for all that right? Screw it I can just say little antidotes and pretend they mean something. I'm sorry your thought process end after a sentence or two. Since you are an expert but have shown 0 facts, how many times have you been a bite ? How many stitches ect ect.

No my concern is for people to get correct info , not BS that spreads like wildfire and then the real problem ignored.

Never got bit by a Pit Bull but was bit over ten times by German Shepard's in my youth . 2 of them lived on either side of where we played football . There owners played with us and the dogs would constantly get out and bite who ever was tackling there owners . Happened on a weekly basis . The dogs were so smart they could open locked doors with there nose .

I could never own a Shepard after that felt like they were hunting me . They were so smart seemed impossible to contain them at the time with the resources we had at age 12 . Only one hospital trip as a quarter size chunk was bitten out of one kids chest as he dove over goal line .
Never got bit by a Pit Bull but was bit over ten times by German Shepard's in my youth . 2 of them lived on either side of where we played football . There owners played with us and the dogs would constantly get out and bite who ever was tackling there owners . Happened on a weekly basis . The dogs were so smart they could open locked doors with there nose .

I could never own a Shepard after that felt like they were hunting me . They were so smart seemed impossible to contain them at the time with the resources we had at age 12 . Only one hospital trip as a quarter size chunk was bitten out of one kids chest as he dove over goal line .

My Dads Police K9 that knew me from birth bite my right in the face when I was 4. I had over 50 stitches almost lost an eye, scared pretty decent. Then again at 7 " My Fault but one of my parents should of been there" by a different Shepard. I have had tons of little nips, snaps close calls, mostly hunting dogs and ankle biters. I was lucky enough my childhood was more traumatic then the dog bites never got a fear of them ....

My wife has volunteered for close to 15 years and Im at about 5, along with my eldest daughter " looks good for schools". Now I live in Philly but we also help in shelters in Bucks county and Camden Nj. Not once have any of us been attacked or felt in danger. People ignore most fighting dogs are trained to attack dogs not people. When they receive love just like anything with feelings, it shows. Dogs feed off of how people are feeling so that has a lot to do with it.... But its the bad mixing of dogs and not the actually pure AKC bred dog .
My Dads Police K9 that knew me from birth bite my right in the face when I was 4. I had over 50 stitches almost lost an eye, scared pretty decent. Then again at 7 " My Fault but one of my parents should of been there" by a different Shepard. I have had tons of little nips, snaps close calls, mostly hunting dogs and ankle biters. I was lucky enough my childhood was more traumatic then the dog bites never got a fear of them ....

My wife has volunteered for close to 15 years and Im at about 5, along with my eldest daughter " looks good for schools". Now I live in Philly but we also help in shelters in Bucks county and Camden Nj. Not once have any of us been attacked or felt in danger. People ignore most fighting dogs are trained to attack dogs not people. When they receive love just like anything with feelings, it shows. Dogs feed off of how people are feeling so that has a lot to do with it.... But its the bad mixing of dogs and not the actually pure AKC bred dog .
We live in the same basic area worked in Chester for 8 yrs and saw some really bad stuff happen with dogs imagine you have seen the same in Camden .
We live in the same basic area worked in Chester for 8 yrs and saw some really bad stuff happen with dogs imagine you have seen the same in Camden .

sadly yes ... but IMO its people's fault. Dogs no matter what breed are a commitment, just like children. These young single men/ women get dogs they just don't have the time for or think its cute as a pup. I went a long while without dogs because it would of been cruel with it sitting alone all day or locked up in a bathroom.... even worse outside. After having kid #3 wife took the homefront full time. Poof we got a dog.... only got a 2nd after bought a bigger house with a big big big yard for the city. Philly loves to throw gems hidden among random neighborhoods.

I see you like to ignore common sense.

You can lead a Horse to water but you cant make it drink ... in your case a Donkey. Facts are facts and I dont mind making sure people get the right info .
sadly yes ... but IMO its people's fault. Dogs no matter what breed are a commitment, just like children. These young single men/ women get dogs they just don't have the time for or think its cute as a pup. I went a long while without dogs because it would of been cruel with it sitting alone all day or locked up in a bathroom.... even worse outside. After having kid #3 wife took the homefront full time. Poof we got a dog.... only got a 2nd after bought a bigger house with a big big big yard for the city. Philly loves to throw gems hidden among random neighborhoods.

You can lead a Horse to water but you cant make it drink ... in your case a Donkey. Facts are facts and I dont mind making sure people get the right info .

I hear you most of it is peoples fault . They buy a dog for the look or status not thinking of the time required to train an aggressive breed dog to be able to socially interact in todays world .

I have always had at least 1 dog and usually 4 . Had 4 different Rottys through the years and loved them but they took a serious commitment of time to train as they were all in tact big males . Im older now and the Labs are just easier for me to train now . Those Rottys turn into King Kong around 3-4 yrs old and need a very firm hand
I see you like to ignore facts, and sadly the younger generation agrees that a couple of paragraphs is a book. Who has time for all that right? Screw it I can just say little antidotes and pretend they mean something. I'm sorry your thought process end after a sentence or two. Since you are an expert but have shown 0 facts, how many times have you been a bite ? How many stitches ect ect.

No my concern is for people to get correct info , not BS that spreads like wildfire and then the real problem ignored.
The real problem is people like you who love to talk, but not listen. The Pit Bull is not a French Bulldog or a Bulldog, etc. It is a dog that is very powerful and often when it bites, it will not let go. Statistically PIT BULL bites are MUCH more dangerous than other dog bites. Most dogs nip and let go, but not the PIT BULL. People are seriously mauled and even die when bitten by a PIT BULL.

