PFT: Woman bitten by Dak Prescott's dog loses part of finger

Dak's play on the field has nothing to do with this - and I defended Zeke when he was facing suspension and I still believe it to be stupid. This here though, again IF all is true that he was previously warned about this twice and got someone injured, he should be punished.

I expect, as she should, she'll be wanting a payout. If they decide to put his dog down then the media will really latch onto this story, the pitbull debate is already heated enough as it is.
Dak will certainly be paying out the nose in a civil case but I don't think the league should punish him.
dak was irresponsible, not incompetent. he will pay for this incident, deservedly so. not likely it will happen again.
Because small dog bites, unless it's a child, normally don't remove the finger or arm of a person. They also aren't a major threat to adults - ever watch a video of a small dog chasing adults through the streets and everyone running in fear while someone then gets dragged through the streets with blood stained cement?

Yeah, you can find that with big dogs. Not little dogs.

Dak is a moron and should be facing suspension for his incompetence.
Hyperbole much. I have never seen a news story of someones dog dragging anyone through the street. I get it maulings happen. While a small dog does not threaten limbs they can disfigure people especially small kids just as easily as "large" dogs. Most dogs it comes down to the owner, also people have a responsibility to not approach "loose" dogs.
I got my first pit when I was around 11 and my sister was 3 at the time. My sister went to the pound on base and took to liking her (the pit) and chose her over the other dogs. That was the day I was surprised after I got home from school to see this dog walking up to me from another room as I went to my room. She was the best dog I had up to that point and I believe was around 2 years old at the time. We had to put her down when she was around 11 or 12 as she developed tumors around her nose making it very hard for her to breathe. And she underwent acl surgery at one point and that was giving her issues as she got older. But before that time, when our first pit was around 8 we got another pit, this time a puppy and I remember like it was yesterday having to sleep with the puppy at night on her bed to keep her from whining. Until she was able to move around on her own and cuddle with our older pit I spent a lot of time at night caring for her like she was a baby. We had ONE fight between the two dogs which led to the younger pit needing stitches in her ears and that's it.

Myself and my family took great care of the dogs, never left them outside overnight because we weren't too good for that. On walks we always had our dogs on leashes and attentive, whereas every other pathetic owner kept their dogs off leashes and any confrontation with another dog was de-escalated due to our control and teaching our dog control as well. I can tell you though there were a few times where the other dog would've ended up severely injured or dead due to them instigating while the pansy owner is taking their sweet time walking down 1/8th mile away trying while quietly calling for their crazy dog. but again, our control including our dogs has shown they have a bad rep for the wrong reasons and I will tell you it's mostly because of the owners.

At home we had no problem letting our dogs run freely in our fence. They loved anything that was big and they can chew on. And basketball sized plastic eggs that weighed about 3lbs were their favorite. They could toss those around, push them out and chase and that's all they wanted. Tug-of-war ropes were a favorite as well. In one of our houses (military kid, moved a lot) they would love to dig 1 foot holes and uncover bricks, like how the heck did they know that was there. Tree roots and thick branches were another favorite to rip and tug at. I could chase them or have them chase me full speed in the fence and never once did I feel threatened. I'm more paranoid about poodles, labs, dobermans, rots and chihuahuas than I ever have been at pits. We also had a shepherd that was just a big goofball and loved being outside in the rain, mud, cold, snow, you name it. We had him with our first pit but had to give him away during a move since we could only keep one. And whether it was stuffed animals in shopping bags they could sniff out as we got home or food, even if I teased them they knew it was in a playful manner and not once did they ever snip at me.

I see owners every day not care, not pick up after, don't walk or exercise their pets, or abandon their pets. I HATE those people, seriously. And I get the feeling every time I hear about a pit in an unfortunate incident that the owner is the biggest pos you could ever meet. If I ever get another dog it will only ever be a pit. No cropped ears, no stupid spike collar, no chain leash, no 4x4 cage for them to be in prison 24/7 I can understand people that found themselves in an incident to be afraid of those dogs, but I feel most of the negative thinking towards them is just massive ignorance because they only feed off the media and probably aren't too good of a dog owner themselves. If someone really cared for a mid size or larger dog that is more aggressive or stronger by nature I think they'd understand where I'm coming from over the people that only ever car for pocket dogs, rat dogs, or some other dog where you probably have never seen their teeth at any point.

I will say if you're biggest fear for any dog is a pit, if you ever have to raise one from a pup I promise you'll change your mind about them. They are very caring, affectionate, playful and active. If you fail as a human you will fail this dog and will continue to be a reason of bad perception.

