PFT: Woman bitten by Dak Prescott's dog loses part of finger

Lets cut to the chase. It dosent matter what the breed is if a dog is aggressive enough when it gets out to search down another dog break through a fence and attack the other dog and owner . It is a dangerous dog period no matter what breed it is . If the owner has been warned multiple times because his aggressive, dangerous dogs have gotten out .

Its time he gets rid of them . He has proven himself unable to control them at all times which is a necessary prerequisite to dog ownership . Pay up and don't own dogs till you have time to train and care for them . Tough lesson but learn it before anyone else gets hurt and you screw your career
I know more about dogs than you think. I was a Real Estate appraiser for about 12 years and many of the home owners were dog owners, and quite frequently the dogs were home but the owners weren't, but the property still had to be inspected inside and out.
Fortunately I never met a killer Poodle. Met some foul tempered Chihuahuas, but their bark was worse than their bite. Unfortunately though, they weren't all Poodles and Chihuahuas.

I've also owned / trained 3 Labrador retrievers for field trials in past years, so I'm no stranger to dogs, both friendly and otherwise.
And being quite familiar with Labrador Retrievers, Labs are quite well known for their friendly disposition. They weren't bred for fighting like pits.
There are exceptions to every rule, but I'd very much prefer to meet up with a Lab over a Rot or Pit Bull ANY day. And yes there are indeed bad pet owners, but anyone who subscribes to the idea that "there are no bad Pit Bulls / only bad owners" is very badly mistaken.

I hear you brother got 3 Labs myself and they really spoil you with there temperament and the ease of training them . All great hunting dogs in the field and model house pets at home .

I have had and trained dogs all my life and just would not recommend a pit bull as a first dog to have to train especially with a nonstop busy schedule like Daks . Like what happened it would come down to depending on someone else to take care of the dogs so you could meet your commitments and these are not the type of dog you can put on hold and expect good results .

If you want it done right you have to spend the time and bond with the dog and Dak flatout dose not have the time necessary at this point
Lets cut to the chase. It dosent matter what the breed is if a dog is aggressive enough when it gets out to search down another dog break through a fence and attack the other dog and owner . It is a dangerous dog period no matter what breed it is . If the owner has been warned multiple times because his aggressive, dangerous dogs have gotten out .

Its time he gets rid of them . He has proven himself unable to control them at all times which is a necessary prerequisite to dog ownership . Pay up and don't own dogs till you have time to train and care for them . Tough lesson but learn it before anyone else gets hurt and you screw your career

There's an old saying in insurance claims - The first bite is free.

Meaning if the dog has never shown aggressive tendencies before it attacks someone, the owner can't be held liable the first time it happens.

Has Dak's dog bitten someone before or otherwise shown to possibly be dangerous? Just asking...
There's an old saying in insurance claims - The first bite is free.

Meaning if the dog has never shown aggressive tendencies before it attacks someone, the owner can't be held liable the first time it happens.

Has Dak's dog bitten someone before or otherwise shown to possibly be dangerous? Just asking...

This I don't know but they have shown to be dangerous now so its defiantly time to get rid of them because they will get out again
The funny thing people miss .... APBT's Staffys and BT's are not even bred for aggression against humans its really towards other animals. They were known for being great companions, workers, and service dogs. My BT I rescued had a thing against cats and only cats. She was taken form past owners for being locked in a crate all day and old owners let their cats torture her. When a Bully / Bulldog breed lock onto something they want, its like a heat-seeking missile. But she forgets she is a sissy and not the tough dog she thinks she is..... my poor girl used to get her butt whooped by a 10lb cat. People get these dogs as a status symbol and have no clue or ability to own, train, and meet the needs the breed acquire.

Idiots are destroying the Bully breeds, you got idiots just pumping out pups as much as they can .... not caring who they stud or *****. Then selling them for 50-100 bucks. Come on, how can people not see the red flags there. don't get me wrong, even some expensive highly sought after bloodlines are trash now. They tried perfecting that Boxy muscle dog looks like roid head at gym look.

She is the best dog I have ever owned and coming from divorced parents we had a bunch. Labs, German Shepards, Brittanys, Springers and an Irish setter. Bull Terriers were bred as fighters and called the Gladiators. Anyone that actually knows a BT or anything about them, know thats the biggest joke in the world. They are now referenced as 3 year olds that have clownish personalities. How many times I had to argue with people that she was not a Pit ..... The name alone scared people. I have pictures of her with my kids that could make even the biggest dog haters heart melt.
I hear you brother got 3 Labs myself and they really spoil you with there temperament and the ease of training them . All great hunting dogs in the field and model house pets at home .

