35 minutes of purge election year was enough.
I should have kept my oath regarding not to watch this film when it first came out..... 0/10
Same here,,,, I just redboxed,,," going in style " the 30 minutes of previews are rolling nowlol, I like the Purge movies for some odd reason
lol, I like the Purge movies for some odd reason
I can't shake off the BS film mindset as much as I used to and take films for what they are....like I ever really did.....
About 30 - 35 mins in my eyes are closing due to the following farce...
The sniper in the alley bit
The way that man takes out 2 of them after him and some women or another get out the house
He blows up the house with his Nokia
The reaction time of the second guy after the first is stabbed would suggest he has slouth DNA.....
I'd rather watch teen titans go or gumball
Just watched Colossal last night with the wife. I'd give it a B-.
lol, I like the Purge movies for some odd reason
+3 points awarded for astute observation concerning man in ally way thwarting the endeavors of a sniper positioned from elevated concealment,,and,,, inferring some stabbed mans associate possess slouth like DNA attributes
Right that's it I am gonna watch the rest of it......if not for the lol a minute stuff that can be post d here with you lot.....
Heck the rest of the film might grow on me and remove the grumps I seem to let hang over me come most films I sit in on
I watched the original Robocop the other day and it was HILARIOUS
its amazing how far we've come in CGI, etc because when I watched it when it first came out, it seemed like a well done, futuristic looking movie and now it looks cheesy as hell
What's your point?
,,er,,Copy!>>p s 3
ohhhhhh this (gotta stop wrong type of thread) GTA 4/Mass effects 3 <---- had to fit that in k thnx b will keep on topic
was gonna reply to the cowboy stuff but see the above will erm message ya about them or send a pidgeon or flintstone rock slate thing , how far back am i taking the art of messaging....