I tried to host some of my pictures of my second dog, Ginger, and cat, Yoshi, from my photobucket account but apparently photobucket is blocked for some strange reason. If you replace ***blocked*** with photobucket dot com it should work

https://i2.***BLOCKED***/albums/y13/InTheZoneAC/IMG_20160607_173126879_zpsoyyapndv.jpg https://i2.***BLOCKED***/albums/y13/InTheZoneAC/IMG_20161221_180057741_zpszivputhh.jpg https://i2.***BLOCKED***/albums/y13/InTheZoneAC/CIMG2893_zpsio7sx9w7.jpg

This. This goes to all bully breeds also. I never owned a pit but I did own a rottweiler and the looks I would get walking him down the street, you would think I had a Cerebrus on a leash. Very nice dog that had to be put down at 13.5 due to most likely cancer. He was the one and only in the house for 11 years we had my daughter and he tolerated her and her antics better than we thought he would. My daughter would jump on him, try to ride him liek horse and if he got annoyed he would leave the room and go somewhere else.
Hyperbole much. I have never seen a news story of someones dog dragging anyone through the street. I get it maulings happen. While a small dog does not threaten limbs they can disfigure people especially small kids just as easily as "large" dogs. Most dogs it comes down to the owner, also people have a responsibility to not approach "loose" dogs.

Go on YouTube right now and type in "Pitbull chases people in street" you will find multiple videos. This is not "hyperbole", it's right there on YouTube.

And no, some dogs have simply had long line of breeding that made them far more aggressive - this is in both small and large dogs, but the large dogs are more of a thread.

I'll never understand why people are okay with pointing out the positives of breeds in dogs, but not the negatives. Weird.
Go on YouTube right now and type in "Pitbull chases people in street" you will find multiple videos. This is not "hyperbole", it's right there on YouTube.

And no, some dogs have simply had long line of breeding that made them far more aggressive - this is in both small and large dogs, but the large dogs are more of a thread.

I'll never understand why people are okay with pointing out the positives of breeds in dogs, but not the negatives. Weird.

do you know for 100% its a Pitbull? You know even in the News there is less than 20% chance of actually being able to properly ID dog breed. The word Pitbull gets thrown around a ton ... too all dogs that look similar. In fact, there is quite a few breeds ..... then there is the Mutts
Dak would be wise to settle this now while he is making male genitalia, the gals lawyer ain’t stupid and he will go for the homerun. He will insist on waiting until Dak gets paid the big $. Wish it were my finger, I could use a huge cash infusion.
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do you know for 100% its a Pitbull? You know even in the News there is less than 20% chance of actually being able to properly ID dog breed. The word Pitbull gets thrown around a ton ... too all dogs that look similar. In fact, there is quite a few breeds ..... then there is the Mutts

My guess is they went off of Animal Service records which officers identified it. That's probably how they found out about the previous warnings as well.
My guess is they went off of Animal Service records which officers identified it. That's probably how they found out about the previous warnings as well.

Sadly no , because even they have a hard time. Mixed breeds only way to tell what it is 100% certain is a blood / dna test. BTW the list of Dogs that people tend to group " Pit Bulls " in . All get bad reps because they either have bull or terrier in their names. BTW there are no real breed just called pitbulls . There is American Pit Bull Terrier " which beats most dogs in temperament test and American Staffordshire Terrier again dog with great temperament but both get the biggest hate for the name.

  • Alapaha blue blood bulldog
  • Ambullneo mastiff
  • American bulldog
  • American mastiff
  • American pit bull terrier
  • American Staffordshire terrier
  • Anatolian mastiff
  • Australian bulldog
  • Bantam bulldogge
  • Banter Bulldogge
  • Belgian mastiff
  • Boston terrier
  • Boxer
  • Buldogue campeiro
  • Bull terrier
  • Bulldog
  • Bullmastiff
  • Ca de bou
  • Cane corso
  • Catahoula bulldog
  • Dogo Argentino
  • Dogue de Bordeux
  • Dorset olde tyme bulldogge
  • English bulldog
  • Fila Brasileiro
  • French bulldog
  • Great Dane
  • Mastiff
  • Miniature bull terrier
  • Neopolitan mastiff
  • Olde Boston bulldogge
  • Olde English bulldog
  • Pug
  • Pyrenean mastiff
  • Renascence bulldogge
  • Rottweiler
  • Spanish mastiff
  • Staffordshire bull terrier
  • Standard bull terrier
  • Tibetan mastiff
  • Valley bulldog
  • Victorian bulldogge
Sadly no , because even they have a hard time. Mixed breeds only way to tell what it is 100% certain is a blood / dna test. BTW the list of Dogs that people tend to group " Pit Bulls " in . All get bad reps because they either have bull or terrier in their names. BTW there are no real breed just called pitbulls . There is American Pit Bull Terrier " which beats most dogs in temperament test and American Staffordshire Terrier again dog with great temperament but both get the biggest hate for the name.

