"If" scenario - who gets cut?

Banned_n_austin said:
I think ignorance is believing that Henson would make a better option than Bledsoe as you seem to forget is what causes people to have the stance that I have. And that that IS your ignorant stance.

This is a discussion board. Your inability to see what are real possibilities because you are so blinded by your own ignorance, and your inablility to grasp the concept that this thread was brought up to discuss a realistic scenario, by an observative fan that sees a real possiblility that there very well may be other options.

Hold your hands over your eyes and put cotton in your ears - I don't care.

Take everything I say personal ... let your panties get in a wad.

If you've paid close attention here, I don't think Romo is a good option at #2. And it's sad that Henson - given the fact that all of you guys ride his jock so hard - can't even beat him out.

We're in trouble if Drew Bledsoe goes down. Ever think about that? Hell no. You're too busy crying about someone attacking your precious and YOUR stupid agenda. It's an issue. And an IMPORTANT ONE. Like it or not.

Maybe you'll never understand. But I don't believe that you're just that dumb. It's early. And now is the time to add someone. Like I said, I don't want Henson OR Romo at #2 ...

Do you know why?

Because they both suck.

#3 sure. You can't expect to be that deep. Cut Romo for all I care. Chances are we won't turn to our 3rd guy. But chances are we will need at least a solid #2.

If you paid attention and quit being so emotional about everything maybe you'd wake the frick up and smell the coffee. But you'd just assume there be the risk that our season be squandered on the shoulders of a deer-in-the-headlights clown like Henson OR ROMO.

I'd rather not. I want my TEAM to win this year.

You'd rather make it into something it's not for YOUR agenda.

Hip waders anyone?

This stuff is getting deep.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Are you out to prove that you are, in fact, a dumba**? If so, you're doing an outstanding job.

Someone who said, Jim Brown's numbers were inflated...i.e. he's overrated...and is not in my top 10 players all time, and that Cunningham had no help in Philly, should really refrain from throwing the term dumbarse around.
BigDFan5 said:
No matter how much you may not like it Banned, Henson IS a Dallas Cowboy and will remain a Dallas Cowboy. IF the Cowboys bring in another QB then Romo will be the one packing his bags

As long as one of them is packing, it's cool. But we can't ride on either of these guys at #2.

BigDFan5 said:
No matter how much you may not like it Banned, Henson IS a Dallas Cowboy and will remain a Dallas Cowboy. IF the Cowboys bring in another QB then Romo will be the one packing his bags
Banned_n_austin said:
Which brings me to my point of you lacking substance ...

Not an iota of logic in response ...

Here's what I've come to expect when I converse with you. See below (I don't know why I even bother)

;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) < --- that's substance to you.

You reap what you sow.

When you began your little crusade, you began it with one inaccuracy after another. I attempted to correct the "mythology" of your argument in a logical manner. After countless attempts at logical debate, it was clear that it was fruitless.

Don't like the bed you made?

Too bad.
CaptainAmerica said:
If anyone on this board believes Jerry is going to release Henson after this camp, they are simply ignorant!!

There is NO way Henson gets released.

Bill hates like hell to carry even three qbs (wow did he love double dipping Tommy Tupa at punter and 3rd qb)..but even if he has to carry FOUR (it'd kill him having to...what with the dline depth and lb considerations), but Henson is, as you say, an investment that will not be abandoned this year.

Romo is doing 'better', but it is still HIS job on the line, if anyone's is.
LaTunaNostra said:
There is NO way Henson gets released.

Bill hates like hell to carry even three qbs (wow did he love double dipping Tommy Tupa at punter and 3rd qb)..but even if he has to carry FOUR (it'd kill him having to...what with the dline depth and ln considerations), but Henson is, as you say, an investment that will not be abandoned this year.

Romo is doing 'better', but it is still HIS job on the line, if anyone's is.
Now LTN you know I'm with you on this. But talk like that is just going to really upset Nors and his gang of followers. :D
blindzebra said:
You reap what you sow.

When you began your little crusade, you began it with one inaccuracy after another. I attempted to correct the "mythology" of your argument in a logical manner. After countless attempts at logical debate, it was clear that it was fruitless.

Once again, you're entirely off-base and without an armed response.

Your obsession with your own agenda and desire to debate a single topic, unsuccessfully I might add, has disassembled your ability to grasp the concept that we need a servicable back up and that we may not have a servicable back up on our roster.

That means, in English, that nor Henson or Romo may not be the answer to even the #2 spot.

If you'd unsaddle from your one-trick pony for just a moment, you might find yourself to be enlightened to the fact that this is a possibility.

Don't like the bed you made?

Too bad.

And what is this?

Some sort of insult?

Let me tell how offended I am. This is one of those message board drive-by's ... kind of like throwing poo against the wall and seeing if it sticks. An ever so substanceless attempt to pat your hollow head while not-so-cleverly trying to insult me, simultaneously.

Spare me the drama and the hypocritical "agenda" line. And the "reap what you sows" ... you only insult yourself with the capacity that you bring with responses like that.

