Rate the last movie you saw

ChldsPlay;3866307 said:

A Single Man seemed interesting to you, so I'd say just about everything should pique your interest.
LOL. I love that that's your comeback for Paul Blart. It really shows the difference between the two of us.
theogt;3866750 said:
LOL. I love that that's your comeback for Paul Blart. It really shows the difference between the two of us.

The difference is, you're obsessed with Paul Blart and even the most dull movies interest you. Must be nice to be so easily amused.
Boom;3865731 said:
Hall Pass - 6/10 Full of crude humor if you are into that (I am). Had some funny moments. Had some dull moments.

I was going to give it the same grade.

Not bad ... had some moments that were crudely funny, but not real good.
Chief;3867246 said:
I was going to give it the same grade.

Not bad ... had some moments that were crudely funny, but not real good.

Exact same thing from me too, for the same reasons.
Rango 8/10 - solid animation. Funny in parts, pretty interesting. I really liked it, but the bar is Despicable Me, HTTYD so it's just a little short of that. It was cute though.

The Adjustment Bureau 7/10. Decent concept, but didn't really appreciate the ending, they boxed themselves into a corner, and the ending was too convenient. I won't give away the ending, but I think the original way it could have turned out would have made for a potentially great sequel. They can describe what happens to you, but, I would have been interested to see what does happen to you if you they did do that to you.
Beauty and the Beast

The restored special edition on Blu-Ray.
The magic that was Disney.

10 Out of 10 Stars.
Hellboy - 10/10
Caught it on cable and re-watched it. What a great movie. Cool in every respect.
vta;3868055 said:
Hellboy - 10/10
Caught it on cable and re-watched it. What a great movie. Cool in every respect.
The second one was horrible IMO
The Fighter-

Performances were better than the movie, but still a great movie.

Just watched "The American" with George Clooney.
No wonder the world hates us...

Knight and Day...Ugh.
Watching "My Little Pony" winning the Belmont Stakes is more credible than some scenes I saw in that piece of celluloid.

Had to break out "Blazing Saddles" to purify myself.
TheCowboy;3868647 said:
The second one was horrible IMO

I thought the 2nd was much better than the first, but didn't think either were that good.
The Lovely Bones.


All kinds of different emotions in this one. I will tell you that Stanley Tucci's (sp?) performance is stellar. Mark Wahlberg, however can't sell me on anything but being a bad ***.

Some trippy and stunning visuals also. I encourage you to watch.
"True Grit"...definitely a "go see it" movie. Superb acting. If you love westerns you will love this remake.
CanuckCowboysFan;3869956 said:
Miss March


One of the worst movies I've seen recently. Horrible plot.
LOL I loved that movie. It's a good rental.
The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia....8/10

This is a documentary about the most white-trash, redneck family in Boone County, West Virginia. They fight, rob, steal, party, whatever! I watched it on Netflix. It's so gnarly.

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