Oh I know, Pit Bull is a generic term that encompasses many breeds, similar to Spaniel or Sheppard. But if that is how Animal Control identified it, that's what goes on the court records. I had a Brittany Spaniel that was AKC registered. Three years after I got her the AKC dropped the Spaniel part and are now their own sort of breed known as just Brittany.

My college room mate had two Pit's. One very gentle and the other was afraid of her own shadow.
do you know for 100% its a Pitbull? You know even in the News there is less than 20% chance of actually being able to properly ID dog breed. The word Pitbull gets thrown around a ton ... too all dogs that look similar. In fact, there is quite a few breeds ..... then there is the Mutts

Whether a dog is a "mutt" doesn't matter as much if it still has pit in them - it's still going to impact their behavior.

Again, this argument that it's all about the owner and the current environment ignores hundreds of years of breeding and genetics. It's absolutely absurd to just ignore because you have some weird bias towards it - some dogs are naturally timid, some are more gentle lap dogs, some dogs are inherently better hunters and burrowers. This thing where everyone flips once you say one breed is more aggressive and dangerous than another is odd.

Just accept it so we can start coming up with solutions.
Oh I know, Pit Bull is a generic term that encompasses many breeds, similar to Spaniel or Sheppard. But if that is how Animal Control identified it, that's what goes on the court records. I had a Brittany Spaniel that was AKC registered. Three years after I got her the AKC dropped the Spaniel part and are now their own sort of breed known as just Brittany.

My college room mate had two Pit's. One very gentle and the other was afraid of her own shadow.

Brittanys are great dogs , We had one when I was kid growing up. He was the best dam bird dog Ive seen with my own eyes. It was also the breed I learned how to train a game dog. Its alot more fun dragging a pheasant feather around the house as a kid ..... then as you get older and dont bend as well as you used too :D

Whether a dog is a "mutt" doesn't matter as much if it still has pit in them - it's still going to impact their behavior.

Again, this argument that it's all about the owner and the current environment ignores hundreds of years of breeding and genetics. It's absolutely absurd to just ignore because you have some weird bias towards it - some dogs are naturally timid, some are more gentle lap dogs, some dogs are inherently better hunters and burrowers. This thing where everyone flips once you say one breed is more aggressive and dangerous than another is odd.

Just accept it so we can start coming up with solutions.

WOW The difference is HUGE in a mutt vs Purebred, that statement right there and the Hundreds of years remark LOL ...... Maybe learn about the breed if you are going to talk about them in a sensible conversation. The Pit Bull type dog was actually several different dogs in the 19th century but they were called Bull and Terrier. Only 3 of the many types survived until the 1930s The Darlaston, Walsall and Cradley Heath. The American Staffordshire terrier came from the more the lines Cradley heath. The American Pit Bull Terrier was the Walsall . Both breeds of dogs made exelent working and companion dogs. Until people decided to use them for fighting.... Thats where a lot of the bad breeding comes from.

With the growing increase of fighting the dogs came along to breeding dogs into a different standard. HENCE why true purebred matters when it comes to dogs. Have you ever heard of English Bull Terriers? Hint the share the same ancestors as the two above .... The were used for ratting though , they also are in top 10 dogs for family's with children. SO again the bloodlines of dogs matter and thats also why they cost so much. I paid about 7 grand between both my dogs. You cant just start making dogs with no repercussions .... How do humans turn out when they imbreed too much ?>
Hyperbole much. I have never seen a news story of someones dog dragging anyone through the street. I get it maulings happen. While a small dog does not threaten limbs they can disfigure people especially small kids just as easily as "large" dogs. Most dogs it comes down to the owner, also people have a responsibility to not approach "loose" dogs.
Small dogs can disfigure someone just as easily as large dogs? I'm thinking that is incorrect. In a large way.
Whether a dog is a "mutt" doesn't matter as much if it still has pit in them - it's still going to impact their behavior.

Again, this argument that it's all about the owner and the current environment ignores hundreds of years of breeding and genetics. It's absolutely absurd to just ignore because you have some weird bias towards it - some dogs are naturally timid, some are more gentle lap dogs, some dogs are inherently better hunters and burrowers. This thing where everyone flips once you say one breed is more aggressive and dangerous than another is odd.

Just accept it so we can start coming up with solutions.
Your common sense is not so common around here regarding Pit Bulls.

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