Now pardon me, I've got a 'crusade' to lead - fielding the best team possible in 2005.

It's the O nickel. And Dallas has been gone too long to be hampered by the likes of you ...

big dog cowboy said:
Now LTN you know I'm with you on this. But talk like that is just going to really upset Nors and his gang of followers. :D
Big Dog, on one level it upsets ME.

Because it perpetuates the elitest, 'pedigree and privilege' entitlement system I loathe. The one that comes down on the side of a traditional definition of 'potential' over achievement. It's anti-lunch pail, anti-blue collar, anti-pull yourself up Parcells Guy philosophy. It's weighted towards underachievers and against over-.

On a FAIR playing field, Tony and Drew would be viewed the same...but when it comes to this particular position, and its importance, the apple cart gets overturned.

I have no problem whatsover seeing Drew carried, catered to, and cuddled for years..if he has the potential I think he has. The long view picture is important too, perhaps, even more so.

But if Romo shows significant improvement, but just not quite enough for Bill to feel comfy trusting the bus to him should #11 go down..and won't carry 4 qbs for some very legitimate reasons....

..and Romo gets cut.

I will be very ticked.
LaTunaNostra said:
There is NO way Henson gets released.

Bill hates like hell to carry even three qbs (wow did he love double dipping Tommy Tupa at punter and 3rd qb)..but even if he has to carry FOUR (it'd kill him having to...what with the dline depth and lb considerations), but Henson is, as you say, an investment that will not be abandoned this year.

Romo is doing 'better', but it is still HIS job on the line, if anyone's is.

Serious question, LTN:

Do you really think that if we bring in a back up that we would keep four?

Or do you think Romo gets cut?

I'm serious, what do you think would happen?
Banned_n_austin said:
OK, we've heard it from the horses mouth. Parcells let the cat out of the bag today regarding depth at the QB spot ...

If (key word) someone is brought in, who do you think gets cut at QB?

Surely, we won't keep 4 QB's on the roster ...
Has to be Romo...you can afford to hope Henson will get in in another year or two...I'd feel much better with a veteran backup and only 1 developmental guy, in this case Henson.

I'm not even sure Romo wouldn't clear waivers and be signed to the practice squad unless some other team is really hurting for a #3.
wayne_motley said:
Has to be Romo...you can afford to hope Henson will get in in another year or two...I'd feel much better with a veteran backup and only 1 developmental guy, in this case Henson.

I'm not even sure Romo wouldn't clear waivers and be signed to the practice squad unless some other team is really hurting for a #3.

I like this response. Especially the point you make about the practice squad (though it may or may not be true). It may very well be the case. It's actually the kind of response I was looking for. This whole deal does concern me ...

You don't have to talk about it though ... there are 20 other threads on the first page if you're not interested ...
LaTunaNostra said:
Big Dog, on one level it upsets ME.

Because it perpetuates the elitest, 'pedigree and privilege' entitlement system I loathe. The one that comes down on the side of a traditional definition of 'potential' over achievement. It's anti-lunch pail, anti-blue collar, anti-pull yourself up Parcells Guy philosophy. It's weighted towards underachievers and against over-.

On a FAIR playing field, Tony and Drew would be viewed the same...but when it comes to this particular position, and its importance, the apple cart gets overturned.

I have no problem whatsover seeing Drew carried, catered to, and cuddled for years..if he has the potential I think he has. The long view picture is important too, perhaps, even more so.

But if Romo shows significant improvement, but just not quite enough for Bill to feel comfy trusting the bus to him should #11 go down..and won't carry 4 qbs for some very legitimate reasons....

..and Romo gets cut.

I will be very ticked.
I understand your concern Tuna, but that's why teams spend millions on scouting and the draft....young guys like Henson and Romo, who have no experience, have to be evaluated on potential, which is why you keep the guy you spent a draft pick on....eventually, production matters more than pedigree, but not at this point in their careers.

That's why, no matter how they perform in preseason, Thompson would never be kept at RB while we cut our drafted RB...it just won't happen after the time and money spent in deciding which one was deserving of being drafted.
Banned_n_austin said:
Serious question, LTN:

Do you really think that if we bring in a back up that we would keep four?

Or do you think Romo gets cut?

I'm serious, what do you think would happen?
Ben, I do not know.

I do know Bill's long time aversion to carrying four dress-wearers ;) , and this year, with the better depth, and the vital need for it in defensive rotation..well, Tuna is a defensive guy to begin with, and chopping off a Thomas or a Ratliff and losing them from the ps to carry a Romo and a Huard type along with a not-ready Henson will not sit well with him.

I think that fact plays well to Tony's chances..every benefit of the doubt will be given him..especially if the QBs "out there" don't represent that much of an upgrade. Not signing "marginal upgrades" has been a Tuna mantra for awhile here. And of course, Tony has the fact he has upside, and a journeyman does not..just stability, in his favor.

More good news for Tony is what's out there will most likely still be out there if Bledsoe gets hurt somewhere down the road in regular season.

