Prime Romo would win the Super Bowl with the current Cowboys


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Romo never had a Defense that was this good. He also never got to play with Zeke. Romo’s Quick release, sliding within the pocket, and Houdini escapability would make the o-line better. His accuracy would make Cooper, Beasley, and Gallup better. Too bad Dak makes receivers and the o-line worse.

Romo would be dead in a quarter. His spine would jump out of his body and yell UNCLE after two or three plays. Dak has been under seige since Tyron hurt his back last season and they lost Leary... who are you kiddin?


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I agree 100%...Romo could have gotten us there with this team.

LOL, yeah right. Romo is up in that booth thanking God he doesn't have to play at his age with the current offensive line. I think he prefers to not need a wheel chair and Foley catheter.


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To all the posters on this thread:

“Consider yourself sucked”

—- Bill Parcells.


Still waiting...
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Romo had again a Hall of Fame TE, and No1 WR at all points in his career (Austin/TO/Dez). So who needs a greater supporting cast? Not saying Dak is half the passer or playmaker Romo was but come on man, really.
So then the addition of Amari Cooler as the 'X' receiver means Dak will now unleash the passing beast? Color me sceptical.


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Romo had mostly mediocre defenses, with some being a little better than average, and others were atrocious.

Year ---- Yards ---- Points Allowed (Ranking)
2006 ---- 13 ---- 20
2007 ---- 9 ---- 13
2008 ---- 20 ---- 8
2009 ---- 9 ---- 2
2010 ---- 23 ---- 31
2011 ---- 14 ---- 16
2012 ---- 19 ---- 24
2013 ---- 32 ---- 26
2014 ---- 19 ---- 15
2015 ---- 17 ---- 16

2016 and 2017 we had decent defensive rankings, and those 2 seasons are better than any back to back seasons in the Romo era. The 2018 defense is definitely better than any defense with which Romo played.

2016 ---- 14 ---- 5
2017 ---- 8 ---- 13
2018 ---- 3 ---- 2

They also haven't played a good offense yet.

Let's see how they perform the second half of the season with PHI, ATL and NO before crowning them.


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100% correct coaching doesn't matter. The main preacher of that is @Diehardblues who has claimed for the last millennia that we will never have a quality coach while the Jonses run the team. Which is perfectly arguable by the way. What's not though is his consistent claim that talent wins and not coaching. Yet when confronted with this oxymoron he has created he continues to talk in circles.
Great coaching recruits, builds and amasses talent which wins the games.

Great coaching without talent goes 1-15. Ask Jimmy. Or Tom who had 4 consecutive losing seasons to begin his career and 3 to end his career without as much talent.

How many Super Bowls has Belichick gone to without Brady? Sure he can win some games but not championships.

Coaches build and organize the talent . Talent trumps in the end.

Obviously 408 you have misunderstood my meaning as Garrett has also shown he’s had more success with more talent on the field.


It's been a good 'un, ain't it?
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Romo had better teams and did nothing.

LOL - did nothing?

Yeah he only made 4-12 teams 8-8 single handedly and took 8-8 teams to the playoffs and kept us relevant which kept Jerry happy because that's all he wants anyhow.

Don't believe me - check out 2015.

He did his job - too bad he didn't have anything better than a bottom ten pass defense his whole career, receivers who could hang onto TD passes in the playoffs (Crayton & Fasano vs Giants) or an offensive line that wasn't a revolving door (Vikings playoff game) or a call the we needed after playing a virtually perfect Divisional game (Packers).

This defense and offensive line is much better than any he played with.

He had a 93 playoff career QB rating - like I said, he did his job.

It was the organization who failed him but feel free to back to the Quincy Carter days - they were a blast.


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Garrett has two playoff berths in 9 years. 9 YEARS .

I will never compare Garrett to Belicheat or Jimmy . never .