I have had and trained dogs all my life and just would not recommend a pit bull as a first dog to have to train especially with a nonstop busy schedule like Daks . Like what happened it would come down to depending on someone else to take care of the dogs so you could meet your commitments and these are not the type of dog you can put on hold and expect good results .

If you want it done right you have to spend the time and bond with the dog and Dak flatout dose not have the time necessary at this point
you train a dog to bring out the best of its instincts. labs retrieve. ergo they are trained to be better retrievers. pits aren't retrievers. the lion is the lion. even when it eats grass. my 3 labs are the best dogs in the world.
you train a dog to bring out the best of its instincts. labs retrieve. ergo they are trained to be better retrievers. pits aren't retrievers. the lion is the lion. even when it eats grass. my 3 labs are the best dogs in the world.

Actually they were companions and Work dogs on farms. People with bad intentions chose to use their abilities to profit from dogfighting. Have you ever seen Little Rascals? Yea That's a Pit , As is Sgt Stubby , along with a bunch others prior to the 70s public outrage. They also do well in sporting events as they are very intelligent.
There's an old saying in insurance claims - The first bite is free.

Meaning if the dog has never shown aggressive tendencies before it attacks someone, the owner can't be held liable the first time it happens.

Has Dak's dog bitten someone before or otherwise shown to possibly be dangerous? Just asking...

The neighbor gave him 2 warnings - whether the warnings were just the dogs being rowdy, I don't know. However, if it was a similar situation where they attempted to attack her dog - that will be more of a problem.
Woman bitten by Dak Prescott's dog loses part of finger


The neighbor bitten by Dak Prescott's loose dog lost part of her right ring finger, WFAA reported Friday from court documents about the incident from last month. The woman was hospitalized fo...

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great >.> Now dak will ask for 32 million to pay for his lawsuit...
Actually they were companions and Work dogs on farms. People with bad intentions chose to use their abilities to profit from dogfighting. Have you ever seen Little Rascals? Yea That's a Pit , As is Sgt Stubby , along with a bunch others prior to the 70s public outrage. They also do well in sporting events as they are very intelligent.
they were specifically bred from terriers and bull dogs to produce a very athletic animal used for fighting, bull baiting and bear baiting. the final product turned out just as intended.
they were specifically bred from terriers and bull dogs to produce a very athletic animal used for fighting, bull baiting and bear baiting. the final product turned out just as intended.

I have a post in one of these threads with the history of them. There were several variants of them, back then they were called Bull and Terrier. They were bred for Hunting , Baiting and fighting. No they were not all successful in that purpose, example the English Bull Terrier " They were not known for attacking people, as bred for animals". Only 3 of the Bull and Terrier groups survived until the 1930s. But before that Dogs were brought over to America when its owners immigrated. They were actually bread again into the dogs we know today. They were used for companions, earth workers and even some herding/livestock protection.

They are not the dogs from Bull and Terrier group but share a lot of traits obviously. The American PitBull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier and English Bull Terrier. Prior to the 1970s, the public outrage was against Dobermans and German Shepards. There was a big rise in dog fighting, so the Media teamed up with a few groups of people to try and end it altogether. They actually spread some absurd stuff about the dogs, like Pits have Lock Jaws , Their bite force is 1600 Lbs, THey are more aggressive than all other dogs. Id suggests reading some research from more than one source and also both pro / anti pitbull.

All dogs are different and require different things. Some need more exercise vs some can barely move off the sofa. Some do just fine in small apartments while others need more space. Owners taking on dogs that are not experienced enough, do not have the time to properly train and not have enough time for the dogs needs. All Bully breeds are strong-willed and take a heavy but firm hand and a lot of attention. They will fight ya on everything they can ... stubborn little punks. Dog fighting is still a problem but not as much as the back yard breeders. Just pumping out dogs for profit not giving a dam about the Stud or ***** used. Thats where the Bully Mixes come in and become unpredictable ..... because who knows unless an expensive DNA test is given .
I have a post in one of these threads with the history of them. There were several variants of them, back then they were called Bull and Terrier. They were bred for Hunting , Baiting and fighting. No they were not all successful in that purpose, example the English Bull Terrier " They were not known for attacking people, as bred for animals". Only 3 of the Bull and Terrier groups survived until the 1930s. But before that Dogs were brought over to America when its owners immigrated. They were actually bread again into the dogs we know today. They were used for companions, earth workers and even some herding/livestock protection.