Tony has a lot going for him...he just needs to demonstrate enough improvement in bus driving this preseason to ease Bill's mind...and I think the factors mentioned (roster talent/depth, Bill's hatred of carrying 4 qbs, and the fact you can probably find a Damon Huard in October as well as August) will heavily factor in.) And we have to remember, the back ups Bill's had in Dallas in 03 and 04 have been inferior to what Tony should be now...

What Tony can't do is blow it this summer. Can't have abysmal outings, or give any evidence of regression. No impulse throws, not even 4th down "punts", :D just try to work it down the field. Maturity.

But no, I don't see Bill carrying four qbs, nope. Not unless one starts filling in at linebacker.
I don't think Romo is PS eligible and Henson would last about 5 seconds before 15-20 teams made a waiver claim.
wayne_motley said:
I understand your concern Tuna, but that's why teams spend millions on scouting and the draft....young guys like Henson and Romo, who have no experience, have to be evaluated on potential, which is why you keep the guy you spent a draft pick on....eventually, production matters more than pedigree, but not at this point in their careers.

That's why, no matter how they perform in preseason, Thompson would never be kept at RB while we cut our drafted RB...it just won't happen after the time and money spent in deciding which one was deserving of being drafted.
I know, Wayne. That's the way it is.

But the occasional Warner or Brady proving the exception, has, I think, made the brain trusts much more focused on not automatically coming down on the side of pricey potential. A glimpse of pure talent, or exceptional work ethic, or intriguing versatility in a walk-on can turn the tide.

Managers all want to uncover diamonds-in-the-rough, on the cheap..makes 'em feel thrifty as well as clever...so the Thompsons, et al, are sitting a little but prettier than they did in years past.

I'm for a ps of at least 40 myself. :)
LaTunaNostra said:
Ben, I do not know.

I do know Bill's long time aversion to carrying four dress-wearers ;) , and this year, with the better depth, and the vital need for it in defensive rotation..well, Tuna is a defensive guy to begin with, and chopping off a Thomas or a Ratliff and losing them from the ps to carry a Romo and a Huard type along with a not-ready Henson will not sit well with him.

I think that fact plays well to Tony's chances..every benefit of the doubt will be given him..especially if the QBs "out there" don't represent that much of an upgrade. Not signing "marginal upgrades" has been a Tuna mantra for awhile here. And of course, Tony has the fact he has upside, and a journeyman does not..just stability, in his favor.

More good news for Tony is what's out there will most likely still be out there if Bledsoe gets hurt somewhere down the road in regular season.

Tony has a lot going for him...he just needs to demonstrate enough improvement in bus driving this preseason to ease Bill's mind...and I think the factors mentioned (roster talent/depth, Bill's hatred of carrying 4 qbs, and the fact you can probably find a Damon Huard in October as well as August) will heavily factor in.) And we have to remember, the back ups Bill's had in Dallas in 03 and 04 have been inferior to what Tony should be now...

What Tony can't do is blow it this summer. Can't have abysmal outings, or give any evidence of regression. No impulse throws, not even 4th down "punts", :D just try to work it down the field. Maturity.

But no, I don't see Bill carrying four qbs, nope. Not unless one starts filling in at linebacker.

LOL. Nice post. It sounds like you think someone may get cut, without actually saying who ... but I get your point.

And I'm not rooting against anyone here just to root against someone. But I do like to keep things in perspective. And I think Parcells feels the same way. If he wants to go into the season fielding these guys, more power to him. I'll still think he's a great coach. But that's a decision he'll have to live with.

My feeling is, if he brings in someone else that we could see both QB's juggled to somehow stay in Dallas and be brought back to compete for even another year next year.

If Tony Romo has practice squad eligiblity, then I could very well see him get cut from the 53 man roster while we cross our fingers we didn't lose a guy that trained with us and was farmiliar with our sytstem.

Of course the longer this kind of thing takes, the more doubtful it becomes that someone could just come right in and take over ... you still have to learn the offense.

But I think it's possible that Tony Romo would be the one that we put his neck under the guillateen (how do you spell that?) and see if it falls just for the fact that he is practice-squad-eligible.

But I also agree that this may not be so "fair" in the "let the best man" win the job motto. But it does make sense. And it is a possibility. One that I'm not going to bury my head in the sand over, because I prefer one guy over another.

Here's my real opinion though: Bill is going to wait until after camp to bring someone in ... there's less of a chance someone might snatch Romo, if in fact Romo is cut, from the practice squad after camp.

The timing is a gamble both ways if this scenario were to play out ... but this way would be banking on Drew being healthy for at least 4 weeks and give the guy they bring in time to get up to speed.

If Bledsoe were to get hurt early, Henson (or Romo) would get the nod ...
blindzebra said:
I don't think Romo is PS eligible and Henson would last about 5 seconds before 15-20 teams made a waiver claim.

If Romo is not practice squad eligible, that's not good for Henson. JMO though ...
Banned_n_austin said:
If Romo is not practice squad eligible, that's not good for Henson. JMO though ...

Actually it is, because Henson would not clear waivers to get put on the PS, IMO.

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