You always want to blame the owner for the dog. Well, there are a lot of crappy macho PITBULL owners who do not train their dogs or keep their dogs in a secure enclosure. Sometimes these PIT BULLS get out of their enclosures and seriously injure or kill innocent people and other dogs.

How would you like to be the person who has to tell a mother or a father your child was mauled to death by a PIT BULL that got out of it’s enclosure? Would you tell the parents, “this was a terrible accident that is not the dog’s fault, it’s all the owners fault”. It really doesn’t matter who is at fault!!!
Stop breeding the PIT BULL!!!!!!
The real problem is people like you who love to talk, but not listen. The Pit Bull is not a French Bulldog or a Bulldog, etc. It is a dog that is very powerful and often when it bites, it will not let go. Statistically PIT BULL bites are MUCH more dangerous than other dog bites. Most dogs nip and let go, but not the PIT BULL. People are seriously mauled and even die when bitten by a PIT BULL.

You always want to blame the owner for the dog. Well, there are a lot of crappy macho PITBULL owners who do not train their dogs or keep their dogs in a secure enclosure. Sometimes these PIT BULLS get out of their enclosures and seriously injure or kill innocent people and other dogs.

How would you like to be the person who has to tell a mother or a father your child was mauled to death by a PIT BULL that got out of it’s enclosure? Would you tell the parents, “this was a terrible accident that is not the dog’s fault, it’s all the owners fault”. It really doesn’t matter who is at fault!!!
Stop breeding the PIT BULL!!!!!!

I have no problem with listening and I do more than I like, I'm married .....

I don't have a problem listening to other peoples arguments, I even enjoy being corrected if I have something wrong. But when people bring 0 facts and repeat the same thing over and over. If a dog gets out of the yard ..... really? It's on the owner, who left it outside or was careless enough to let it get away. You ignore them, that I have said multiple times, Not everyone that wants a Pit should have one, It takes a very experienced owner. You have to be very firm handed and have the actual time for the dog, which is demanding. The owner is the sole one at fault almost all the time. Sure there is certain cases where It's not the owner. Do you know who is to blame then? The victim or Parent of the said person in most cases.

So let us try this again, I'm almost positive you ignore everything I've written and only picked out BUZZ words that trigger you. If you notice, I've answered every question and argument you brought up. See right off bat you are telling me how dangerous the bite of a Pit is and your wrong.

The 3 most common breed of Pits or they Fit the look as the Newsworthy dangerous Kille.. American PitBull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier and American Bully " Not Bulldog" is not even close to having the worst bite or strength. You only named one type of dog the Frenchie so I assume you different breeds of bulldogs there are.
meant that as Bulldog?IF not ID suggest you look up how many​
  1. So Who is to blame if someone breaks into your house and winds up getting seriously hurt going through the window. Its obviously not the crook., must be homeowner or House itself for having things you can get hurt on.​
  2. How about if a toddler gets out of the house runs into the street and gets mauled by a truck? Can't blame the parent right .... He is not the one that did it​
  3. Who is to blame for the meth lab that killed a family next door after blowing up? The guy making it sure didn't do it, it was those horrid drugs and chemicals.​
  4. How about the guy that knows he has a dangerous dead old tree that needs to come down .... but ignores it until comes crashing down onto neighbors house? Not owners fault at all .... he didn't make it fall or plan on it doing that.​

See I could go on forever with that type of thinking. you won't bait me into the obviously easy one either. All dogs not just Pits are because of humans. THe dangerous strays .... They didn't magically appear out of thin air .... The neighborhood explorer dog .... Owner not watching let them out. I'm done, bring facts to show me, otherwise congrats on putting more than one sentence together to express your thoughts " you picked up on that at least"​
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The real problem is people like you who love to talk, but not listen.
The Pit Bull is not a French Bulldog or a Bulldog, etc. It is a dog that is very powerful and often when it bites, it will not let go. Statistically PIT BULL bites are MUCH more dangerous than other dog bites. Most dogs nip and let go, but not the PIT BULL. People are seriously mauled and even die when bitten by a PIT BULL.

You always want to blame the owner for the dog. Well, there are a lot of crappy macho PITBULL owners who do not train their dogs or keep their dogs in a secure enclosure. Sometimes these PIT BULLS get out of their enclosures and seriously injure or kill innocent people and other dogs.

How would you like to be the person who has to tell a mother or a father your child was mauled to death by a PIT BULL that got out of it’s enclosure? Would you tell the parents, “this was a terrible accident that is not the dog’s fault, it’s all the owners fault”. It really doesn’t matter who is at fault!!!
Stop breeding the PIT BULL!!!!!!

You got it Captain. He writes books instead of posts, and it's all Bull (s). EVERYONE is at fault except the pit bull......the parents, the victims, the owners, the press, and anyone else who would be so brazen as to blame the actual perpetrator.
I'm with you Captain, Stop breeding the PIT BULL!!!!!!
ramsey Bolton's pit bulls bit off his face in the end.
You got it Captain. He writes books instead of posts, and it's all Bull (s). EVERYONE is at fault except the pit bull......the parents, the victims, the owners, the press, and anyone else who would be so brazen as to blame the actual perpetrator.
I'm with you Captain, Stop breeding the PIT BULL!!!!!!

You might want to take your own advice, do the world a favor ...

ramsey Bolton's pit bulls bit off his face in the end.

Thank you for the perfect example of peoples confusion on a dogs breed. Those pups for sure not pit bulls but Cane Corso " Italian Mastiff " Also a great example of what abusing dogs does to them . .... You know not feeding them and such.
You might want to take your own advice, do the world a favor …

You might try doing that with your know it all insolent attitude. Yeah I know, everyone is wrong except you and your pit bulls.
Incidentally I don't know if you noticed or not, but this is actually supposed to be a football forum and not a sounding board for you and your pit bull defense, along with your personal insults.
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