They are not the dogs from Bull and Terrier group but share a lot of traits obviously. The American PitBull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier and English Bull Terrier. Prior to the 1970s, the public outrage was against Dobermans and German Shepards. There was a big rise in dog fighting, so the Media teamed up with a few groups of people to try and end it altogether. They actually spread some absurd stuff about the dogs, like Pits have Lock Jaws , Their bite force is 1600 Lbs, THey are more aggressive than all other dogs. Id suggests reading some research from more than one source and also both pro / anti pitbull.

All dogs are different and require different things. Some need more exercise vs some can barely move off the sofa. Some do just fine in small apartments while others need more space. Owners taking on dogs that are not experienced enough, do not have the time to properly train and not have enough time for the dogs needs. All Bully breeds are strong-willed and take a heavy but firm hand and a lot of attention. They will fight ya on everything they can ... stubborn little punks. Dog fighting is still a problem but not as much as the back yard breeders. Just pumping out dogs for profit not giving a dam about the Stud or ***** used. Thats where the Bully Mixes come in and become unpredictable ..... because who knows unless an expensive DNA test is given .
To much talk about if the owners are responsible and train their dogs, and if you keep them on a leash around other dogs and if you make sure they cannot get out of their yard and etc. etc.

When Pit Bulls and their owners screw up there are to many dangerous consequences! Stop breeding these dogs!
To much talk about if the owners are responsible and train their dogs, and if you keep them on a leash around other dogs and if you make sure they cannot get out of their yard and etc. etc.

When Pit Bulls and their owners screw up there are to many dangerous consequences! Stop breeding these dogs!

you should look up stats REAL stats of Pitbulls and attacks.

Check out American Temperament Test Society - Pits score very well , a lot higher than dogs like Collies and Chihuahua.

American Veterinary Medical Association -Pit bulls that bite do so out of lack of training and socialization. This is more of an owner error than a dangerous dog issue.

National Geographic - Touches on a lot of myths, like the bite force and lockjaw. Pits actually have BF on the lower end of dogs and Bully breeds and no such thing as a lockjaw. It has stats on attacks and how the dogs are categorized wrong. THe fact that up to 30 different types of dogs get lumped into "Pit Bulls" not including mutts ... is it a surprise the bite / kill count it so high ? Its like have one free throw shot and other guy has 20 .... who will have more points ? and

There are so many other dangerous things ... Some of which is not allowed to be talked about here. Some people should not purchase or use said things ..... We don't ban those items and almost anyone can buy or get hands on them. The fact is some people should not get dogs, even more so the high maintenance type. Most of the attacks happen on dogs property or while with its owner. Very very low % is from a free roaming dog. The worst thing is the backyard breeding people. People mixing god knows what with what , breed .... If its a mix / mutt then its not a really a Apbt, Staffs and American Bullys.
To much talk about if the owners are responsible and train their dogs, and if you keep them on a leash around other dogs and if you make sure they cannot get out of their yard and etc. etc.

When Pit Bulls and their owners screw up there are to many dangerous consequences! Stop breeding these dogs!

Exactly. When kids and women or anyone else for that matter get maimed or mauled by a dog that was bred to fight to the death, I don't give a rat's rear end about all the excuses made for them. Animals bred to fight to the death are dangerous period.
I agree Captain 43,......STOP BREEDING 'EM.
Exactly. When kids and women or anyone else for that matter get maimed or mauled by a dog that was bred to fight to the death, I don't give a rat's rear end about all the excuses made for them. Animals bred to fight to the death are dangerous period.
I agree Captain 43,......STOP BREEDING 'EM.

Bred to fight to death? 1, its the people that use them for fighting training them and build up their aggression. 2 any living thing has survival instincts, you know put in a kill or be killed situation. You should look up what they are actually bred for you might be surprised. You should also check out their temperament tests vs other dogs. Some dogs require more than others. Bully breeds are ones that require a lot more. So again its bad owners .... Poor breeding is also the owner's fault not the dogs. The problem with "Pit Bulls" wont stop by banning the breed, as Pit Bull is not a breed but used as a Grouping of dogs. THen dogs that are not even in the group or mixed get labeled in the news. Whats funny and you may never of noticed this. The news almost never tells the dogs breed when a dog other then Pits are involved. The use Pits as much as they can even when its not .... of course, they don't redact the statement.

