News: Report: Tony Romo met with CBS bosses amid broadcasting criticism

Honestly, Romo shouldve been on the ESPN crew, that way we wouldn't have to hear him so often. Better in doses lol
This post and your other post are confusing
You can be a blow hard and still be good. Nance does everything. Great voice. Been around forever. He’s a pros pro. Still full of himself.
I've only seen replays of Summerall's call and they were boring, no enthusiasm in his voice
Well, I guess the enthusiasm was more on Madden's side, Pat's style was more of a presenter, the focus was on the game, the players, the event, he had a way of making you feel in the Roman Colliseum about to watch the gladiators battle it to the death, I was just a kid, so I'm not objective at all, but boy, sundays we were on!

Those days you did'nt notice who the broadcasters were, the focus was on football, these days they make too much of a fuzz about themselves or some star players, I don't wanna know what Aaron Rodgers family issues are during the game, lol. JMO as and older fan.
He doesn't have the same enthusiasm he had his first year. Before he sounded like someone excited to call games, and he would tell you exactly what every play was about to be. This year he seemed like he'd rater b anywhere else, and you would sometimes hear him ramble in a monotone fashion or just trail off.
I think l heard him call 2 games this year. I didn't really pay attention to the first game but the second game l definitely noticed a lack of enthusiasm. I just thought maybe he was having an off day...
Well, I guess the enthusiasm was more on Madden's side, Pat's style was more of a presenter, the focus was on the game, the players, the event, he had a way of making you feel in the Roman Colliseum about to watch the gladiators battle it to the death, I was just a kid, so I'm not objective at all, but boy, sundays we were on!

Those days you did'nt notice who the broadcasters were, the focus was on football, these days they make too much of a fuzz about themselves or some star players, I don't wanna know what Aaron Rodgers family issues are during the game, lol. JMO as and older fan.
I agree, I don't like the outside stuff either, but that's the world we live in today. With social media, we're gonna hear every outside story, just like with Brady's divorce
I think he has a ton of other things he would rather do. He's a multi millionaire with a bunch of kids and a smoking hot wife. Loves to golf more then anything. Maybe the broadcasting bit has gotten a bit stale to him. If that's the case and he isn't doing the prep work before games then shame on him. Just because your a bit of a natural doesn't mean you don't have to work to refine your craft.
Broadcasting is more than knowing what play is going to be run next. To me he just left a lot to be desired from a broadcasting standpoint, and his voice is annoying.
This is where it's at for me too. When he burst onto the scene with that prediction stuff, it was refreshing. Now, it's like, "what else you got?" Even the predictions are off in big time games. Last weekend was the second time he was wrong in a Championship Game about a big play he predicted wasn't going to be run by a team to draw the defense off sides and the offense did run the play. I said it after the first time he did that which was to let the big moments in games write themselves. No need to be all in there adding drama that's there already.
Aikman and Buck are still the best out there, but a lot of our fans don't like them because they're not praising Dallas everytime we play
Buck is annoying at times. Not because he doesn't praise Dallas but he seems to not be able to let his bias go when calling games. Either way, they are the best. No team will be perfect everyone will always pale in comparison to Madden and Summerall...then 20 years from now we will be complaining nothing was as good as Aikman and Buck....
Yeah I don't know if its lazy or what but Romo was bad at times. At first it was one game. But then you'd turn it in and he would just be down right goofy at times. Still no terrible but I just don't understand why he changed up...he comes across as the drunk uncle at times and that's a big contrast from being the future of announcing because he was on that path.
Buck is annoying at times. Not because he doesn't praise Dallas but he seems to not be able to let his bias go when calling games. Either way, they are the best. No team will be perfect everyone will always pale in comparison to Madden and Summerall...then 20 years from now we will be complaining nothing was as good as Aikman and Buck....
Lol @ bias. Prove that you can see inside his head. Buck is a smart guy. He knows the chatter and gets under fans' skin to keep them talking about him. Pissed off viewers watch way more than unbothered viewers do because the pissed off ones keep going back over and over and over again to "prove" that what they see confirms their gripe so they can be validated in their whining and can co-whine with others. Politicians, TV news, and sports media know this better than anyone.
Lol @ bias. Prove that you can see inside his head. Buck is a smart guy. He knows the chatter and gets under fans' skin to keep them talking about him. Pissed off viewers watch way more than unbothered viewers do because the pissed off ones keep going back over and over and over again to "prove" that what they see confirms their gripe so they can be validated in their whining and can co-whine with others. Politicians, TV news, and sports media know this better than anyone.
I've heard his MLB broadcasts and its a completely different way he carries himself. I don't know if its a bias or what it is. I was giving him credit saying it was a bias. Maybe he's just clueless at times. I don't know. But there are certain athletes he can't contain himself on. He never liked Randy Moss and TO. I guess the "diva" outspoken guy was his thing for disliking. And if you wear a star...he can't stand you. But if you're Brady you walk on water. He seems to love Russell Wilson for some reason even when he sucks though.
He sounded a bit old too when he compared Mahomes to Jordan and Drexler finals duel in 92, he has to update his references a little :laugh:
He doesn't have the same enthusiasm he had his first year. Before he sounded like someone excited to call games, and he would tell you exactly what every play was about to be. This year he seemed like he'd rater b anywhere else, and you would sometimes hear him ramble in a monotone fashion or just trail off.
This best captures the games I've heard him call. I dunno, were we all too taken by that KC/NE game where he seemed to know exactly what play Brady would call before he called it? I agree this last season not only was he wrong a lot, but
he didn't seem to have an insight into individual players. I hear a lot of "oh wow," or "oh my" type comments.

Me, I like to watch the OL/DL battles more than the WRs. But at least Olsen could explain to you why certain receivers were getting open. I dunno---it just seemed like this year Romo was not providing as much "this is why that play worked" kind of analysis.
I don't listen to enough CBS games to really know what they are concerned with. He sounds like all the other ex-players broadcasting games.
Lol @ bias. Prove that you can see inside his head. Buck is a smart guy. He knows the chatter and gets under fans' skin to keep them talking about him. Pissed off viewers watch way more than unbothered viewers do because the pissed off ones keep going back over and over and over again to "prove" that what they see confirms their gripe so they can be validated in their whining and can co-whine with others. Politicians, TV news, and sports media know this better than anyone.
Are you dating Joe Buck?
I blame the crew in the truck, and the sideline reporter, and the caterers.

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