News: Report: Tony Romo met with CBS bosses amid broadcasting criticism

Maybe he's bored..........might be a good time to consider coaching.
My first thought as well. He is a competition and adrenaline junkie. It was a challenge at first and he went all in to be the best. Now, the challenge is gone and he doesn't get the same rush from calling games so slacking off a bit is just human nature.
You never want to be the highest paid. Your every move is scrutinized . They expect more from you. And when heads get cut, you are the first to go..
He probably has more money then he’ll ever need and is trying to get let go.

I haven’t noticed this on air drop off. I love it when he’s calling the game.
Yes let’s get more guys in the booth who provide no real emotion and just talk like robots rather than someone who seems genuinely excited to be there
I do, however, enjoy the occasional skull crack of a sideline reporter getting smashed by a stray football.
Why do you care? And, it's kind of an exaggeration of how mad you think fans are. But, then again that's your schtick.
Why do I care? Because it applies here and because human tendencies are sometimes funny to observe and point out. It's also funny that those tendencies will continue even after pointing them out.

And you think I exaggerate about how mad fans get when your first post to me in here was asking if I was dating Joe Buck and then accuse me of having a schtick after my reply perfectly supported my previous argument you jumped into? Well alrighty then ..... Someone's definitely caring alright. Lol.
It is 100% subjective.

Some hate Joe Buck and think he's a Cowboys hater but I do not agree. But that does not make them wrong either.

My favorite is Michaels but he had a rough year, some of those shots of him in the booth made me wonder if he was in the bag. He's always been glib and quick in the past but seemed to struggle this season.
Yeah, that hasn't been talked about much but Michaels has really fallen off. It's almost like he has a different vantage point in the stadiums this season and he can't follow the action as closely as in the past. Or maybe father time is creeping in and his reaction time is going. He's also subdued when calling exciting action too. Worst year I've heard out of him.
I was one of Romo's biggest supporters, and in honesty, I probably still am.

But I think things came easy to Tony, all-state basketball player, very good NFL QB, very good golfer, and then took the broadcasting world by storm.

I could see his slacking in preparation because of his confidence. I don't like to say it because I am such a fan of his. But it's easy to see it happening when everything you try in life seems so easy to accomplish.
This. It's actually hilarious as TR fed the fans filet mignon his first few years broadcasting as other broadcasters kept feeding fans the usual burgers and dogs because that is actually all they have to offer in football knowledge. Lately TR dumbs it down with a few burgers and dogs of his own and now a few fans feel mistreated. TR knows more about NFL football than 100% of any fan and probably 98% of all past and present NFL players. TR keep doing what you're doing and laugh all the way to the bank and golf course. You deserve a nice retirement and let the detractors eat cake.
This. It's actually hilarious as TR fed the fans filet mignon his first few years broadcasting as other broadcasters kept feeding fans the usual burgers and dogs because that is actually all they have to offer in football knowledge. Lately TR dumbs it down with a few burgers and dogs of his own and now a few fans feel mistreated. TR knows more about NFL football than 100% of any fan and probably 98% of all past and present NFL players. TR keep doing what you're doing and laugh all the way to the bank and golf course. You deserve a nice retirement and let the detractors eat cake.
Love your comment! Couldn't have come close to saying it as good.
I was one of Romo's biggest supporters, and in honesty, I probably still am.

But I think things came easy to Tony, all-state basketball player, very good NFL QB, very good golfer, and then took the broadcasting world by storm.

I could see his slacking in preparation because of his confidence. I don't like to say it because I am such a fan of his. But it's easy to see it happening when everything you try in life seems so easy to accomplish.
he clearly has other things that are just important to him... i.e. attempting to go to the PGA
Personally, I think this article is bunk. Number one, it's from the New York Post, which is hardly the New York Times.

And then the quote from the CBS Executives says it been distorted by media, "we visit all our talent."

Seems to me someone is pushing their pro-Dak, anti-Romo agenda.
I think they might want to start looking at Nantz. Article is basically saying there was the same problem with Sims. Kinda reads like CBS is chosing Nantz side
They're useless but to those that are casual fans or don't know much about the sport. To those who have a better idea and go to live games, I would think, prefer to not here blanket comments about what you already know.
About as useless are the sideline reporters. Telling you what someone just did.
I always wished there was a setting so you could choose the commentators if you wanted to, but could listen to the on field sounds as you follow along. The constant talking is annoying.
How about the sideline reporters asking the HC how he's going to stop the bleeding in a beatdown? The reporters and the HC's both seem to like that sooooooo much.

Try popping a gummie and turning on the music and the volume down? I've done this with Classical music before and there are actual times it looks as if the players have been choreographed, it's quite entertaining.

But then I want them to do some Riverdance in the endzone, as a team, in celebration of the touchdown but they do not. And I am disappointed.
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