Famous Pitts in recent history Id suggest googling it . People like Teddy Roosevelt, Helen Keller, Thomas Edison, Mark Twain, Fred Astaire and Humphrey Bogart are just a few owners. 1976 act of Congress to battle dog fighting was the start of the end. Time Magazine in 1987 twisted the knife, pulled it out for the killing blow. The dogs were used for political BS and you know how that goes. None of these dogs were bred and born killers. You should see what they have to do to get these dogs mean. The rest are just poor traning ...
Bred to fight to death? 1, its the people that use them for fighting training them and build up their aggression. 2 any living thing has survival instincts, you know put in a kill or be killed situation. You should look up what they are actually bred for you might be surprised. You should also check out their temperament tests vs other dogs. Some dogs require more than others. Bully breeds are ones that require a lot more. So again its bad owners .... Poor breeding is also the owner's fault not the dogs. The problem with "Pit Bulls" wont stop by banning the breed, as Pit Bull is not a breed but used as a Grouping of dogs. THen dogs that are not even in the group or mixed get labeled in the news. Whats funny and you may never of noticed this. The news almost never tells the dogs breed when a dog other then Pits are involved. The use Pits as much as they can even when its not .... of course, they don't redact the statement.

Famous Pitts in recent history Id suggest googling it . People like Teddy Roosevelt, Helen Keller, Thomas Edison, Mark Twain, Fred Astaire and Humphrey Bogart are just a few owners. 1976 act of Congress to battle dog fighting was the start of the end. Time Magazine in 1987 twisted the knife, pulled it out for the killing blow. The dogs were used for political BS and you know how that goes. None of these dogs were bred and born killers. You should see what they have to do to get these dogs mean. The rest are just poor traning ...
Again, you keep blaming the owners for the Pit Bulls attacks. When seeing a Pit Bull walking down the street you should not have to say, “I hope this Pit Bull is trained, and doesn’t go after my dog or I”. Regardless of how much you try to rationalize owning a Pit Bull. A dog that bites and refuses to let go until you knock it out with a bat, is not a safe dog breed. Also, who cares what celebrates have owned a Pit Bull!
Again, you keep blaming the owners for the Pit Bulls attacks. When seeing a Pit Bull walking down the street you should not have to say, “I hope this Pit Bull is trained, and doesn’t go after my dog or I”. Regardless of how much you try to rationalize owning a Pit Bull. A dog that bites and refuses to let go until you knock it out with a bat, is not a safe dog breed. Also, who cares what celebrates have owned a Pit Bull!

You should be cautious of any dog you are not familiar with .... not just dogs you perceive dangerous because of CNN. You still have a lot of misinformation and its sad to see. THE Owner 9 out of 10 times is the one responsible. Maybe even less because the people that get bite are often to blame too .... but you know its easier to blame others.

Im guessing you have not met many Bully Breeds, American PBS, and Staffys specifically. Bully Breeds are one of the best companion/family dogs PERIOD. They are in the top 10 in even the anti Bully Temperament tests in which depending on the testers, scores 85%-88% Here is an example of some popular breeds, funny huh?

Golden Retriever = 84.9%

Beagle =80.6%

Bichon Frise =76.7%

Chihuahua =71.1%

Cocker Spaniel =81.9%

Labrador Retriever = 92.4%

Lhasa Apso = 70.4%

Shih Tzu = 78%

Yorkshire Terrier 82.5%

You need to realize that there is a huge difference in the REAL Pit or bully bred dog. Not some POS backyard breeder. Look up the problems with back yard breeder and add ANY type dog you will see they are genetically messed up. Confusion still lies that the dogs were bred to fight .... The were bred for a alot of things , its ancestors bull baiting.

So its not on the owners who buy these dogs ? So should we ban all these cars that keep killing people? The Prius and hell Cadillacs are dangerous as hell, don't get me started on those aggressive Pickups. Its not the drivers fault the car kills people because it could not drive after drinking .... or that Lambo should of known the driver had no experience ... yet it broke all tires into a 360 spin at 200 MPH. We can play blame game. Its on the owner to learn about a dog and its needs before buying . Its on the owner to properly train the dog if it will be out inpublic. On the owner to know their dog and not put it in situations that could harm self / dog our othes. COme to think about it ... should be Ban all trouble making children / kids. Why dont they already know everything .... such a hassle for parents

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